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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#10075  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/4/2004 5:18:45 PM

Somebody had to close it up proper, just in case we ever need it again.

You're referring, of course, to post #20000, anticipated some time next week.

(Still playing catch-up to you GH! Boy, I'm not a very good wing man when I can't keep up with you!)

#10076  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/4/2004 5:34:50 PM

(Still playing catch-up to you GH! Boy, I'm not a very good wing man when I can't keep up with you!)

You're doing fine MD! Had to post 3 games and cross into today for the block move to stay ahead of you.
You're referring, of course, to post #20000, anticipated some time next week.

Post 100,000 in July!

#10077  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/4/2004 5:36:30 PM

I'm still somewhat in shock and awe over the flame war. You guys went through it as it happened. I just read it all at once...

#10078  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/4/2004 5:40:59 PM

I'm still somewhat in shock and awe over the flame war. You guys went through it as it happened. I just read it all at once...

At least it was in the temp thread. My ears are still ringing

#10079  by Citizen Greldon - 5/4/2004 5:43:00 PM

I'm still somewhat in shock and awe over the flame war.

I apologize for you having to read through it, but that's all I'll apologize for. He shouldn't have attacked a Guardian (Terl), especially when he's....well, nevermind.

#10080  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/4/2004 5:45:47 PM

Greldon, I know. He was told.

How do they say it? I think it's "forgetaboudit"

#10081  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/4/2004 6:11:38 PM

Greldon, and others who may be interested...

Longish post over in the halls.

#10082  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/4/2004 8:32:03 PM

I've learned something today. I've learned that you shouldn't turn your beer fridge down too low as your beer will actually FREEZE, thereby making it nigh impossible to drink.

#10083  by Citizen damoose - 5/4/2004 8:40:01 PM

A beersickle.

And actually consuming a beersickle... Now there's a poloriod moment I didn't need from you LW. From Marquesa yes. From you no. [puke smiley here]

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#10084  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/4/2004 8:41:46 PM

I've learned something today. I've learned that you shouldn't turn your beer fridge down too low as your beer will actually FREEZE, thereby making it nigh impossible to drink

the best tempreture for beer is minus 8C degrees (don't ask my in Faringites) Don't know!

Had a nice White Russian today! Love it! My favourite drink from now on, just after Cosmopolitain!

@Lothmorg: Welcome back! We missed you!

[Message Edited]

#10085  by Citizen damoose - 5/4/2004 8:45:13 PM

minus 8C degrees

That would be about 18 or 20 F I think

#10086  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/4/2004 8:53:41 PM

I sense a disturbance in the force. A presense I have not felt for...

At least a week or so...

#10087  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/4/2004 8:55:18 PM

Well looky here, I disappear for a day due to work (damned Sasser virus ), and you all go getting yourselves into all sorts of trouble around here.

Did we win any wars?

Welcome back Lothmorg, hope you haven't been too busy.

Well, just dropped a BOOM!! in, and have to go get some sleep following that nice little 19 hour day

Speak to you all tomorrow, if we haven't all been flamed into oblivion...

#10088  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/4/2004 8:56:13 PM

Welcome back Lothmorg, hope you haven't been too busy

He's posting now. He's up to 12 or so...

#10089  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/4/2004 8:56:51 PM

Now this is a topic I take to heart. Sunday nights I play hockey. I bring the beer for the boys to drink in the dressing room after the game.(Only reason they let me play) Last sunday I put the beer in the freezer for a few hours ahead just to get it perfect. Well misjudge the process. Ended up handing out beersickles. Hilarous everyone was sucking on the cans as foamed over. Trying to consume the beer as quickly as it spouted out. Not to popular that night.
[Message Edited]

#10090  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/4/2004 9:03:23 PM

Ended up handing out beersickles.

Fuuny but i never had a beer frozen, max i had was Vodka! but then when it heats a bit! just about to drink, cold though! Vodka lovers its the best you can ever have it like!

#10091  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/4/2004 9:11:19 PM

OK, I'm going to post this now because altmeta updates in an hour, and I know that I will loose at least one spot. This might be the highest I see for a while. From the "all players" list:

1 Major Dallas 540000 9 The Galactic Guardians
2 Greldon 480000 8 The Galactic Guardians
3 Magnumaniac 300000 5 The Galactic Guardians
4 Genghis Hank 255230 6 The Galactic Guardians
5 Jackey Jackey 240000 4 G.R.O.S.S.
6 Attila The Guardian 240000 4 The Galactic Guardians

I think 5 of top 6 is about to become 6 of top 7

#10092  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/4/2004 9:12:29 PM

Alright Lads!
Sorry, but i have to go and dream about... hm? Whatever comes up!

Good night ya all!

Sweet dreams, everybody!

#10093  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/4/2004 9:13:24 PM

Good night ya all!

Night Attila.

#10094  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/4/2004 9:14:11 PM

I think 5 of top 6 is about to become 6 of top 7

talking about Loth?

#10095  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/4/2004 9:15:41 PM

talking about Loth?

Yes. He is up to 15 games so far. That's about 900K by altmeta standards...

#10096  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/4/2004 9:16:02 PM

6 Attila The Guardian 240000 4 The Galactic Guardians

Thats fuuny i am still on the top!
This week is going to be really slow for me gamewise! Study! Studu and Study!

#10097  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/4/2004 9:17:37 PM

That's about 900K by altmeta standards...

Gee!! Incredible!
CRAZY!! Nothing else could be added! Ough VERY CRAZY (saying it softly)

#10098  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/4/2004 9:18:38 PM

C'mon GH lets "DO IT"!! You know you wnat it!

#10099  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/4/2004 9:18:53 PM

I do

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