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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#10575  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 5/11/2004 4:36:34 PM

Top of the page!

#10576  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/11/2004 4:39:55 PM

I have had 70K in $ before, but it was built up over time

The Draginol event will get you 140K a turn if tou play your cards right. That was nice.

#10577  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/11/2004 4:40:08 PM

Double Post.
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#10578  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/11/2004 4:57:09 PM

Alright, worked after reloading and trying to submit again. Moved up 14 admiralty yet though, I must be close. Will probably add another game tomorrow we'll see what happens, I'm gonna try and change up my strategy a bit.

For Honor and Justice!
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#10579  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/11/2004 5:01:27 PM

There is a list on our website that shows how you attain each rank. Rear Admiral is 30 games, and 50,000 points. Link

#10580  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/11/2004 5:35:36 PM

LW If that is correct your about 3 games away from your full Admiralty LW.

#10581  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/11/2004 5:46:21 PM

Good evening everybody!

How is it going around, sorry for not being around here... ough and just to say BOOM

Damn that was a nice game... huge/maso/rare(usual). Started in the centre of galaxy with one minor by my side, other Major AIs somewhere scattered aroundthe map. Got 5 more star systems around me, with no competition to grab them. colonisation tool awile, but then caught up with Tech tree... while still researching Techs, Altarians built GSE, i find it not really important you see why. start building up all the basic buildings... the only TG's i got Ultra Spices, Harmony smth and Steel smth (cant be bothered to remember) also got Eyes of Uni. Galactic Exhib., Historical Preserve, so i could see everything and not being bothered on cultural flips... anyway i got to the stage when i was doing up to 2,500bc a turn without no bribes. Thats the best i ever had... i mean no help from other Ai's pure taxes(5%) and trade(95%)... pretty well, ha? Start developing ST, miricle and then just went to see on F5 5 AI are close 1 Friendly and 1 Warm, Gee!! I could win it without even finishing reasearch TS, so it took me another 10min to finish up the game Terror Stared the Yor!! what else takes could it be?

so i am 67! and it netted 17grands! Thanx! Meta, my plan worked...

#10582  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/11/2004 5:48:57 PM

Congrats, Attila!

Sure is quiet around here the past couple days.

#10583  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/11/2004 5:51:56 PM

Sure is quiet around here the past couple days

it slow here where's everybody? Whats up?!

#10584  by Citizen Kazzryl - 5/11/2004 5:53:21 PM

Hey Attila, nice to see ya!

#10585  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/11/2004 5:55:05 PM

LW If that is correct your about 3 games away from your full Admiralty LW.


it slow here where's everybody? Whats up?!

LW's RL is kickin' his a$$. And I thought it would be fun to go mountain biking, which it was up until i flipped over the handlebars and skidded on down the trail. Kinda hurt.

#10586  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/11/2004 5:55:21 PM

hey Kazz i' ve just hy in diplomats to you..

#10587  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/11/2004 5:58:45 PM

flipped over the handlebars and skidded on down the trail.


Ough Yeah LW, that sider thing... nothing special.. just an ordianry sider, i ended up drinking beer and mixing cocktails... i had one of the most horrible headackes, i ever had, except for the part when i got drunk with red wine on Christmas Eve.

#10588  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/11/2004 6:01:00 PM

drinking beer and mixing cocktails

Uh-oh...that generally leads to me expelling all my night drinking.

#10589  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/11/2004 6:02:19 PM

so i am 67! and it netted 17grands

Ah. Your closing in on me fast Attila. I'm 62nd. Must play game.

#10590  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/11/2004 6:04:18 PM

Uh-oh...that generally leads to me expelling all my night drinking.

Well, One of the good things i do have is ability not to expell them... good stomach... hey i got some gens

#10591  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/11/2004 6:05:50 PM

Ah. Your closing in on me fast Attila. I'm 62nd. Must play game.

Don't you worry, i am going slow, one or two games a week...just need to get Kazz first and then you...

#10592  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/11/2004 6:07:26 PM

Sure is quiet around here the past couple days.

It certainly is, maybe we need some unrestricted spamming in the thread.

Anyone know if MC has been around anywhere lately - he hasn't submitted for a while. I guess he's working on his writing course. Talking of which, I think we need a story.... any volunteers (hint to the professional writer).

Oops, nearly forgot... BOOM!! BOOM!!, 9th place and only 21K from a million.

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#10593  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/11/2004 6:07:45 PM

And I thought it would be fun to go mountain biking, which it was up until i flipped over the handlebars and skidded on down the trail. Kinda hurt

, i ended up drinking beer and mixing cocktails... i had one of the most horrible headackes, i ever had

Don't know which one of you had it worst. I think I hate hangovers more then just about anything.\ thought. All you can do is lie down and hope you can fall asleep.

#10594  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/11/2004 6:14:06 PM

Well, One of the good things i do have is ability not to expell them... good stomach... hey i got some gens

When I was in my twentys I use to get sick and just keep on drinking. Ouch.

One time I was going sking. Had the worst hangover. Had my buds pull the car over and puked my guts out. Got back in the car opened a beer and downed it, it was about 5:00 AM. I think I made everyone else sick. No way I was going to be able to ski with that bad hangover so just had to drink all day.

#10595  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/11/2004 6:20:57 PM

No way I was going to be able to ski with that bad hangover

Starting the day with a nice icy black run is the best cure for a hangover I've ever found - self-preservation takes priority every time.

#10596  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/11/2004 6:25:16 PM

Oops, nearly forgot... BOOM!! BOOM!!, 9th place and only 21K from a million

Congrats Magnu,~push it, push it, push it real hard,~ you are soon going to the Top3, mate... Way to go...

One time I was going sking. Had the worst hangover. Had my buds pull the car over and puked my guts out. Got back in the car opened a beer and downed it, it was about 5:00 AM. I think I made everyone else sick. No way I was going to be able to ski with that bad hangover so just had to drink all day.

That reminds me of my mates, nowardays... instead of killing the hangover they do another day after another... ended up for 3 days drinking God, that was horrible.

#10597  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/11/2004 6:28:32 PM

Starting the day with a nice icy black run is the best cure for a hangover I've ever found - self-preservation takes priority every time

I heard the term scared sober. But scared out of a hangover. I'll take your word for it. I just starting skiing again this year after about 7 years. Blew my knee out when a ski came out and quit. Now my daughter has gotten into snow boarding so it has revitalized my interest. Bought her and me all new equipment this year. I had forgotten how much I love it.

#10598  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/11/2004 6:30:38 PM

And another one killing the hangover... Congnac, i've already posted that before but a few rounds of Cognac will do the job nicely...

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#10599  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/11/2004 6:30:57 PM

and just

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