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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#10275  by Veteran the 3rd child - 5/6/2004 2:52:51 PM

btw congratulations

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#10276  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/6/2004 3:00:05 PM

whoa holy crap! good way to scare those ahead of you dallas sneak up on me why don't you now i really do have to play some games if i want to keep from getting overtaken

Sneak? Sneak?! I've been tromping and stomping my way through the Metaverse like I was a 5-year old Japanese sea monster with ADHD! (Nothing subtle about me!)

Oh, and as I stated in an earlier post, once you see the tsunami it's far too late to run!

#10277  by Veteran the 3rd child - 5/6/2004 3:05:10 PM

Sneak? Sneak?! I've been tromping and stomping my way through the Metaverse like I was a 5-year old Japanese sea monster with ADHD! (Nothing subtle about me!) Oh, and as I stated in an earlier post, once you see the tsunami it's far too late to run!

heheheheh...well you've given me a motivation to play dallas, see i have a creedo "keep those behind you, behind you"

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#10278  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/6/2004 3:09:31 PM

WTG Major D. More work for Theoden.

Looks like you have a nice Diplomat buffet arrayed before you - time to do some more stomping. Oh, and lop a head off that moose creature as you pass - we could do with some trophies hanging on the wall of the Grog (and he grows them back fairly quick anyway).

#10279  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/6/2004 3:17:20 PM

Hey! Anyone see the Major? He was right in front of me, then there was this flash of light!

Congrats MD!

#10280  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/6/2004 3:22:43 PM

Congrats MD!!

So whats the new plan to get into TOP25? or keep triing to stay in TOP 50 !
You know we are all coming.... GH, ED, me, Kazz, bonscott, Droid, Mortis...

#10281  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/6/2004 3:25:06 PM

(Rode into the top 50 on the 'crest' of my block change wave.) Woohoo!

Way to go MD Save me a spot would you. MD its noon on a thursday and your submitting games. Between your wife and your employer what chance do the rest of us have? My wife said to me yesterday, that I did not even know she was living in our home any more. I said I did to, she was the one yelling. The only good thing was we both laughed for about 5 straight minutes after that. See I still have it

#10282  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 5/6/2004 3:26:42 PM

Go get a RL, all of you, I want to stay in the top 25 for some time (as soon as i'm in......tomorrow/saturday)

#10283  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/6/2004 3:27:43 PM

heheheheh...well you've given me a motivation to play dallas, see i have a creedo "keep those behind you, behind you

That's unfortunate CE, as my motto is "put those in front of you, behind you." It will be interesting to see how those two 'philosophies' interact!

Looks like you have a nice Diplomat buffet arrayed before you - time to do some more stomping.

As Magnum pointed out, there's a lot of food here on the second page--far more than I can eat alone. GH, ED, Attila, bonscott, any of you hungry?

And Attila, your suspicion is correct: my first goal is to simply stay in the top 50!

#10284  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/6/2004 3:31:26 PM

MD its noon on a thursday

ED, I started that game before work this morning and finished it up at lunchtime. Was mostly curious about what effect my new block would have. (And of course, you will have noticed how I've taken time out from work to explain how I didn't take time out from work!)

Your exchange between you and your wife sounds hysterical--I'm glad you were both laughing!

#10285  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/6/2004 3:33:25 PM

Go get a RL, all of you, I want to stay in the top 25 for some time

Not to pick on semantics, Icho, but wouldn't you have to be in the top 25 in order to stay there?

I'm not picking on you, mind you, I'm just curious in case I was ever in that position.

#10286  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/6/2004 3:40:04 PM

Thanks for the explanation MD I'll sleep better knowing you have to work like the rest of us. Now do you go home for lunch or is that game loaded on your work computer. I may have to call another foul on you.

#10287  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/6/2004 3:48:21 PM

Now do you go home for lunch or is that game loaded on your work computer.

Oh ED, now you're really going to hate me. I'm in the office on Mondays and I telecommute the remainder of the week. [MD ducks as ED begins throwing large, heavy objects--many of them suspiciously reminiscent of dismantled Yorians--at him.]

You can skip right past calling foul, brother. I fully expect to stand before a tribunal in the Senate Halls before too long, to answer for my actions!

#10288  by Citizen bonscott - 5/6/2004 3:48:42 PM

Man MD, congrats. You just joined up and passed me by rather quickly and now I've been chasing you for over a month.

I may or may not get a game in tonight. I need to get one in soon if I plan to stay in the top 100. Then I got a couple other Guardians in my sights.

#10289  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/6/2004 3:55:24 PM

I may or may not get a game in tonight.

Bonscott, you mean someone in the civilized world might not be watching the final episode of 'Friends'?! (Or perhaps you were referring to afterwards. )

I'll tell you the truth, Bonscott, I am having more fun hanging out in the forums, interacting with the Guardians, and 'playing the Metaverse' than I would have ever thought possible. It's one of the best parts of a truly great game!

#10290  by Veteran the 3rd child - 5/6/2004 4:17:53 PM

So whats the new plan to get into TOP25? or keep triing to stay in TOP 50 !You know we are all coming.... GH, ED, me, Kazz, bonscott, Droid, Mortis...

well my personal plan is to use my ability to do a maso in 30 minutes to attempt to submit 10 games on saturday and sunday...or as close as i can get think that'll secure my lead?

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#10291  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/6/2004 4:30:20 PM

...maso in 30 minutes...

That's unbelievable (very probably in the literal sense!). I can't click that fast, never mind think that fast! You go, CE--you gotta have goals!

#10292  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/6/2004 4:37:10 PM

...maso in 30 minutes...

That's unbelievable (very probably in the literal sense!).

mate it doesn't mean its 60k ones , i can do maso in 30min tiny!!

So don't worry MD, he is bluffing..

#10293  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/6/2004 4:38:55 PM

mate it doesn't mean its 60k ones

Right! (I had forgotten that there was anything other than 60K masos. Well, those and the final episode of 'Friends'. )

#10294  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/6/2004 4:44:22 PM

So don't worry MD, he is bluffing..

Not quite. CultE, or D-01, as I shall now refer to him by (see Diplo thread for details) just bunged a Maso gigantic alliance for 53K (V1.20) in a claimed 29 minutes.

No reason to disbelieve this - I've got the Magnum (TM) strategy down to 40 minutes now if I have no life (oops, I mean distractions).

Or should that read "if I have no wife"?
[Message Edited]

#10295  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/6/2004 4:45:00 PM

Oh ED, now you're really going to hate me. I'm in the office on Mondays and I telecommute the remainder of the week.

Okay, I was jealous before MD. Now I just have to sit back in awe. Now we have perfect job, to go along with perfect wife. I am sure all have more to say on the subject later but for now you have taken the words right out of my key board.

#10296  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/6/2004 4:48:20 PM

I've got the Magnum (TM) strategy down to 40 minutes

can you write it down in SH! So some of us could learn on your greatest skills, my lord?!

#10297  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/6/2004 4:51:12 PM

Well, those and the final episode of 'Friends'. )

I am going to watch it tomorrow on Ch4, coz' i dont have E4 !

#10298  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/6/2004 4:51:34 PM

can you write it down in SH

Attila, he did! It's in the Maso strategies thread! It's incredibly fun, very detailed, and works like a charm!

#10299  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/6/2004 4:53:22 PM

OOps, ok i have a look there then, in 40 min!!

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