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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#9875  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/30/2004 3:37:36 PM

ough yeah..

#9876  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/30/2004 3:38:44 PM

#9876 been taken As promissed before by Attila
GH! remember i sayd i am going to claim 9876, because its sounds cool!
I am so happy as a kid in the kindergarden

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#9877  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 4/30/2004 4:14:30 PM

GH! remember i sayd i am going to claim 9876, because its sounds cool!

I remember!

#9878  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/30/2004 5:06:50 PM

Congrats on the bomb Attila.

OK, some thoughts on the BH victory score being so low.... I think you only score points for techs that you have researched (also affected by how quickly you get them and if the AIs already have them), not for ones gained through trade. At Maso, you have to trade for a lot of tech in the early game to have any chance of keeping up and building the wonders that kick-start your economy... so your tech score is reduced because of this, and as that is the most important element in a BH victory.... you're score is screwed.

#9879  by Veteran the 3rd child - 4/30/2004 5:21:15 PM

#9878 by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/30/2004 5:06:50 PM Congrats on the bomb Attila. OK, some thoughts on the BH victory score being so low.... I think you only score points for techs that you have researched (also affected by how quickly you get them and if the AIs already have them), not for ones gained through trade. At Maso, you have to trade for a lot of tech in the early game to have any chance of keeping up and building the wonders that kick-start your economy... so your tech score is reduced because of this, and as that is the most important element in a BH victory.... you're score is screwed.

unless your this anomalous scorer that DW showed us who had a research bonus of like 3000 or 30000 something like that

                       Posted via Stardock Central
#9880  by Veteran Disciple777 - 4/30/2004 5:23:12 PM

OK Guardians you are invited to participate in the 1 year anniversary party of the GROSS EMpire, so bring some booze and some pretty girls, we do NOT accept Yor or Torian girls!!!!

#9881  by Veteran the 3rd child - 4/30/2004 5:26:06 PM

OK Guardians you are invited to participate in the 1 year anniversary party of the GROSS EMpire, so bring some booze and some pretty girls, we do NOT accept Yor or Torian girls!!!!

i would...go to if diplomats are invited and i'd bring some girls...but i don't think they'd wanna hang out with pirates...

                       Posted via Stardock Central
#9882  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/30/2004 5:38:54 PM

Magnumaniac's continued observations on the mysteries of the meta.....

Noticed something interesting today. Having been keeping a weather eye on the happenings of the top 10 players lately (my next meta target), I knew that Renegade (or Lord SPAM) had 366 games to his name yesterday. He submitted a game earlier today, and his total went to 365 games. This seems to prove the point that at some point, old games do get dropped off your metaverse record altogether.

Further confirmation can be gained by taking a look at Ray The Wanderer's profile - listed in the meta with 60 games, but has 84 in his profile - so everything prior to June 2003 has been dumped. This suggests that your submitted games have a life of about 10 months.

So all I've got to do is wait until 10 months after Greldon and Lothmorg get bored with trying to outdo eachother, submit a 60K bomb, and take the gold.

#9883  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 6:14:49 PM

Arcilte has been mentioning this happening to his scores for a while now.

#9884  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/30/2004 6:20:26 PM

Arcilte has been mentioning this happening to his scores for a while now.

Yeah - he fits the 10 month profile as well, all games prior to June 2003 aren't being counted. It will be interesting to see when he loses the June ones. Should give an idea of whether it's worked out by some fixed routine in the meta, or is dependent on your last submission date.

Note to self.... Ray - 60, Arclite - 45, as of 30th April.
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#9885  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 6:33:21 PM

I'm going to guess it's fixed. I have to check and see when their last submissions were, but I don't think Arcilte have played any games recently.

#9886  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/30/2004 6:44:42 PM

Magnum question. Are are you currently playing rare or uncommon. How does the seclection effect your most excellent strategy. Been playing rare and geting fustrated being beat out for the good planets. Thinking I might change but concerned it would be more of advantage to the AI's then me.

#9887  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 6:49:51 PM

In my haphazard way of playing, I use rare, and generally get 3 systems, maybe 4. The AI get 2-3 normally, sometimes they do get more by conquering minors and such.

#9888  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/30/2004 6:57:03 PM

In my haphazard way of playing, I use rare, and generally get 3 systems, maybe 4. The AI get 2-3 normally, sometimes they do get more by conquering minors and such.

Thats on a large map LW? Still managing to get 3 or 4 is very good. Taking some 13 and 14 to do that?

#9889  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 6:59:32 PM

Nope. 3 or 4 yellows on a large. I will grad some PQ14 as I find them,. I usually try to flip s a few planets to keep TS costs down.

#9890  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 4/30/2004 7:05:11 PM

I generally play Uncommon now. AIs are a bit stronger, but nothing too bad, and it gives you a better chance of finding 3 good planets close by.

#9891  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 7:05:56 PM

I do have to use the crtl+n a lot to get a goos start.

#9892  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/30/2004 7:07:41 PM

Normaly you get 3 or 4 on your initial rush.
Are you using speed or range bonus in settings to help.
I am on huge rare tight and having finding it difficult to get 3 or 4. Always someone next door
b-lining it to best available planets while I'm searching through the trash.

#9893  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 7:10:50 PM

No speed bonuses. I guess I get lucky. I do use the save, ctrl+u, re-load cheese though. That helps. If and AI is too close, forget it. This is also why I only play once in a while. I don't like restarting to get a good spot all the time. Location is key. And my location in the game I'm working on sucks. I've got the Yor super-power next door. I can't wait to Greldonize them.

#9894  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/30/2004 7:18:38 PM

I am playing same settings as you ED! And just getting 3-4 planets with PQ14(included), i am doing very fine.
Usually situation is 2 PQ16> and 2-3 PQ14,
I've noticed in previous posts that Magnu is using 5%Planet PQ in the starting selection of your political party, i've tried it, and it actually pretty cool..
ED! try this out.. and you find that initial rush for the planets is not that important..
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#9895  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/30/2004 7:20:21 PM

I do use the save, ctrl+u, re-load cheese though.

this one doesn't work in my games? I've already asked this question before, where exactly i should use ctrl+u?

#9896  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 7:21:32 PM

Well, make sure you save first. Then you need to turn on the cheats. Once you are back to the game, press crtl-u, and it will reveal the map.

#9897  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/30/2004 7:23:31 PM

I do use the save, ctrl+u, re-load cheese though

I don't like restarting to get a good spot all the time. Location is key

I here you, without using the cheese you end up waisting 1/2 hour to find out you had no chance. I read by the act of reloading the game it gives the AI's get the ability to rush buy and some other bonus. Is this true or myth.

#9898  by Citizen Major Dallas - 4/30/2004 7:24:45 PM

this one doesn't work in my games? I've already asked this question before, where exactly i should use ctrl+u?

Attila, finally one I can answer (I think). On your main menu screen, lower left columns is a Cheat Keys toggle (be sure you've got a save game prior to this), enable it, Continue Game, then once you get to the main map view do your Ctrl+u cheese. Voila! (Be sure to load after peeking. )

#9899  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/30/2004 7:24:48 PM

ok i'll try this one next time.. i hope i am going to be ok,

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