I got a few ideas for an incredibly hard maso game. Might even be too much for Loth. |
Don't forget problem linked with version and mod.
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This last game I kept taking 1 mil colony ships and hitting all the planets around trying to get messages.
Of course I didn't get ANY despit hitting like 10 planets...do they do something to disable those messages late in the game to prevent alignment switching last minute or something? |
Don't remember the exact version, but they have indeed remove some cheesy tactics with colonization:
- colonize worlds with PQ less than 12 (I am not sure if it is theright PQ) don't give a colonization event
- you can't milk the same planet for colonization event (succession of colonization and destroying colonies on the same planet)
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One question, is there any way in game to tell if you are pure good or chaotic good? |
Domestic / Stats / Society, I think it is, to get your alignment as a number. 100 is the purest pure good.
I ended up making it easier for myself to reach pure good by changing the events, to get rid of all those annoying ones that only give you +1 alignment. Look in the GC Mods discussion for some details.
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Galactic Guardians News Update
Today, in a special ceremony at Raven's Claw, all members of the Galactic Guardians received their shiny new 10 Million Point Awards, representing those members who helped the empire reach a pinnacle in the Metaverse. Emperor Theoden of Rohan was said to be extrememly proud and pleased to give everyone their new award.
After everyone had gotten their awards, Emperor Theoden surprised everyone when he presented Guardian Knight Lothmorg the Black with a newly created 2 Million Point Medal, and Guardian Knights Greldon and Magnumaniac with 1 Million Point Medals.
It's tough day for me today! First date! |
Really? Good luck!
[Message Edited]
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First day with a double-submit, might even be able to make it a triple today.
Passed atila with that submit...sorry dude,
still climbing the ladder...25 by the end of the month 
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Double submit
[Message Edited]
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Wow, thanks Theoden.
You missed out on one other noteable occasion for yesterday.... 3 DULL THUDS from our glorious emperor in one day.
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Getting to feel like a real veteran, after all, I have been around since the middle of March. |
It's a amazing how well everyone is doing. I joined in Febuary, and it's great to see how everyone has been progressing.
For Honor and Justice!
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littlewotts is testing a friend'd home brew beer, checking out Icho beta mod and rocking out to Zep and the Stones.
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How many test bottles does it take for a LW to decide if it is a positive or negative test result |
Just one. But I think I can duplicate it as I am buying my onw brew kit. The one I have sucks, and my brew turned out like crap. The bottle I just had was great. I think the alcohol content was way more than your average American bew though. Something like 9-12% as opposed to 5%.
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What make it better then the one you have. |
It's more idiot proof. Plus, Ican make 48-56 bottle per batch as opposed to 18-24. The direction in my kit right now are rather hard to follow. I have been talking to the guy who made this beer, and he said that the kit he uses it rather simple to use.
he got it at Link
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Berr is really cheap here, but I like to brew it myself. It's fun, and you can end up with a much better tasting product. The one I'm sampling is a Blueberry Porter, and it's reawlly good.
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