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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#10200  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/5/2004 9:09:08 PM

#10200 Woo-hoo!!Just to preserve from anyone else! My snipe shots a great!
Thank you!

Kazz ofcourse our friendly competition is open! I've got ED, from other side he's just infront of me! But it was a tough job so far to catch him up!

@GH! Me too, i am desperate for my red shield! It's been so long without changes!!
[Message Edited]

#10201  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/5/2004 9:11:51 PM

Ack, just submitted a 60k game but still fell short of Attila. ~~grumble~~ But the battle may have been lost but the friendly competition continues!

Major, have you noticed how crowded page 3 is becomming?

Go Kaz!

#10202  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/5/2004 9:13:07 PM

Oh, and Weyrleader just submitted a game! Guess he saw us in his mirror!

#10203  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/5/2004 9:17:22 PM

Major, have you noticed how crowded page 3 is becomming?

GH, I had. Not sure if I'm climbing up, standing on another Guardian's head, getting pushed up and out of the way, or simply running out of sheer fright--but there's no question that there's a LOT of familiar faces on page 3 and a LOT of activity! Much fun!

#10204  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/5/2004 9:19:45 PM

how crowded page 3 is becomming?

I am hoping to that all active members going to move to the first 3 pages! So it would be a bit more of a challege!

#10205  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/5/2004 9:20:35 PM

Oh, and Weyrleader just submitted a game! Guess he saw us in his mirror!

It's too late to run when you finally catch sight of the tsunami!

#10206  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/5/2004 9:22:06 PM

Yes,Kazz the more, the funner it is. Way more interesting when you know there are live people about. Now lets move on up this page to GH. He is lonely.

Just started a new game got 21 earth a 16 planet same sector and my 1st colony hit another 20 the 1st star it checked out and have already scouted out 16 and 17 close by. I am playing rare so this is bizarre.

#10207  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/5/2004 10:04:47 PM

Well, that last one only netted a little over 4K! Oof! Time to call it a night.

#10208  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/5/2004 10:09:41 PM

Well, that last one only netted a little over 4K! Oof! Time to call it a night.

Good night, GH!

#10209  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/5/2004 10:12:54 PM

Night GH!

I better head to bed myself! it's been a late one for me! 3am!

See ya all morrow!
Good night MD! Kazz, ED! everyone else who is still around...

#10210  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/5/2004 10:17:29 PM

G'night, Attila! Get some rest, cuz the way you're tearing throught the Metaverse you're gonna need it!

#10211  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/5/2004 10:19:08 PM

you're gonna need it!

I hope Pringles + Pepsi are going to help me as much as at helped the others
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#10212  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/5/2004 10:22:09 PM

Pringles + Pepsi

I belive it's Dr. Pepper in that magic formula.

I'm off to bed. I'll see you all tomorrow.

#10213  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/5/2004 10:23:30 PM

Pepsi! Dr. Pepper same thing !! As long as it has coffiene

#10214  by Veteran the 3rd child - 5/5/2004 10:54:20 PM

Gooday guardians

hmmmmm with the exception of littlwotts it looks like all the seasoned guardians have faded away

                       Posted via Stardock Central
#10215  by Citizen bonscott - 5/5/2004 10:56:07 PM


Finally, Top 100! 98 to be exact.

I now have Attila and Kazz in my sights as well as 200k.

#10216  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/5/2004 11:12:10 PM

hmmmmm with the exception of littlwotts it looks like all the seasoned guardians have faded away

Not quite, but close...

Finally, Top 100! 98 to be exact.

All right bonscott!

#10217  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/5/2004 11:19:12 PM

Finally, Top 100! 98 to be exact.

Way to go, bonscott! Charge!

#10218  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/5/2004 11:24:32 PM

Ka-BOOM!Finally, Top 100! 98 to be exact.

congrats bonscott Another Guardian on the rise on a bullet.

#10219  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/5/2004 11:29:50 PM

@GH! Me too, i am desperate for my red shield! It's been so long without changes!!

Just checked statbot. You still have a little ways to go. You are at 7.97 dif and you need either 8.25 or 8.5 to get a shield change. The good news is that your maso games should help that along. I amd at 8.16, but since I am playing only crip, each game moves me less

#10220  by Citizen Greldon - 5/5/2004 11:34:21 PM

This BOOM netted me 3,008 mpts. It's tough being me!

It's all shined up and waiting for you, might as well come and get it!

For Honor and Justice!

#10221  by Citizen Greldon - 5/5/2004 11:35:52 PM

WTG, bonscott!!

#10222  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/5/2004 11:53:35 PM

Ah, I decided on only one submission tonight. I'm sure I'll get all those savegames in soon though.

Greldon, you can keep your shiny for a few more days, at least. There's time enough to get it.

#10223  by Citizen Greldon - 5/6/2004 12:02:07 AM

You guys (Guardians) are scaring me ...I can only imagine what the other empires must think! Everyone's progress is nothing short of phenomenal. I'm so glad you're all on my side. What an empire!!

You don't have to torture me Loth, let's get it over with. I figure you probably have about 60 more games ready to submit, so just do it!

Good night.
[Message Edited]

#10224  by Citizen Greldon - 5/6/2004 12:26:19 AM

From Tortuga:
#2356 by Veteran The Renegade - 5/5/2004 10:39:58 AM

The latest problems with Terl and Greldon have taken away the desire to keep playing this game and to come and visit this forum. So it is time for this old seawolf to hang his sword and retire to the peaceful corner of the galaxy where his island is located. If in the future another game comes out similar to these I will be there. But the lack of administrative control of what goes on on this forum sure takes away the desire of being part of this community.

The metaverse is now ruled by few players from the Galactic Guardians and if anyone dares to confront them, inmediately is attacked by Guardians and their loyalists no matter if you are right or wrong.

This last incident has destroyed all my desires of keep playing this game. My points stay with you Captain and I hope that your empire one day will rule again.

May God bless you.

Your friend


#2371 by Veteran Captain Jack Sparrow - 5/5/2004 8:21:37 PM


I think you should come on back. Don't bother with the 3 or 4 of them over there ruining things. And it is only 3 or 4 that are doing it. The whole empire isn't responsible for those goons. There are people in this world that are simply users. If they need ya, they're all nicey nicey. And if they don't they turn on ya just as fast. We call those fair weather friends where I come from. They aren't worth your time to worry about. AND YOU ARE SPENDING FAR TOO MUCH TIME WORRYING ABOUT THEM. I think Theoden took your thread to mean you were blaming the entirety of there empire and got mad. Although since he's out of a job he tends to get mad easier.
Just think about this. When someone was in real life trouble where did he turn? Did he turn to them? Nope!! He came over here to find you and turned to us. Puts you well above them in the grand scheme of things in my book. And if you look back on that section of our thread, Theoden was here. And a couple others were over here too. So not everyone over there is a jerk. Just a few. And others react to you like a bull reacts to a red cape. IMO that's totally unfair. So just stay over here and converse with those that like ya and forget the likes of them. The cool ones will come over here and shoot the bull with us. The rest wont and we need not worry about them.

Take care.

"Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas any more."
"Lions and Tigers and Guardians, Oh my!!"

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