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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#10400  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 5/7/2004 12:26:38 PM close.

We posted at the same SECOND! I won by a nano-second??? WTF?

That has got to be a first.

Sorry, Attila. I thought you had left, or I would have left it.

Saved by a honorary Guardian though.
[Message Edited]

#10401  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/7/2004 12:26:38 PM

Damn yoouuuuu!! it was almost the 4 century....

ough well....

[Message Edited]

#10402  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/7/2004 12:30:54 PM

I just meant that some of us don't wipe out the galaxy. Sorry if I offended.

No mate it doesn't sounds offencive to me.. it's all good!

Ok take care guys see you in while... I am gone to drink 2nd best sider....
~"Ahh... it's so good that England doesn't have that stupid law from 21" Attila thought, took his backbag and set off...~

#10403  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 5/7/2004 12:34:35 PM

Yeah, I would love to be in England right now.

See you Attila!
[Message Edited]

#10404  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/7/2004 1:24:13 PM

Dull Thud

Almost a BOOM!, but not quite! Just missed 600,000 too. Well, at least I should be safe in the Top 25 for a few more days. Still, the competition is getting nasty! I love it!

Well, I'm off to do some laundry. Whoopee.

#10405  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 5/7/2004 1:47:18 PM

Hi, there is an interesting topic regarding Metaverse scoring here Link

If you agree with the metaverse problems perhaps by participating constructively we can get stardock to agree to make a change for the better.

#10406  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/7/2004 1:51:25 PM

Doh! I was going to finish off the latest Metaverse Review today, but work grabbed me by the short and curly's all afternoon. Get home and realise I've left the working file on my work PC (which I shut down for the weekend), so sorry guys - no review until Monday. Oh, well gives me a bit more time trying to figure out why Theoden lost 3 games from his profile yesterday, as that doesn't fit in to my nice equation.

#10407  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/7/2004 2:28:22 PM

Looks like I'm going to start seeing the weird stuff happen to my game count. I had 91 games before the submission and now I've got 89.

OK Theoden, this is weird...

Normally, when game totals are dropped, it is due to the 331 day calculation, but statbot still shows the full total of games, and the meta profile still has them - check out NewfyScotian for example, meta says 156 games, statbot 164, and if you work it out from his profile you can see there are 8 games over 331 days older than his last submission (important, that last part).

With the game you've just submitted, the meta shows 90 games, you think it should be 93 (91 at start yesterday + 2 subs), but you have no games older than 331 days and statbot is also showing 90.??????

It looks like you just had 3 games disappear into the ether completely, with no record of them ever existing, and without it apparently adverseley affecting your score.

Might be worth an e-mail to the goddess, to see if they can track what happened (I'd be very interested to find out the reason aswell).

#10408  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/7/2004 4:14:28 PM

We have another new member. Welcome Stefan Amaris. Drop on over to the Senate Halls Link and register for our private forums.

Feel free to drop in and say hello, and ask any questions you want to.

#10409  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 5/7/2004 4:59:22 PM

Well, at least I should be safe in the Top 25 for a few more days. Still, the competition is getting nasty!

Tell me about it! >500K just to reach 33rd. I'm about `50K from top 25. But with everyone from 25-31 pretty much real active, its like trying to climb vertical icy slope.

#10410  by Citizen Greldon - 5/7/2004 6:16:33 PM

#2401 by Veteran Captain Jack Sparrow - 5/7/2004 5:14:28 PM

2400 stolen

Just don't do it in the Guardians thread. They'll be all over you for spamming their fluff.

Just for that I'm going to try and steal 2400 in your thread. Can you drop me an email 11 months from now when you get close?

[Message Edited]

#10411  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/7/2004 6:57:04 PM

Better watch out for the Pirate double standard, Greldon. Don't even joke with them, or they'll start seeing conspiracies in everything you type.

@CJ: Yes, that was a JOKE.

#10412  by Citizen Greldon - 5/7/2004 7:16:56 PM

Don't even joke with them, or they'll start seeing conspiracies in everything you type.

That's why I just posted it...without comment. Besides, I'm too big an idiot to match wits with the great CJS.

#10413  by Citizen Naqmir - 5/7/2004 7:53:25 PM

Hey everyone! Hows it been going the last week or so?? You can't leave this place for long and not miss something so congrats to all guardians who im sure deserve it and welcome to all new members!!

#10414  by Citizen KEmperor - 5/7/2004 7:53:51 PM

Uh oh, are the pirates not playing nice?

#10415  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/7/2004 8:26:05 PM

According to them, we are a bunch of idiots.
And they say WE are the ones that start flame wars. Whatever. I can be big enough to ignore them.

Seems a pity though that one or two people can ruin the enjoyment of so many.

So, I guess I may be an idiot, but at least I still have my sense of humor and a firm grasp on reality.

#10416  by Citizen bonscott - 5/7/2004 8:41:56 PM

Reality? What's that?

Well, just laid down another BOOM! Up to 92 and looks to be a pretty slow crawl from here. But who knows, that's what I though down at 200.

I'll probably won't be as active going forward for a while. Been playing GalCiv for about 2 months straight and it's time to change it up a bit. Morrowind Game of the Year edition for all of $30 is really calling my name. *That* will suck up a lot of time I'm sure. My plan is to still try to post a game once a week or so. That outta keep me in the top 100 anyway. But who knows, something about this game keeps drawing me back in.

I'll still be around the forum though.

For honor and justice!

#10417  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/7/2004 8:54:19 PM

As long as you keep having fun in whatever you're doing, Scott.

Enjoy yourself!

We'll be seeing you around.

#10418  by Citizen bonscott - 5/7/2004 8:57:31 PM

Just noticed I got a shiny new shield. Maybe I can get in another game before I go to bed...

Damn this game keeps calling me!

#10419  by Citizen Greldon - 5/7/2004 9:16:16 PM

So, I guess I may be an idiot, but at least I still have my sense of humor and a firm grasp on reality.

You're not an idiot Loth....That's Terl's and my job! We worked for it, we earned it, and it's ours! You can't have it!

Greldon of The Galactic Guardians
Guardian First Knight
Guy On The Internet Who Likes Stories
Powerful Idiot

#10420  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/7/2004 9:19:35 PM

We are the Stinky Guardians! Beware our powerful smell!

#10421  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/7/2004 9:19:46 PM

Greldon of The Galactic Guardians
Guardian First Knight
Guy On The Internet Who Likes Stories
Powerful Idiot

#10422  by Citizen Greldon - 5/7/2004 9:22:24 PM

None shall stand before the stench of the Guardians!

#10423  by Citizen Greldon - 5/7/2004 9:24:22 PM'd you like my sig littlewotts...I think it about says it all!

#10424  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/7/2004 9:26:42 PM

how'd you like my sig littlewotts


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