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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#9175  by Citizen Greldon - 4/23/2004 12:35:37 PM

What are the logistics of having multiple players taking turns on a single computer with a single install of GalCiv but posting scores to their own separate accounts?

I don't think it's possible. I believe everything (player ID) is tied to the game serial number so you can only post to that ID. (I think)

#9176  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 12:38:08 PM

Greldon, how would I contact StarDock to ask the same question? Along the same lines, how do I contact StarDock to give them attaboys for such a brilliant game? (I don't see them here in the forums--but so far I have tended to hang out in this thread only, and haven't ventured out into the 'larger world'!)

#9177  by Citizen Greldon - 4/23/2004 12:48:30 PM

how would I contact StarDock to ask the same question?

To be honest, I'm not sure. Look in the bug threads for 1.49 in the GF. As I recall there were some email links there.

#9178  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 1:12:33 PM

To be honest, I'm not sure. Look in the bug threads for 1.49 in the GF. As I recall there were some email links there.

Thanks, Greldon. Dropped a brief e-mail to Brad Wardell. I'm certain he's the one to thank (along with his Dev team) and I asked him to point me in the right direction with regard to my multi-user questions. I'll post if I find out anything useful.

#9179  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/23/2004 1:30:14 PM

GH, you got your Wing man! Again, way to go Exalted_Druid

Thanks MD, but I don't want you putting a scare in me like that again. When you joined you said you were a very busy man and didn't know how much time you would have for the game. So I want you to just relax this weekend. Wonderful idea getting the kids into the game. Lets see, one computer divided by 4 equals Druid ahead of Major. My daughter got a new computer game a week ago and the competition for the "Good" computer was intense. Had to resort to bribery and slurpees. My wife also made some silly rule about the kids homework on the computer, takes precident over me killing Yor. She just has know idea of the importance of what I'm doing here. What's the good of an education if the Yor take over our homeworld. Some people just don't get it.

#9180  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 1:52:08 PM

...I don't want you putting a scare in me like that again.

ED, better get your daughter to help you with your math, then. Let's see, four sons, all with better strategic minds than their dad, along with faster fingers, plus dad, divided by five 'shifts', equals non-stop submissions. (As you may have read in recent posts, I'm trying to figure out how they can create and maintain separate accounts. But until then, well... "All your Metaverse point belong to us!" )

You see, when I'm giving my AARs at the dinner table, I'm actually training up a whole new generation of Yor-annihilators!

#9181  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/23/2004 1:57:31 PM

ED, better get your daughter to help you with your math, then. Let's see, four sons, all with better strategic minds than their dad, along with faster fingers, plus dad, divided by five 'shifts', equals non-stop submissions

Maybe I should have paid a little closer attention in math class. I wonder how quickly I can train my daughters. If we take shifts, just maybe.

Oh, one other thing MD. Just out of curiosity what other kinds of computer games are your kids interested in. Hopefully something of epic proportions. Any birthdays coming up. I sure would like to help you make a proper selection. We really don't want the kid's playing anything so violent as Gal Civ.
[Message Edited]

#9182  by Citizen Greldon - 4/23/2004 3:56:07 PM

ED and Major: You guys are a hoot! I've always been convinced that Lothmorg has several Torian slaves cranking games for him.

#9183  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/23/2004 3:57:40 PM

Hello fellow Guardians.

They had me jumping through hoops at work today, so just caught up on the days events.

First off, congrats to all newly decorated members - you all thoroughly deserve it.

Glad to hear positives from Theoden's interview experience. Keeping everything crossed for you.

Good luck Renegade. Though I have a feeling you haven't made your last visit to Raven's Claw.

Greldon, you worried about these youngsters yet? Seems they are talking in scaringly familiar ways, and I think we could end up with one hell of a top 25 battle in the not too distant future.

Major D, I still doubt you and your family could match Lothmorg for submission rate, but you might well scare the rest of us.

Oh, and the influence question.... BAH! Who needs culture to win a war?

#9184  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 4/23/2004 3:58:38 PM

I've always been convinced that Lothmorg has several Torian slaves cranking games for him.

I wish. Now, if I could only get my 18 month old daughter to click here and there ....

I'm outta here folks. Enjoy yourselves while I'm gone. I'll try to get on from time to time during my vacation, but don't expect to see me until the 3rd.

#9185  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/23/2004 4:04:56 PM

Have fun Loth.

#9186  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/23/2004 4:21:44 PM

I'll try to get on from time to time during my vacation, but don't expect to see me until the 3rd.

Have a good one Loth. Sure hope there are some Yor left for you when you get back.
[Message Edited]

#9187  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/23/2004 4:28:55 PM

Have fun Loth!

I wanted to go join the Anzacs for the retirement party, but will I lose my Knight status?

#9188  by Citizen Greldon - 4/23/2004 4:31:47 PM

Have fun Loth!
Have a good one Loth. Sure hope there are some Yor left for you when you get back
He'll be killing them while he's gone. He's taking his laptop with him. It'll probably take a whole day for him to submit all the games he'll play between now and then.

#9189  by Citizen Greldon - 4/23/2004 4:37:08 PM

Greldon, you worried about these youngsters yet?

Absolutely!! I'm worried about all the guardians. The fact is in a couple weeks (or by the 13th) Loth will have the gold and I'll be trying to hold the silver.

#9190  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 5:05:26 PM

Lelu: Bada boom
Major Dallas: Yeah, I understand boom. Big bada-BOOM!.

#9191  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 5:10:18 PM

Terl, pardon me while I cut in front of you here in line.

Oh, and ED, look in your rear view mirror!

Ah the weekend is here. Now, what shall I do for entertainment?

#9192  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 5:13:47 PM

Major D, I still doubt you and your family could match Lothmorg for submission rate, but you might well scare the rest of us.

Face it, MagMan, you've created a bunch of Yor-slaying monsters! (Thanks for all the help! I have a friend who is a professional illusionist/magician. He's fond of saying that there's no illusion that he performs that any 10 year old couldn't perform, "with 25 years of experience." That's how I feel everytime I play the game now: like I'm ten years old, but playing with Magnumaniac's--and others--twenty-five years of experience!)

#9193  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/23/2004 5:20:25 PM

but playing with Magnumaniac's--and others--twenty-five years of experience!)

Errmmmmmm, that'll actually be a couple of days short of 2 months worth of experience from me.

#9194  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/23/2004 5:24:02 PM

It's not the years, Magnum, it's the mileage! And it looks like you're getting plenty!

[Edit: Any chance you're using nitrous? ]
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#9195  by Citizen Greldon - 4/23/2004 5:26:38 PM

Congrats Major!
You're knocking 'em out now! You'll be in the top 25 in a month!

Magnum, you've created a bunch of monsters....I'm glad they're on our side!

#9196  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/23/2004 5:50:58 PM

Major I just figured out that your in my time zone. What are you doing registaring BOOM's while the rest of us in Pacific time zone are still slaving away at work. I call foul. I have to work tell 9:00 tonight. You could have me by the time I get home. Maybe you should take that wonderful wife of yours out tonight. How does a nice movie sound.

#9197  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/23/2004 5:52:00 PM

OK, I'm home, it's the weekend, and Major D, GTR, ED and Attila have gained about a combined 600 places on me. Time to kill some Yor!

#9198  by Citizen Greldon - 4/23/2004 5:56:40 PM

Go get 'em, GH....How do you like the dogs nipping at your butt?! Believe me, they never stop!

#9199  by Citizen Greldon - 4/23/2004 5:58:22 PM

On the other hand, they'll push you right to the top!

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