Has anyone told damoose what is in his mirror? |
Methinks damoose is about to be run over by two (or more!) fast-moving Guardians! (My most recent strategy has been to honk as I approach, then while the driver is looking in his/her rear-view mirror floor it and leave them in a cloud of dust wondering what just happened! Give it a try, littlewotts--I'm right behind you!)
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Must have gotten through that tough comute home alright. |
Yup. Tough commute. [MD walks from his home office to his refrigerator, pulls out and pops a cold one, then walks back to his computer to put some more hurtin' on the Yorian monsters that... well, are Yorians!]
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i would like to brag that i can pull a maso win out of some pretty tight starting spots as well, let's see the worst game i ever made a victory had to be i had maybe 7 planets and got hit with 2 1000k tribute threats before the colony rush was over although i stuck with that and eventually came out (that was a looooooong time ago though before the strategy became so perfect as to not allow that to happen) |
Well, I have gotten a game with 4 planets in a huge map before.
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We have a new member. Welcome loopcub and thanks for joining us! Come by and introduce yourself, and register for the senate halls where we have a private forum!
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Its May 6th, and the statbot already reads 20 games for Lothmorg.
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Correction and update, its 31 games.
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Wife wanted to go to Best Buy and shop (bless her heart) so we went on a date to dinner, Best Buy, then we went out for ice cream. Can't get much better then that. |
Must have went to Ritter's.
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Welcome loopcub! I PMed Dream Warrior to make sure you have access to the private forum at the senate halls.
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We have a great custard place by me. Awesome for blizzards, it is really, really, really, good. If you find one, try it out. Good stuff.
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There are a few here in town. bonscott and I live in the same city actually, and it's not a very large one either. About 120-150k.
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In the same town? Wow. I actually think that Ben and I live close to each other, but we are still some distance apart.
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Jeffery Pinard lives about 45 min to and hour away, as well. Stardock is about 1.5 hrs from my house. Pretty neat I think.
On a side note, Jester's Corner has been sent out and I will be updating the forum Corner as well.
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I suggest you circle around Da moose and pass. |
Good advice, ED. BOOM! Done. (Now we'll see how long that lasts.)
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I suggest you circle around Da moose and pass. |
MD, your blinker is still on...
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Also, VoT booms to 300K too. Right on your tail guys, and I get a ton of points for each of my games.
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I get a ton of points for each of my games. |
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On a side note, Jester's Corner has been sent out and I will be updating the forum Corner as well. |
Funny and accurate LW!
Oh, and last game, I think I got something like 12K. Could be wrong.
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Congrats on making Veteran, VoT!
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