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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#9150  by Citizen bonscott - 4/23/2004 10:35:07 AM

Whoohooooo! Thanks for the awards and congrats to all!

#9151  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 10:35:17 AM

Theoden, thanks for the medals update! (And I'm delighted to hear that your interview went well--and long, that's got to be a good sign! Keep us posted. You know that you're in our thoughts and prayers!)

(Major Dallas loses what little remaining self-control he had.)

Woohoo! I got medals! I'm the king of the world!

(Yup, this game definitely makes me feel less matu-, I mean, younger! )

#9152  by Citizen bonscott - 4/23/2004 10:37:25 AM

Ok, quick question on Influence. So far in the 2 games I've played using MM's strat my influence is terrible. Heck, I'm lucky to have 2 sectors under my influence. Last game it didn't pick up until around 87 or so after I was able to build the Propaganda Machine.

It didn't seem to matter to much in my win, but worrysome nonetheless.

Anyone else see this?
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#9153  by Citizen Greldon - 4/23/2004 10:43:04 AM

Congrats to all Guardians!
The progress of our members is phenomenal and I have no doubt that we'll soon dominate the top 25 as surely as we dominate the Metaverse itself!

#9154  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 4/23/2004 10:46:33 AM

One more little addition to the Roster page...thanks to a great suggestion by littlewotts for the graphic, all those who participated in the Clone Wars for the Guardians have been awarded the Clone Wars Award! Link

Congratulations to all of you!

The progress of our members is phenomenal


#9155  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 4/23/2004 10:53:45 AM

Ok, quick question on Influence. So far in the 2 games I've played using MM's strat my influence is terrible. Heck, I'm lucky to have 2 sectors under my influence. Last game it didn't pick up until around 87 or so after I was able to build the Propaganda Machine.
It didn't seem to matter to much in my win, but worrysome nonetheless.

Since MM's strat seems to be your private section in the SH, I will try a wild guess:
You aren't building any influence booster improvement or wonder or Trade goods (galactic guide book). You also don't also fully mined (or acquire from AI) influence ressource.
And don't forget that being at war cost you influence.
And you aren't researching tech that boost influence.

#9156  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/23/2004 10:58:18 AM

Woohoo!! More medals! I love this empire, and it is an honor to serve with all of you.

For Honor and Justice!!

#9157  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/23/2004 11:03:37 AM

What happen with the medal for the best spammer in the whole Metaverse, have you forgotten me???

I can't believe it, what a nerve!!!!

#9158  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 11:07:53 AM

Anyone else see this?

Bonscott, having successfully played out MM's strategy a couple of times now I'll take a whack at this. I saw exactly what you are seeing--very low, even worrisome, influence ratings. But only worrisome coming from a "flip the opponents systems" mind-frame, since morale on our systems is so high that there is really no risk of losing a system. Remember, the single, myopic goal is to get to January 2190 at Friendly relations with all other Civs (and still have something left to give, to 'lure' them into alliance).

Someone posted just within the last couple of days that they had been employing MM's strategy but just couldn't bear the thought of completely undefended systems, so they pushed military up to 100% for a few turns, cranked out a single defensive ship per system, and then went back to MM's strategy. Comforting perhaps, but--in my limited experience--unnecessary.

Let's face it: it's a radical strategy, flies in the face of a lot of other very successful strategies, yet it works like a dream! (Truly validates the game's design when you can pursue and achieve victory in some many unique ways!)

#9159  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/23/2004 11:12:07 AM

Time to set sail to my dream island, no more hunting Jedis or Guardian shipments of rum. Has been fun for a long while. Now Real Life is getting very complicated. So it is time for this Renegade pirate to set sail to other seas for a well deserved rest.

I still will be spamming up over here or there once in a while, and submitting games every time I need the adrenaline rush.

360 games are a lot of them and it is time to take a break from the game.

So no more pirate spamming for a while. Good luck to all the newbies and the veteran players. Keep the game going. And keep this empire together, you guys are the best.

Your friend

Mario McDonald
AKA The Renegade

signing out.

#9160  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 11:13:59 AM

What happen with the medal for the best spammer in the whole Metaverse, have you forgotten me???

Spam is it's own reward, Renegade! [Insert some silly joke about "making your Spam and eating it too" here. Hysterically funny, of course! ]

Morning, Renegade!

If it's any comfort, you were in our thoughts during the awards ceremony.

littlewotts: Woohoo!! More medals! I love this empire, and it is an honor to serve with all of you.

Major Dallas: Woohoo! I got medals! I'm the king of the world!

Greldon: Wait a minute. If we're all here, who's guarding the thread from pirates, marauders, and, well you know, The Renegade?

Theoden: Ceremony over! Back to the thread, men! Set Greldonizers to Spam-stun! For Honor and Justice!

