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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#10150  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/5/2004 1:44:30 PM

I took the hint, and got off your tail

Oooh. Nice move, MD!

#10151  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/5/2004 1:45:23 PM

Hey Terl, any news on that project we were talking about?

#10152  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/5/2004 1:50:56 PM

Oooh. Nice move, MD!

Thanks Loth. I got over my depression of never being able to catch up to you and Greldon by setting my sights on the top 50--which seems reasonable from where I am right now!

#10153  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/5/2004 2:24:39 PM

That's what you need to do.

I first set mine on the top 200, then 100, then 50, then first page, then on Jaws (who was first at the time). Now, Greldon has my full attention.

#10154  by Veteran Terl - 5/5/2004 2:58:13 PM

Hey Terl, any news on that project we were talking about?

Not a word. I'll have to send another email his way and see how it's coming. Last word I had the mailer wasn't set up.

#10155  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/5/2004 3:23:48 PM

Thanks. Let me know when you hear anything.

#10156  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/5/2004 3:29:42 PM


Gee! i haven't moved no where! Thats scary!!

I want to go further!

#10157  by Veteran Terl - 5/5/2004 3:44:49 PM

Thanks. Let me know when you hear anything.

Of course! I will fire off an email to see where he is with it all. RL may have impacted on him as it has with me

#10158  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/5/2004 4:12:29 PM

#10156 by Citizen Attila The Guardian - 5/5/2004 3:29:42 PM BOOM!Gee! i haven't moved no where! Thats scary!! I want to go further!

Yep, the steps get a little higher up here. Just think how many games Loth has submitted without moving up just 1 spot...

#10159  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/5/2004 4:40:18 PM

Now where did that Major go? He was right in front of me a minute ago...

#10160  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/5/2004 5:06:17 PM

Now where did that Major go? He was right in front of me a minute ago...

GH, just trying to peek and see what's on the next page, that's all.

#10161  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/5/2004 5:09:12 PM

GH, just trying to peek and see what's on the next page, that's all.

Well, time for me to head home and see if I can get a look at what you're seeing...

#10162  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/5/2004 5:15:20 PM

BOOM Attila that should put you back in your proper place. May get a chance to play again later. Sneeked one in while the wife went to help at the kids school. To do list not touch yet. Better go into hyperdrive now.

#10163  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/5/2004 5:29:50 PM

Attila that should put you back in your proper place.

You are getting more points than me! Thats not fare! Fine i'll leave it for awhile, and back later getting more meta points!

#10164  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/5/2004 5:32:50 PM

You are getting more points than me

I think everyone is getting more points than me. That's ok though.

#10165  by Citizen Kazzryl - 5/5/2004 5:35:25 PM

Hey guys! Working on a game now. Once I'm done, I'll catch upon the tread and see how the competition is doing!

#10166  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/5/2004 5:44:40 PM

Hey Kaz! Good to hear from you. Go get those pesky Yor.

#10167  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/5/2004 5:50:52 PM

Hey everyone. I was just wondering, and am willing to buy a round at the Grog, if someone can provide proof that Terl has verbally attacked anyone without provocation. I'd actually lay real money on it, but alas, I can't.

I bring this up because as I was wandering around some other empire threads (treads), I saw mention that Terl was actively attacking another without provocation. I just KNOW this is false, but was willing to see if anyone could come up with proof.

No? Didn't think so.

I won't bet the other way around though. I don't like losing.

For Honor and Justice

#10168  by Citizen Greldon - 5/5/2004 6:21:56 PM

I don't think Terl has ever attacked anybody....unless you call defending your home an attack. I did attack someone recently.
[Message Edited]

#10169  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/5/2004 6:25:38 PM

Greldon, you misread the message. I was asking for proof of an unprovoked attack.

I don't think you qualify under that statement either.

#10170  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/5/2004 6:27:02 PM

and am willing to buy a round at the Grog, if someone can provide proof that Terl has verbally attacked anyone without provocation

I think he's verbally (and physically) attacked the Yor without provocation. Just because they are Yor is reason enough, but I'm fairly sure they never actually provoked him... so I'll take that drink thanks Loth.

WTG MD - top 50 soon, shortly followed by GH.

Attila and ED seem to have their own little battle going on.

Keep it up guys, great reading your little digs.

I think there's a Diplomat in the middle of all that somewhere aswell - nice going Kaz.

Oh, yeah, nearly forgot... BOOM!! BOOM!! - up to 11th. It's slow going up here, don't you worry Attila - takes me about 20 games to move up a place now, and that's still nothing compared to the top 2 duking it out with games by the hundred.

#10171  by Citizen Greldon - 5/5/2004 6:36:36 PM

I think he's verbally (and physically) attacked the Yor without provocation. Just because they are Yor is reason enough, but I'm fairly sure they never actually provoked him...

I think when they say they'll spread you on their toast, it's provocation. Besides, their very existence is provocation enough!

#10172  by Citizen Alarac Steele - 5/5/2004 6:37:00 PM

Hiya Guardians,

Got my first 60k today... unfortunately, it didn;t submit correctly.

I read somewhere that when you upgrade to DNet from Gal Civ (to run AP) that something has to be done to make sure your scores are submitting correctly, but I don't remember what...

If someone know and can brief me on it, I would appreciate it... till then... boom on!

Alarac Steele

#10173  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/5/2004 6:39:16 PM

so I'll take that drink thanks Loth

Ah. Not so fast. The Yor do not count as anyone of consequence.

Well, I guess if I'm going to follow that train of thought, my point is moot.

#10174  by Citizen Greldon - 5/5/2004 6:42:05 PM

Well, I guess if I'm going to follow that train of thought, my point is moot.

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