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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#10700  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/12/2004 11:01:55 PM

For the Guardians, I'll grab 10700...
[Message Edited]

#10701  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/12/2004 11:02:15 PM

...and 10701

#10702  by Citizen Greldon - 5/12/2004 11:04:47 PM

Good grab littlewotts!

#10703  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/12/2004 11:05:16 PM

Alright it will probably keep me up awhile, but I'm gonna try and squeeze in one more game on behalf of everyone in the gang with RL troubles.

Out to kick some Yor ass, I'll check out in a little bit

#10704  by Citizen Greldon - 5/12/2004 11:08:48 PM

Go get 'em, Quik!

#10705  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/12/2004 11:10:07 PM

Alright it will probably keep me up awhile, but I'm gonna try and squeeze in one more game on behalf of everyone in the gang with RL troubles.

Thanks for thinking of your teammates!

Well, RL not withstanding, I had to get one in. Amazing what 3 days without a game will do for your score.

There seems to be a moose in front of me. 'Fraid he'll have to wait for another time. Probably be a couple of more days until I can safely sneak by (I said sneak - not snack!).

#10706  by Citizen Greldon - 5/12/2004 11:17:32 PM

You're only 1K behind damoose,'ll probably make the top fifty with your next submission.

#10707  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/12/2004 11:23:38 PM

You're only 1K behind damoose,'ll probably make the top fifty with your next submission.

Wish I could have played it out for better score. As it was, I was just hanging on to 2190. The Altarians managed 7 planets and were hostile to me. Guess the 7 Terror Stars parked in their back yard didn't help things much. Hint to designers - AIs should never make demands when all of their planets are in range of TS

Anyway, only good for 40K. Could have got about 3 more if the Yor would have stood up better to the Alterians (see, it really is all Yor fault! )

#10708  by Citizen Greldon - 5/12/2004 11:36:58 PM

(see, it really is all Yor fault! )

Every time, without question!

#10709  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/12/2004 11:58:11 PM

Boom So close GH, but you wait for me and will move to the next page together.

#10710  by Citizen bonscott - 5/13/2004 12:06:09 AM

Hey bonscott, gotta question for you...I think you said you were working for UpJohn/Pharmacia/Pfizer. My roommate's dad worked out there for a while at the newer building downtown - 3rd floor CNS research. His name is Bob Code, an I was just curious if you knew him.

Nope, never heard of him that I can recall. Not suprising since there are over 6000 people in Kalamazoo/Portage in the company, even after all the layoffs. I think the CNS group got whacked as well.

Well, bedtime for me!

#10711  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/13/2004 12:06:20 AM

Dull Thud

Decided to take the Alliance victory since I was only going to lose ~6k points. A military vic would have been messy, slow and bloody (for the remaining AIs that is!)

Great gaming everyone!! It's great to see all the BOOMs, Dull Thuds, Plinks, Bips, and everything else!

I'm glad I got that game in tonight, it looks like a couple of Guardians are pushing for the Top 25 in a hurry! Come on up guys, the air is a little cleaner up here (now that I passed Wombie...phew, that furry little guy is stinky! ) Only 7 more games for my 100 game medal! That's my next goal...I've decided to set little goals and when I reach them I set another one. Keeps me interested!

Well, it's late and I'm going to hit the hay. Night shift is on, everybody have a great night!

For Honor and Justice!

#10712  by Citizen bonscott - 5/13/2004 12:07:22 AM

Oh, WTG quick! You are gaining like crazy. I'm starting to run into the muck where my games don't get me many points anymore. Uggg.

#10713  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/13/2004 12:08:53 AM

Oh, cool! Before I go, did anybody notice I scored the same on two different games?

5/8/2004 (1.490000) Morality: Neutral Galaxy Size: Small 45320
Difficulty: Masochistic Win / Lost: Win: Military Conquest

5/12/2004 (1.490000) Morality: Chaotic Good Galaxy Size: Small 45320
Difficulty: Masochistic Win / Lost: Win: Military Conquest


Okay, g'nite!

#10714  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 5/13/2004 12:11:58 AM

Neat Theoden. Last time I saw that was, well Lothmorg, Greldon's, Tech's, or Alex's records.

#10715  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/13/2004 12:30:23 AM

Alright, I'm giving it up for the night, computer started getting slow as ass, then GC froze for a second, and disappeared without a trace. No force quit or anything...just disappeared. I was off to a good start though, Torians to north with two planets, arceans to the east with one, and drath to the south with 3, and me sitting with 6 good ones, and 2 14 initials.

I managed to squeeze out the GSE ahead of everyone and am close to gravity accelerators, haven't seen the yor yet, but I know they're plotting some diabolical scheme somewhere, so it's looking like this will be a good game but I'll pick it up tomorrow, good night everyone

#10716  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 5/13/2004 12:33:01 AM

Did you have the autosave on?

#10717  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/13/2004 12:39:03 AM

Yeah, I'll pick it up tomorrow where I left off.

Not the first time it's happened

#10718  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 5/13/2004 12:39:57 AM

That has happened to me quite a bit too. Pretty annoying.

#10719  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/13/2004 12:42:37 AM

3 turn autosave, I usually revert when someone does something stupid like when someone I'm trying to form an alliance with decides "I'd better finish you before you finish me" or whatever,
also if someone I'm about to crush surrenders stupidly I usually go back and make peace with them so they will wait 'til my invasion instead of surrendering.

also on my last game I forgot to save before trying to get the altarians to close...did a couple of 100 bc for 999999990 turns...actually like 10 of those and he still didn't turn, and I'm like crap, I guess I'll have to bring in some freighters and get him up more that way. Then at like 8 turns later I was like dammit, I shoulda saved before I tried to get him close, so I tried the autosave, but alas it was too late...
luckily my two other allies took my side (they were also allied with the altarians) and I pounded them into oblivion just for spite.

See everyone tomorrow

#10720  by Citizen Greldon - 5/13/2004 12:46:55 AM

Well, I was going to see how many games Loth would submit tonight...but he just started and I'm tired so I guess I'll see if he took the gold in the morning. Good night everyone.

For Honor and Justice!

#10721  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/13/2004 12:54:26 AM

Good night, Greldon.

#10722  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/13/2004 12:58:56 AM

Hey GH, I have an historic announcement to make.

(Pardon me whilst I blow my own horn...)

On this day in history, Lothmorg the Black has surpassed The Renegade in total number of games submitted (374).

#10723  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/13/2004 1:40:50 AM

They're mostly inactive.....I think maybe a slingshot and a bag of marbles will do it!


Well, once again you guys have given me great advice! Tried the old "slingshot and marble" strategy and moved up one more position! Thanks for the hint guys!

#10724  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/13/2004 2:41:37 AM

BOOM and good night.

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