Tell me your secret! I am getting just over 35K on cripling/large?!! |
Please see my post in the Guardian Halls
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Hey GH, I reckon that Large crip military 60K is on - you seem to have the hang of maximizing the score now, so go for it.
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Hey GH, I reckon that Large crip military 60K is on - you seem to have the hang of maximizing the score now, so go for it. |
I'm sure I'll try for it sometime. I'm still used to playing on Abundant maps and finding the other players quick for trade. If I try abundant on anything more than medium (and it's iffy on medium) the AIs get too many planets for me to handle.
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Do you think the planet quantity, abundant to rare maps effects score, or in other words is map size the most important factor not the abundancy |
I don't know. I know that maps with too many planets are harder to play. I don't know if there is an easy way to test, unless maybe by playing a small crip on rare and seeing if my score drops a lot. Hmmm, might be worth a test...
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There will be a very minor indirect effect on the score, due to having more planets and being able to research at a faster rate (how far you get in the tech tree, and how fast you get there is one of the scoring elements).
It won't affect population score, as that is calculated according to your percentage of total galaxy population, so everyone's will be higher on abundant.
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Welcome back Tiber87! Come see us here or in the Guardian Halls Link
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Yet another record to aim for:
Search: Sort by: Empire Name Ranking # OverLords # Battles Asc Desc
Rank Empire Emperor Overlords Battles Score
6 Canadian Star Federation Paguma 123 1154 3655260
5 G.R.O.S.S. Captain Jack Sparrow 44 1126 3748746
1 The Galactic Guardians Theoden of Rohan 30 1112 6253537
Ordered by number of battles. Undead lead us by 42 games. What say we fix this?
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Attention Magnumaniac: (bip)*
* That was the sound of 10 billion Yor cranial units being delivered. As always, it is my pleasure to serve the Galactic Guardians!
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Greldon, you're an animal!
(Thank goodness you're on our side!)
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Had to drop these off...
Yeah, me too.
Lothmorg: Take a break Dude! |
Right back at ya!
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Getting Closer...
BANG! 52K Large Crip Alliance...
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Really it is not an excitting record. |
Well, when you're almost 2,000,000 in front of the next empire, and their mostly retired...
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We've still got to get a few more into the top 25...
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We've still got to get a few more into the top 25... |
If that was an invitation, I'll be happy to see you there. May take me a bit, but I wouldn't mind making it all the way into the top 25 without playing a maso game. When you get there, save a space for me, huh?
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Now that I'm in my second maso game, I have a couple questions. Do I trade techs just to keep the AP's up with me tech wise, so that they are deveoping new techs to trade. Should there be a list of techs not to trade the AP's so we can get trade goods and galactic wonders ahead of them with a bit of a head start. I miss so many GW's and Tg's by 1 or 2 turns. |
Cheese answer: When you are close on wonders, save often and if the AI completes ahead of you, reload and rush buy. Then HIS resources are wasted!
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