[Edit: Oh darn, I hope I didn't miss him!?! Mario, are you still there?]
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#9161  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/23/2004 11:23:39 AM

I am still around, just saying good bye to other friends.

#9162  by Citizen Greldon - 4/23/2004 11:26:19 AM

Take it easy Mario...It won't be the same without you!

#9163  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/23/2004 11:27:38 AM

Thanks. I will miss you all. I am working on some 3d projects and other new duties at work that make my time really short. Plus a wife that hates the game

#9164  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 11:32:47 AM

Ooh, ooh! Can I have The Renegade's parking space in the Metaverse? Can I, huh, can I?

What do you mean I have to earn it? What's that all about?

#9165  by Citizen Greldon - 4/23/2004 11:40:55 AM

#9164 by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 11:32:47 AM
Ooh, ooh! Can I have The Renegade's parking space in the Metaverse? Can I, huh, can I?
What do you mean I have to earn it? What's that all about?

Major, at the rate you're progressing you'll have it soon enough...and you will have earned it!

#9166  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 11:53:09 AM

Major, at the rate you're progressing you'll have it soon enough...and you will have earned it!

Kind of you to say, Greldon! I rather suspect that The Renegade would have to take enough time off to totally reinvent 3D as we know it (probably delving into the fourth and fifth dimensions!) and that several of my Guardian brothers would have to take time out to help him, before that would happen! Did you see how ExaltedDruid stepped on the accelerator when he saw me in his rear view mirror?! Whew! I'm still waiting for the dust (Yor dust, of course!) to settle so that I can figure out just how far ahead he warped into the future!

Bottom line: I'm having a blast! Playing the game, hanging out in the forums, and regaling my wife and sons with stories of glorious galactic battles at the dinner table! (Yup, I still see them occasionally. Now if only I could remember their names. )
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#9167  by Citizen Greldon - 4/23/2004 12:07:37 PM

Now if only I could remember their names. )

#9168  by Citizen damoose - 4/23/2004 12:09:54 PM

regaling my wife and sons with stories of glorious galactic battles at the dinner table

ANd what do your sons think about the 'old man' playing computer games and inflicting the AAR on them afterwards? I will not ask about your wife for I fear I have already lived the answer (shudder).

#9169  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/23/2004 12:15:02 PM

Man, nothing was happening last night and WAM! Today everybody's posting! Congrats to all the Guardians and Cheers for Theoden for the awards!

Just won't seem like the same Metaverse without the Renegade...

OK, nobody else is allowed to leave! This game is not dying! We have all these new players that need the old timers to give us a proper prospective on the Metaverse! And AP is about to go gold! So don't even think about retirement anyone! Vacations are OK if you get approval first!

#9170  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/23/2004 12:24:37 PM

Did you see how ExaltedDruid stepped on the accelerator when he saw me in his rear view mirror?!

Hmmm, just noticed. My rear view mirror says "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear"...

#9171  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 12:25:02 PM

ANd what do your sons think about the 'old man' playing computer games and inflicting the AAR on them afterwards? I will not ask about your wife for I fear I have already lived the answer (shudder).

Actually, one of my sons gave me GalCiv for my birthday with my wife's blessing! (And having been married for 23+ years now, she knew full well how I might get sucked in!) And, truth be told, I have been pretty careful to stay involved with RL.

Quick question: several of my sons (there are four of them) have expressed interest in playing GalCiv. However tempting it might be (for me!) to have vie of us all running up my score in the Metaverse, they have this weird idea about 'individuality,' or some such thing. What are the logistics of having multiple players taking turns on a single computer with a single install of GalCiv but posting scores to their own separate accounts? (Eventually we'll replace the boys computer--currently dead--and purchase a second copy for the second machine. But for now we are competing for gaming time on mine.)

#9172  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 12:26:31 PM

Hmmm, just noticed. My rear view mirror says "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear"...

GH, then I am definitely not in your rear view mirror! Nonetheless, it's a worthy goal!

#9173  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/23/2004 12:29:56 PM

1 Genghis Hank 581098 18 The Galactic Guardians 9.0000
2 Exalted_Druid 437796 18 The Galactic Guardians 8.1111
3 Weyrleader 382544 12 Fellowship of the Ring 8.9167
4 Attila The Guardian 323422 14 The Galactic Guardians 8.1429
5 Kazzryl 291558 14 The Diplomats 7.0000
6 Major Dallas 275554 9 The Galactic Guardians 8.0000
7 Gandalftheredskin 192567 7 The Galactic Guardians 8.4286

5 of the top 7 in the alt meta ameteurs WTG!

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#9174  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 12:32:24 PM

GH, you got your Wing man! Again, way to go Exalted_Druid!

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