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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#9850  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/30/2004 11:41:46 AM

Tisk tisk tisk...

Leaving a top of page open like this...

#9851  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/30/2004 12:05:30 PM

Morning, GH. Well, I've officially 'peeled off of formation,' but not before seeing that you are in great company! Playing with an attempt to score a 60K cultural victory, which I expect will take me just short of forever (if it's even possible!). So I probably won't inch any closer to you in the Metaverse standings until later this weekend (if then!).

#9852  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/30/2004 12:10:38 PM

Morning MD! Good luck on the 60K Cultural! I had a cultural victory once by accident, while I was still playing in the lower levels. Turned it off after that - vicious on the points, but not as bad as Beyond Human. I played out my game last night to the last turn. If I would have accepthed the BH result, my 46K game would have been 16K! Uuugh!

#9853  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/30/2004 12:14:19 PM

Got a question for the helpful veterans (Guardians and other empires, as well). I love the way you guys help 'noobies' (like me!) and make everyone feel welcome. It's one of the primary reasons I selected the Guardians as my empire. My question is: what is a good way and/or place to start helping others like you have helped me? (I suspect the answer may be the general forums, and I confess that I have primarily hung out in just this thread.) The more specific you can be the more helpful it would be to me. I want to contribute to the community, but I don't know where/how to start. (I need a "Magnumaniac's Maso Strategy for Contributing to the Community"! )

#9854  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/30/2004 12:20:57 PM

If I would have accepthed the BH result, my 46K game would have been 16K! Uuugh!


Has anyone from Stardock ever gone on record to 'justify' the reduced scoring for non-military victories? It seems (from my limited experience and from many comments made here) that BH is in many ways harder than military (at least in terms of time invested and finger-clicking). And I'm finding that to be the case with my cultural-exploits, as well.

#9855  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/30/2004 12:48:46 PM

I seem to have been 'kicked out' of the Senate Halls when I updated my e-mail address yesterday. I can see my name in the member list, but I can't log in and I can't access the Guardian's area. When you get a chance, can one of the admins 'make it right' (or tell me what I'm doing wrong!)? Thanks.

#9856  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/30/2004 12:49:31 PM

Has anyone from Stardock ever gone on record to 'justify' the reduced scoring for non-military victories?

The impression I have is something to the effect of "It is not wise to question the ways of the Meta". If I had to guess, I would speculate that the BH victory doesn't take into account the level of the AI properly.

#9857  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 12:54:15 PM

MD, send Dream Warrior a email at Email He should be able to get you straightened out.

#9858  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/30/2004 1:11:06 PM

littlewotts, thank you! Got that kicked off. (Although I secretly suspect that Ghengis Hank and Exalted_Druid arranged for this 'untimely' event in order to slow down my march through the Metaverse! Little did they know that attempting to win a 60K Cultural would be an even bigger detriment to forward progress of any kind!)

#9859  by Veteran the 3rd child - 4/30/2004 1:11:43 PM

Has anyone from Stardock ever gone on record to 'justify' the reduced scoring for non-military victories?The impression I have is something to the effect of "It is not wise to question the ways of the Meta". If I had to guess, I would speculate that the BH victory doesn't take into account the level of the AI properly.

that's really bad considering i think if they research a certain technology first all your hardwork is down the drain isn't it?
My mistake i think you need alien tech victory enabled for that

[Message Edited]
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#9860  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 1:15:17 PM

The research victory used to be the highest scoring win back when a Gigantic Maso earned you 1000 points. I read that somewhere around here. I think Captain Jack said it.

#9861  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 4/30/2004 1:32:31 PM

It was changed, I think, because you could sit in the corner of the map, and just do research. No real part to the game, you need a challenge.

#9862  by Veteran the 3rd child - 4/30/2004 1:33:30 PM

#9861 by Citizen A Better Tomorrow - 4/30/2004 1:32:31 PM It was changed, I think, because you could sit in the corner of the map, and just do research. No real part to the game, you need a challenge.

and maso's a challenge?

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#9863  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/30/2004 1:36:02 PM

(Although I secretly suspect that Ghengis Hank and Exalted_Druid arranged for this 'untimely' event in order to slow down my march through the Metaverse!

Well, I know that I will be unable to ignore the Yor completly this weekend, but the Journal is in need of updating and PolMachine Beta 2 is out. Go get 'em Major!

#9864  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/30/2004 1:36:56 PM

Oh, and I vaguely recall someting from RL called "bills" that need sent...

#9865  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 1:38:52 PM

I just sent out the Jester's Corner.

#9866  by Citizen damoose - 4/30/2004 2:02:43 PM

It was changed, I think, because you could sit in the corner of the map, and just do research. No real part to the game, you need a challenge.

Actually... It was changed because you could backj the last AI into a cornor and keep gifting the AI back the last planet until you achived BH victory. Big stinky cheese. At least as bad as the 1 IP cheese

So the devs kinda broke it the other way by nerfing the victory score so no one bothers with beyond human any more.

A better fix would have been once the AI is 'dead' it's 'dead'. No interaction what so ever. They kinda fixed in the latest 1.2/AP builds. You'll notice that one an AI is gone you can only get IPs from them not ships or anything else.

#9867  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/30/2004 2:10:37 PM

Actually... It was changed because you could backj the last AI into a cornor and keep gifting the AI back the last planet until you achived BH victory.

That happened to me last night. When I gifted the last planet back after it flipped to me, he still went away and ended the game. Went back to an earlier save to get the last couple of turns in. Ever notice that if someone is in danger of flipping, if you load from a saved game it takes longer before they flip?

#9868  by Veteran the 3rd child - 4/30/2004 2:15:25 PM

I just sent out the Jester's Corner.

btw wotts i don't suppose i could be getting a subscription to that media could i littlwotts?

#9867 by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/30/2004 2:10:37 PM Actually... It was changed because you could backj the last AI into a cornor and keep gifting the AI back the last planet until you achived BH victory. That happened to me last night. When I gifted the last planet back after it flipped to me, he still went away and ended the game. Went back to an earlier save to get the last couple of turns in. Ever notice that if someone is in danger of flipping, if you load from a saved game it takes longer before they flip?

no but now that you mention it seems about right, OH one thing i noticed in my earlier games (MUCH earlier)if you save with a computer on hostile and they haven't attacked you like ever but are on hostile, then you reload they immediately declare war with you

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#9869  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 2:15:54 PM

it takes longer before they flip?

I think it takes a few turns for the game to recalc the influence.

#9870  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 2:16:56 PM

btw wotts i don't suppose i could be getting a subscription to that media could i littlwotts?

Just drop me an Email and I'll get a copy out to you.

#9871  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/30/2004 2:21:48 PM

if you save with a computer on hostile and they haven't attacked you like ever but are on hostile, then you reload they immediately declare war with you

Every once in a while, they will go from cool to neutral or warm, especially if you just got a lot tougher suddenly. It probably is the same type of thing. It takes a couple of turns for "secondary" diplomatic effects to get calcualted (whatever those might be), so it changes to however it's "base" diplomacy feels about you.

#9872  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/30/2004 3:04:24 PM


Damn it, how sad is it #103, just outside!

#9873  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/30/2004 3:19:06 PM

Damn it, how sad is it #103, just outside!

Don't feel bad. My 46K last night didn't move me an inch even though it netted over 10K. Welcome to the masoverse.

#9874  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/30/2004 3:36:49 PM

Welcome to the masoverse.

Ah.. its so nice to be truely at home

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