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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#9050  by Citizen damoose - 4/22/2004 2:14:49 PM

Nah... That was the Boss... A bet with Tech. Some talk about a Habs logo if they win though.
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#9051  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/22/2004 2:33:34 PM

Was building the Fusion plant later in the build order then our mentor, Magnum. I wonder if that hurt me getting the GSE. I paid more attention to morale my last game and that helped. Kept earth at 100% in the beginning adjusting tax rate often. It does drop below a 100 when switch to 100% social 60% tax rate. Assume that is the same for MM. Comes back as the social projects come on line though.

#9052  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/22/2004 2:39:03 PM

Now there's an idea - give them to an AI, let them handle the logistics of sending them back to their planets, then buy them back to invade....

That might solve the problem of AI opponents that don't build enough transports... Launch them with 1 million troops, let the AI take them home, then buy back fully loaded... Hmmmm....

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#9053  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/22/2004 2:43:35 PM

Hey everyone! Just dropping in real quick to say Hi.


#9054  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/22/2004 2:44:57 PM

Hi Guardians!

Work has me hopping today, just checking in on the thread. Glad to see so many are having happy and productive Yor killing times! You all have been giving me plenty for the Journal, but between work and trying to stay ahead of the rapidly aproaching pack, I'm not sure when I'll get to update it. Yet if I don't soon, there'll be even more that I have to put in... a fine pickle to have.

Good hunting everyone!

#9055  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/22/2004 2:46:29 PM

Mmmm. Pickle.

#9056  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/22/2004 2:50:15 PM

Mmmm. Pickle

I am suddenly craving a cheeseburger with extra pickles...

#9057  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/22/2004 2:51:41 PM

I knew I shouldn't have brought up food! Next we'll have the undead over here snacking

#9058  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/22/2004 2:53:25 PM

I'm sure damoose is around here somewhere.

#9059  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/22/2004 3:03:47 PM

You have of course seen my sig in the SH... right?

I knew I'd seen something along those lines before - didn't place it as your sig though moosey.

Oh, well - they say plaigarism is the highest form of praise, so consider yourself praised my undead Canadian friend.

#9060  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/22/2004 3:07:02 PM

That might solve the problem of AI opponents that don't build enough transports... Launch them with 1 million troops, let the AI take them home, then buy back fully loaded... Hmmmm....

Yea I'm constantly checking orbits for them. Rarely do they have enough to pull off an invasion. I think it is interesting concept though, buy up all the transports in the galaxy, sell them all to your target. I wonder if he would then take them back to his orbit or close proximity, so you could buy back and use against him. The idea is to buy the fleet, use it, putting a stop payment on all future payments, so it would probably be to costly to try. Take to long so to costly.

#9061  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/22/2004 3:14:14 PM

Yea I'm constantly checking orbits for them. Rarely do they have enough to pull off an invasion. I think it is interesting concept though, buy up all the transports in the galaxy, sell them all to your target. I wonder if he would then take them back to his orbit or close proximity, so you could buy back and use against him. The idea is to buy the fleet, use it, putting a stop payment on all future payments, so it would probably be to costly to try. Take to long so to costly

Well, if you have amazing tech, you might be able to trade for a couple. But I was thinking this: Buy all the transports up from an AI that overbuilds, like the Dredgin. Then, invade and take him out. Then send extra ships (minus the troops - use them to repop worlds just taken) to someone who underbuilds, like the Altarians. Maybe rush build a couple of your own if you need more. Altarian would probably take them to home worlds unless he was already at war. Don't give to anyone that IS at war, they will use them.

#9062  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/22/2004 3:17:08 PM

It does drop below a 100 when switch to 100% social 60% tax rate. Assume that is the same for MM

Yeah, but shouldn't be a problem by then as Earth should be near the 200m per month pop growth cap even at 3% growth, and a multimedia centre knocks them straight back up to 100%.

#9063  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/22/2004 3:28:19 PM

Yeah, but shouldn't be a problem by then as Earth should be near the 200m per month pop growth cap even at 3% growth, and a multimedia centre knocks them straight back up to 100%.

Thanks,I needed your confirmation. I think the simple mistake of not having my fusion power plant early enough in my build order might be my problem as to why I am not getting the GSE. Cannot wait to see tonight, the wife willing.

Do you have to adjust your spending to avoid going in red before 100% social spending switch ever.

#9064  by Citizen Greldon - 4/22/2004 3:35:39 PM

Hi guys!

Interesting strategies!

Bye guys!

#9065  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/22/2004 3:45:44 PM

Buy all the transports up from an AI that overbuilds, like the Dredgin. .

Never realized that some races are over builders and others are under. Now that you mention it, I know your correct. I was just looking at the weekest AI's for the ships. That is a mistake. What races are the over builders beside dredgin. Do you confirm that you cannot buy ships from a minor? They are in orbit, but not listed on the buy screen.
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#9066  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/22/2004 4:03:48 PM

What races are the over builders beside dredgin. Do you confirm that you cannot buy ships from a minor? They are in orbit, but not listed on the buy screen.

Torians seem good for building transports. Altarians usually wait until Battleship tech and build CTs. Yors could go either way. Same with (who are they, the annoying yellow empire...). I think it also depends in part how fast they get Corvettes and Frigates. It seems like once they start buildning those, they don't build any more (or many more) transports.

Don't remember ever being able to buy ships from a minor. Once you stabilize the game, all the empires declair war on them, so I usually hang out with a couple of transports, wait for the AI to kill all of their ships, then grab them in a Invasion Alpha.

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#9067  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/22/2004 4:04:17 PM

You cannot buy ships from a minor.
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#9068  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 4/22/2004 4:23:24 PM

Question: do you do anything to make it appear that you have a military presence

If you really want a high military rating for low maintenance, try Anti Matter Missile (Dreadnought tech) in orbit of planet, with some fully mined military ressources.

#9069  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/22/2004 6:00:23 PM

You cannot buy ships from a minor.

Or cigarettes.

#9070  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/22/2004 6:06:08 PM

#9069 by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/22/2004 6:00:23 PM You cannot buy ships from a minor. Or cigarettes.


#9071  by Citizen Greldon - 4/22/2004 6:06:56 PM

You cannot buy ships from a minor.

Or whiskey.

#9072  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/22/2004 6:12:15 PM


#9073  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/22/2004 6:13:54 PM

Wish I had some! I'd pour it over this computer I'm working on and light it up...


#9074  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/22/2004 6:14:39 PM

News Flash

Galactic Guardians charged with contributing to the deliquency of a minor. Guardians blame Yor, and promise immediate reprisals.

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