Altarians Rock! I play Altarians on Genius with the others cranked up, and the Altarians still seem to be kicking a** and taking names compared to the other AI.
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the Guardians would have to take up knitting or something |
Underwater basket weaving?
Then again those Korx guys are really starting to piss me off. |
The Arceans are earning a speacial place in my heart, right next to the walking toasters.
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Then again those Korx guys are really starting to piss me off.The Arceans are earning a speacial place in my heart, right next to the walking toasters. |
Altarians! Death to Altarians! Wipe the sneer off his face! Make him give us those holos he keeps promising!
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Besides, I think the Altarian Ambassador is a Billy Idol wannabe!
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Altarians are Machines with skin plastered on!
Up to 206 with another 50k Burp.
Cya tomorrow Guardians!
Alarac Steele
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WTG Alarac.
I think the Altarian Ambassador is a Billy Idol wannabe! |
OK, that deserves immediate elimination. I'm sending Britney over there right now to torture them.
It's got to be the sushi for me though - that red ball needs to become an integral part of their anatomy.
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I think there are Galactic laws against doing anything so cruel. |
That's OK, I left the UP so they don't apply to me - which means I can also TS the whole planet (Britney included) into silent oblivion.
See, it is a good plan - no downside.
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Welcome to the Galactic Guardians, Adolf Kroppl!!
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I think you'd be better off building R2 units. They are far more useful. |
Sump Pump Sally or what ever her name was useful
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Underwater basket weaving? |
Maybe outerspace underpants cleaning?
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Welcome to Zuff and Adolf, and WTG Alarac, LW, and Attila.
It's time for a few Torian Tornadoes around here. Everyone is so busy Greldonizing Yor we seem to no longer meet up at the Grog anymore and have a few rounds of Torian Tornadoes. Maybe we should change our offical drink from Torian Tornadoes to Guardian Ale or something?
I just don't trust those slimey fish smelling slippery sushi red balling bounce them off ya boot for a laugh and send them to the sushi factories, TORIAN scum mother lizards. Only thing there good for is a ET sequel starring Tom Berenger with a sniper rifle, it's called 'ET gets snipered for Sushi'.
Arhhh thats better, Had to get that off my chest!
[Message Edited]
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No thanks. I'd rather keep killing Yor for ever, then that. |
The rate where going there will be no Yor left; but then again I often wonder how they keep coming back. Maybe there is a Yor spy in disguise raiding the Guardians who takes all the parts we collected and re-builds them. We must endeavor to find the traitor!
It couldn't be Tech because he turns the parts into our ashtrays, BBQ grills, and back scratches etc ...
I wonder who it is? ...
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We interrupt this thread to bring you a special news bulletin: the Galaxy is in utter chaos!
As reported earlier this weekend, many of the Galaxy's top Metaversians temporarily shifted their Empire allegiances to pay tribute to the about-to-be-retired ANZAC Empire. It was always understood that these changes in allegiance would be temporary, and that things would 'return to normal' after the weekend. However, early Monday morning--as the Metaverse was about to be set back to its former state--a small interstellar craft, the USS Hero, inadvertently, and seemingly irreparably, altered the space-time continuum while attempting to explore what scientists are now calling a 'spatial anomaly.' While scientists are at a loss to explain the chain of events that seem to have occurred, the outcome seems obvious: the very DNA of many of the most famous, infamous, and successful metaversians has somehow been mixed, as if in a galactic blender, resulting in a strangely warped top 10 list.
We now report the new Metaverse top 10, as follows:
10. Theoden of Tibet
9. Primipilus littlewotts
8. Attila the Technician
7. Slayer, Bird of Light
6. GandalftheWayfarer
5. Genghis de Sade
4. Exalted Evangelist
3. Captain Jack Greldon
2. Lothmorg the Renegade
1. Magnu-Pinardiac!
Details as they become available. We now return you to your regularly scheduled Real Life, already in progress.
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It couldn't be Tech because he turns the parts into our ashtrays, BBQ grills, and back scratches etc ... |
Please tell me that Weber BBQ grills are not made from recycled Yorian parts! This would absolutely destroy the most relaxing part of my summers (and I would never trust food that came off of one again!).
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Ok, you have too much time on your hands dude. That is funny, and weird.
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More like Pimpipilus littlewotts.
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More like Pimpipilus littlewotts. |
Good stuff MD!
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