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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#9900  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/30/2004 7:25:02 PM

Preserved by Attila

Thank you, very much

It's my lucky day!!
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#9901  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 7:25:05 PM

Is this true or myth.

Very true. They get a chance to rush buy and a chance to demand tribute/trade with you via the diplo screen.

#9902  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/30/2004 7:27:28 PM

I've noticed in previous posts that Magnu is using 5%Planet PQ

Me to, what I have not figured out is when I look at uncolonized planet is the number have my 5% bonus already or does it go up after colonize. The reason is I don't notice it change upon colonize. It I colonize a 14 it should change to 15 immediately but it does not.

#9903  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/30/2004 7:31:54 PM

They get a chance to rush buy and a chance to demand tribute/trade with you via the diplo screen.

So does that mean they are not allowed to rush buy normally. They have never been shy about asking for tribute with or without cheese. Is this a 1 time chance or for the rest of the game.

#9904  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/30/2004 7:32:18 PM

Me to, what I have not figured out is when I look at uncolonized planet is the number have my 5% bonus already or does it go up after colonize. The reason is I don't notice it change upon colonize. It I colonize a 14 it should change to 15 immediately but it does not.

No it does not, i actually thought same at first. But what 5% does it just adds those 5% to any terraforming buildings, and insted increasing (e.g. from 15 to 16, it increases 15 to 17) and so on.
The only thing which does increase planets PQ on spot is Terraformer..
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#9905  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 7:34:32 PM

Is this a 1 time chance or for the rest of the game

It's a one off, at the beginning. They may or may not do this. It could be random whether they take that chance as well.

#9906  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/30/2004 7:35:44 PM

No it does not, i actually thought same at first. But what 5% does it just adds those 5% to any terraforming buildings, and insted increasing (e.g. from 15 to 16, it increases 15 to 17)

Now I am clear on it, thanks. I had a event on one of my planets that gave me a planet quality of 47 my last game. That was great.

#9907  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 7:38:03 PM

gave me a planet quality of 4

I want one of those!

#9908  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/30/2004 7:40:15 PM

Now I am clear on it, thanks. I had a event on one of my planets that gave me a planet quality of 47 my last game. That was great.

ough increase PQ planet by 15, i know that one, its great!
My record on planet PQ was 61!

I want one of those!

I am sure you had one of those

#9909  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/30/2004 7:41:35 PM

It's a one off, at the beginning. They may or may not do this. It could be random whether they take that chance as well.

Not that huge of an advantage if you only reload once at the beginning. I was buying all freighters and then reloading and buying the ones in orbit. Don't want to do that now that I have this knowledge. That is at to critical part of game to let them by a wonder or trade good.

#9910  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 7:42:31 PM

I am sure you had one of those

Not as of yet. I haven't had the 2 sector one happen close to me either.

#9911  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/30/2004 7:44:47 PM

9910 post. We are getting close to 10,000. This page and another 3. Beware of pirates.

#9912  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 7:49:12 PM

We are getting close to 10,000

I hope Theoden shows up as we get closer. We might have to start a second thread in the meantime.

#9913  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/30/2004 7:50:57 PM

9910 post. We are getting close to 10,000. This page and another 3. Beware of pirates.

Theoden, where are you!! We need you to take 10,000

You know what we should come as close as 15-20 posts to,Put notices to everyone to not touch 10,000 post, otherwise that person is going to suffer RAGE of all the Guardians and all their Allias.
And then go and chat to another(alternative) post

When theodon comes we just help him to get it.

What do you think about it?!

#9914  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/30/2004 7:51:37 PM

When he is here next we should spam our way through. I have learned from the best or should say worst. 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916.

#9915  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 7:53:43 PM

You should have seen the race to 1000 between us and the Jedi. I think it was around page 24-26 if you eant to look back at it.

#9916  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/30/2004 7:54:37 PM

When he is here next we should spam our way through. I have learned from the best or should say worst. 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916

But its going to be messy! I've been in the messy threads, they Suc*!!!
you know what would be nice, is hole ceremony towards 10,000 post, hole story line, we should ask TERL to write it through, like Guardians Ball or something!

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#9917  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 7:55:37 PM

Guardians Ball

Make me think of his taske on the Ballroom Blitz a while back.

#9918  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/30/2004 8:03:13 PM, just checking are your glasses/monitors clean

you guys haven't noticed anything in my medals?!

#9919  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/30/2004 8:03:15 PM

The penalty for taking 10,000 from the guardians would be that no guardian would ever acknowledge that person. They would cease to exist to the guardians. Nothing they post would ever be acknowledge or responded to in the future.

My I have a vindictive mind.

#9920  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/30/2004 8:10:18 PM, just checking are your glasses/monitors cleanyou guys haven't noticed anything in my medals?!

Would it be rank. Rear Admiral Attila. Medals look like you would have attained for a while must be rank.

#9921  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 8:12:28 PM

Medals look like you would have attained for a while must be rank.

I was thinking that had changed, but I'm a little slow due to a couple of Guiness bottles....

#9922  by Citizen _Attila_ - 4/30/2004 8:13:58 PM

Would it be rank

Yeap! I said medals, because i didn't want to be a big show-off!

#9923  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 4/30/2004 8:15:22 PM

big show-off

BAH!! I announce everything. It feels good, and we're all about back-patting and the like around here.

#9924  by Citizen Evil Druid - 4/30/2004 8:17:23 PM

Yeap! I said medals, because i didn't want to be a big show-off

and modest to. LW as ranking officer here do you need to do something ceremonial

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