Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
Now I gotta go Greldonize something...I'll be back! |
You see, that's exactly what I mean by setting an example! Go get 'em, Greldon!
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GTR, awesome BOOMs! I know that you were playing with Magnumaniac's maso strategy. Are you still using that? (Gotta confess, I've tried it several times now--even dropped the difficulty down to Crippling--and I'm getting wiped!)
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by Citizen Brewskin - 4/21/2004 7:43:42 PM
Yo MD, yes, I'm using MM's most excellent guide, slightly modified. Where exactly are you having troubles?
I've found that the start is huge, a centralized location makes things much easier, but even more so is having a good to great starting system. I ended up with 5 systems after my ship building was done, and never built another. Up until 2182 or so, I was checking for trades nearly every turn, after that it dropped off to when I discovered a new tech. I didn't try to buy any production, and only rushed a few TGs and wonders, none early though; after the initial reseach rush, getting the basic buildings to ensure financial stability were my goals. Ended the game with only 4 trade routes, and had way more moolah than needed.
After that stage, it was pretty much 50Soc/50Res the rest of the game. From 2186 on, it was basically clicking end turn, occasionally looking for trades, and keeping relations Warm-Friendly. I didn't bother with trying to take anyone out, and allied with everyone in Jan. 2190, right on schedule.
The Yor, Drengin, Torians, and Drath never even got enough of a navy going to make buying it worthwhile, they'll find a new world awaiting now that they've been assimilated into the Terran Alliance.
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GTR, thanks for the reply. I've had many 'false starts' with what looked to be a promising starting position (center of galaxy, high PQ Earth, several more nearby, early contacts, and strong initial trading). I kept production and research at the max, which means that my cash is virtually non-existent (having nearly bottomed out during the initial phase). Then they start popping things out before I get to them: economic and manufacturing capitals (I know that theirs do not preclude mine, but it's an indication of how far behind I am at that point!), Diplo Translators (critical, in my mind), then the other TGs (less critical, in my mind), and even GSE! At that point I throw my hands up in disgust, re-read Magman's strategy, and wonder how I could possibly be screwing it up!
Edit: Particularly in light of statements like:
That game was almost too easy...
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The start sounds OK Major D. What month / year are you at when you miss out on the GSE?
My build order for Earth is always Soil, bank, habitat, fusion plant, man center, entertainment network, man capital, economic capital, GSE. Provided you've stopped all research after the first batch of required techs and gone 100% social, this should bring the GSE in around April / May 2182.
Remember to get some freighters from early trades and get those trade routes going fast.
Diplo Translators (critical, in my mind) |
Not so. Let an AI build it - in my experience they do not trade it with other AIs very often (if at all), but you can buy it from them once the economy is nice and healthy for 20-30bc over 99 months. Wonders first - GSE, GE, Eyes, Restaurant, you can always get the TGs in trade.
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by Citizen Brewskin - 4/21/2004 8:18:43 PM
Hey, I hear ya, MD, it does aggravate me to see them throw out those Capitals and Wonders, etc., but don't despair.
The thing is, if you stick to the basics of MM's guide, you will seem behind early on, but will, probably by 2181-82, be right back in the thick of things, excepting possibly some Military tech, which I ignore, unless I can trade for them easily and use as tradebait elsewhere. Diplo Trans can be gotten pretty cheaply too, as well as all the other TGs you may have missed. As for the wonders, they're nice to have, but you don't need them. Agian, starting picks can help here, maxing Morale and Diplomacy seem to be the most important, I added +10 Econ as well.
Another key is not researching anything the Aliens are, let them do the work for you, out of nearly 100 techs I had at the end of this last game, I had only reseached about 30.
The toughest problem I encountered was when to begin the 100% Social run, it has to be timed so that you never go into the red, but after you have enough techs to trade back and forth during the non researching period. This is where I first have to cut my spending rate back, though of course as the improvements are built, and trade routes become more established, it can be increased.
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I had one the other day - 7 systems with in easy reach and 2 were PQ20+. the AI only got 2 or 3 each. This was a Large/Rare as well.
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Magnumaniac and GTR, thank you for the pointers! Once more into the breach! (Wait a minute... Was the breach this way? Or was it back over there? Oh, darn it! I got lost and confused way too easily these days. Blasted Yor! I'm certain it's their fault! Oh, there they are now--payback time! )
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In my games, they will colonize a PQ 14. I've seen it twice now, but it is very rare. Then again, I have seen them go an entire game on 1 system. That is, until I blew it up.
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I'm playing on a medium abundant right now. It's Nov 2182, and I am playing with about 40% spending. I played for most of 81 and half of 82 with 0% spending. There were 12! systems within 2 sectors of sol that I had to grab! By the time I took them all, everyone was so far ahead, nobody would trade tech! Dregon were Hostile! So, for a gamble before trashing the game, I went to 0% spending and just started buying! 4 worlds from the Dregon (ching) then 2 from the - who are they - the annoying yellow worlds(ching), then 4 more from Mr Korx (ching)! Went from no tech to tech leader, got Diplo Trans in the bargin! Half my worlds are still trying to build Soil Enhancments! Now, if there were only a way to force the Altarians to build transports - grrr They have 4 more systems I'd like to purchase...
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Would you settle for 9000?
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Would you settle for 9000 |
Yeah, 9900 is a little ambitious...
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BTW: I know it can be tricky to arrange, but I really think Theoden should have the honor of post 10,000! Just have to have the cooperation of the Meta for this. Else we would need to defend against pirates, Jedi, and everybody else!
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Wow, sounds like a good game, GH, what a start! |
Thanks! Actually, I was posting to show that you can fall very far behind, but as long as you have economy working for you and a jump on claiming the systems, there's a way to turn it around... and maybe it isn't so important to build everything early.
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