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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#10550  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/11/2004 12:06:23 AM

And ... Might as well take top o' the page too.

#10551  by Veteran the 3rd child - 5/11/2004 12:14:58 AM

Nevermind. Thought I could steal it. Oh, well, good catch Greldon.Just stopping by and going to get a game in.

you took 10501!

                       Posted via Stardock Central
#10552  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/11/2004 12:18:47 AM

Hmm, just had a bug in the campaing I was fooling around with. I conquered that capital I was supposed to...and nothing happened...ok the yor are secretly conspiring in an underground resistance movement in the capital, no big deal. I conquer the rest of the enemy planets, nothing.

Nevermind that the Yor aren't in that scenario, or in the campaign at all so far, they are clearly the culprits, and I feel it is my responsibility to go conquer them, so I'm off to do that after forwarding the bugged savegame to cari.

Wish me luck on the yor-smashing.

#10553  by Citizen Greldon - 5/11/2004 12:40:41 AM

Wish me luck on the yor-smashing.

Good luck, quiksilverhg!

#10554  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/11/2004 1:12:05 AM

#10553 by Citizen Greldon - 5/11/2004 12:40:41 AM

You should be sleeping.

Just got to finish this game up.

#10555  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/11/2004 4:36:36 AM

Wow, insomnia does wonders for gaming. Broke the top 100! didn't get the final kill on the yor, they ended up surrendering to the drath, who ended up surrendering to me. So I guess vicariously the yor surrendered to me, which is second best.

I'm starting to get this maso thing. I guess it's better to keep a decent navy the whole way through rather than wait 'til battleships before building a decent one.
You live you learn...wish me luck on killing this insomnia now

For Honor and Justice!

#10556  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 5/11/2004 5:34:28 AM

I'm starting to get this maso thing. I guess it's better to keep a decent navy the whole way through rather than wait 'til battleships before building a decent one

It is as you feel it: I play maso with no military (building only colony ships and freighter) which is great for the economy (few maintenance) and high diplomatic skills to keep the AI happy.

#10557  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/11/2004 5:35:32 AM

Another top 100 Guardian.

WTG Quik.

There are many different ways to beat maso - I never build a navy at all anymore. Have fun trying new srtategies...
[Message Edited]

#10558  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 5/11/2004 5:48:25 AM

About a "decent navy": if you just want to have high military rating (to avoid paying tribute to AI) with low maintenance, the Anti Matter Missile (Dreadnough technology) is unbeatable.

#10559  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/11/2004 5:50:10 AM

Nice black shield you've got there PP.

#10560  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/11/2004 6:05:02 AM

Lothmorg, did you do anything else on your vacation?

Greldon, I'm afraid to say it's only 2 days to Loth starting his next block. You need to get that lead above 100K at least.

#10561  by Citizen damoose - 5/11/2004 6:51:11 AM

WOW... Quite in here yesterday. Monday doldrums I guess.

Of course having Loth drop a bazillion games into the 'verse sent a shock wave rippling out across the known galaxy severely disrupting the communications links for others.

The shock wave itself caused no physical damage but the psycological impact was enouth to stun even the most hardened player in to a semi-comotose state greatly slowing the chatter and submit rates even within the Guardian empire.

A word of warning... This is what happens with unrestricted use of the 'Greldonizer'. Yor beware!

Ah well things will return to normal soon enough...

For Honour and Justice!

#10562  by Citizen Kazzryl - 5/11/2004 7:01:52 AM


Morning, Guardians

~~ponders~~ Where about is Attila?

#10563  by Citizen Greldon - 5/11/2004 7:31:14 AM

Ah well things will return to normal soon enough...

Uh...this is normal, isn't it?!

Greldon, I'm afraid to say it's only 2 days to Loth starting his next block. You need to get that lead above 100K at least.

I can't do anything about it right now....RL is kicking my a$$. Go Lothmorg!

#10564  by Citizen damoose - 5/11/2004 8:18:56 AM

RL is kicking my a$$.

Hummm... Sounds like Greldonizer time to me. Oh... wait... they put in jail for that kinda stuff in RL.

#10565  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/11/2004 10:22:35 AM

Good morning Guardians!

Well, after much discussion and thought, I've decided to not take the sales position I had been contemplating. My wife and I think that it would keep me away from home too much among other reasons. Some other opportunities have opened up though, so I'm sure things will get back to normal soon. Haven't heard from the Times yet, but that's not out of the ordinary. They told me it might take a couple of weeks to get everything in order.

Welcome to the Galactic Guardians quiksilverhg & Stefan Amaris! It's great to have you join us in our assault on 10,000,000 points!

You've both been added to our website Roster at this Link . quiksilverhg has already earned a Top 100 medal and an All-Victory medal! Great job!!

#10566  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/11/2004 10:39:37 AM

What exactly were the clone wars here. I've seen 'em mentioned once or twice, but never heard what exactly they were.

#10567  by Citizen damoose - 5/11/2004 10:55:53 AM

Clone Wars was a competion between teams of empires. Check out this link Link

#10568  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/11/2004 11:49:37 AM

Go Lothmorg!

Well, only if you say so.

#10569  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/11/2004 11:53:11 AM

Lothmorg, did you do anything else on your vacation?

Not really. Although I would like to start working on my project car. As soon as Greldon gives me his medal, I can get to it.

#10570  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/11/2004 2:26:22 PM

Good news GH there is no one really active between us so you can stop playing and let me catch up. Does that sound like a plan or what.

#10571  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/11/2004 3:48:29 PM

First perfect game, unfortunately I once again did not get to squish the Yor, they surrendered to me before I could get over there, they were on the opposite side of the map., just checked now and it didn't log my score...any suggestions? Go back to a save and try again?

My cash did get pretty high at one point, not over 11,000 though, would that have given me an anomalous score?

Grr! 1st perfect game, and this crap happens

#10572  by Citizen Naqmir - 5/11/2004 3:53:22 PM

My cash did get pretty high at one point, not over 11,000 though, would that have given me an anomalous score?

No. I've had well over into the millions before without one.

#10573  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/11/2004 3:58:05 PM

would that have given me an anomalous score?

I don't see a acore for today at all. I would just reload the endgamesave and resubmit it. Sometimes you have to do that.

#10574  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 5/11/2004 4:36:11 PM

I believe that the cash anomalous trigger only goes off if you get a large amount very early on, or in a very short amount of time. I have had 70K in $ before, but it was built up over time.

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