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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#10975  by Citizen Greldon - 5/16/2004 11:49:20 PM

quiksilverhg: What year are you completing the must play to January, 2190 to get the maximum score.

WTG ED!! I don't think there's much that would distract damoose from snacking!

#10976  by Citizen Greldon - 5/16/2004 11:52:44 PM

"You have reached the home of the all-powerful Galactic Guardians. We're sorry but nobody is available to take your call right now, but if you'll leave your name, number, and a brief message we'll get back to you as soon as we can. At the beep you will be completely and totally annihilated. Have a nice day!

Remind me to never phone home!

#10977  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/16/2004 11:57:47 PM

Hey everyone! Great job, everyone!

Thanks for letting me have 1st, Greldon.

I'm sure I'll be giving it back to you soon. Kind of nice to get out and see the sun once in a while.

I'm taking a little break, so I'll see you all tomorrow.

#10978  by Citizen Greldon - 5/17/2004 12:11:48 AM

Thanks for letting me have 1st, Greldon.

My pleasure, Lothmorg! I've been quite distracted lately, so haven't been able to play very much. BTW, I have an appointment on the 24th with the person you recommended...thanks.

#10979  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 5/17/2004 12:29:53 AM

The only problem I have with Harrison getting his own account is that he is pretty determined to join a different empire than "his old man."

That's kids for you. Always trying to distance yourself from your parents. I know I do.

Ask him if he wants to join the Diplomats!

Also, with the account, I think you could just use another e-mail address, and use the same CD code to submit it. But you may have the problem of submitting on the same CD, check out the Evil Empire for the problem. That blank spot is a person who got the game from Marquesa, and when she left, that happened. All of her scores showed up on his record, and his scores too.

#10980  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/17/2004 3:35:25 AM

Hey guys. Just got back from my last hockey game of the season. Some A-hole had the nerve to steal the dressing room key from the bench and stole all our wallets. Just spent the last 45 minutes, which I could have been killing Yor, phoning credit card companies. From this I can only assume he was a Yor agent. Normally, I alone would take my revenge, but under the circumstances, I must ask all Guardians to make the God Dam Yor pay for this. Double your efforts gentleman. Make the Yor pay a heavy price for screwing with a Guardian.
[Message Edited]

#10981  by Citizen Bakka - 5/17/2004 6:26:44 AM

Also, with the account, I think you could just use another e-mail address, and use the same CD code to submit it. But you may have the problem of submitting on the same CD, check out the Evil Empire for the problem. That blank spot is a person who got the game from Marquesa, and when she left, that happened. All of her scores showed up on his record, and his scores too.

other way around.

but we don't mind..

#10982  by Citizen Kazzryl - 5/17/2004 7:20:20 AM

Ahem, Attila, would you mind stepping aside so I may reach my new spot at #55?

All are welcome to visit the Senate Halls! Link

#10983  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/17/2004 9:40:00 AM

Some A-hole had the nerve to steal the dressing room key from the bench and stole all our wallets

Double your efforts gentleman. Make the Yor pay a heavy price for screwing with a Guardian.

You got it.

#10984  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/17/2004 9:56:06 AM

The website has been updated!

Welcome to the Galactic Guardians, jc39! It's great to have you join our epic struggle against the Yor!

Congrats to MoseyingAlong for cracking into the Top 200!!! Great job!

Great job GH for jumping into the Top 50!

I noticed loopcub has been very busy lately! Keep those games coming! Link

Has anyone heard from MC in a while? He's dropped from the Top 25 and that's got me worrying about him.

I got a game in last night but this week looks pretty busy for me. I hope I can get a game or two in this week. That last game was an alliance. The stupid Yor surrendered to the Arceans, so I had to exterminate the Arceans before I got the alliance.

Well, everybody have a great day! I saw that several people were getting very close to new medals, so keep up the good work!!

For Honor and Justice!

#10985  by Citizen Bakka - 5/17/2004 10:01:30 AM

Admit it

you are a medal junky

#10986  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/17/2004 11:04:25 AM

a medal junky


Good to see you, you crazy bat!

#10987  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/17/2004 11:35:53 AM

you are a medal junky

Bakka, it's not so much that Theoden is a medal junky, as it is that he's surrounded by them!

ED, very sorry to hear about the jerk stealing your wallets! (We all joke about how bad it is when RL 'interrupts' our precious GalCiv game time, and I truly appreciate your keeping your sense of humour, but RL can be harsh and... What am I trying to say here? I'm truly sorry for your loss. There. I hope this brief 'interruption' is just that--brief.)

#10988  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/17/2004 12:45:37 PM

Make the Yor pay a heavy price for screwing with a Guardian.

Dang freakin' Yor!

Sorry to hear about your wallet.

#10989  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/17/2004 1:01:03 PM

Hi all!

Great job GH for jumping into the Top 50!


Admit ityou are a medal junky

Yep, got to figure out how to get my next fix!

Some A-hole had the nerve to steal the dressing room key from the bench and stole all our wallets.

Grrrrrr! Hang in there ED.

#10990  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/17/2004 1:05:03 PM

Well, just back from the funeral. Time for RL to resume. Hope to be back in the swing in a few more days, although I still may not play quite at the pace I was before. I have been seriously neglecting my responsibilities as Historian, for which I apologize to all my fellow Guardians.

I intend to go back to the beginning and produce a Journal page for each month. Maybe I can throw in some HTML so Theoden could post it on the web site.

#10991  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/17/2004 1:20:00 PM

Welcome back, GH. Take it easy.
Ponder your experiences.
Take this time for yourself right now.
GC will be here waiting for you.

#10992  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/17/2004 1:49:21 PM


That one was much better.

question, how do you guys who play good get the evil races to get close to you for alliance? I try and they go up a couple then they say, ooh more presents and won't go up anymore. I can usually get one or two that I'm doing a bunch of trade with, but the others are really stubborn. I always just end up killing them.

Any ideas?

#10993  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/17/2004 1:50:40 PM

ED sorry to hear about your wallet. Good work for everyone who moved up.

I just joined the admiralty

For Honor and Justice!

#10994  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/17/2004 2:02:22 PM

I always just end up killing them.

And what's wrong with that?

If you give gifts too close together, they are wasted.
(Ah. More presents)

Welcome to the Admiralty!
[Message Edited]

#10995  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/17/2004 2:41:26 PM

Yeah usually I get that message then I wait a couple turns and try again, but then get the same message. In the meantime one of the other people I have allied with declares war on them and f's it all up, so then I go back to my save and just kill them.

Nothing wrong with just killing them it just takes extra time that I could use in exterminating the yor in my next galaxy

#10996  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/17/2004 2:51:11 PM

ooh more presents and won't go up anym

As soon as you see the more presents please. They won't move further for all the tea in china. What you want to do is move them slowly so that they are already at friendly when you go for you close. A couple techs every 6 months or so does the trick. Once everyone is friendly for a few months save game. Give them the works. Money over 99 years seems to put them over the top. Always hold back a trade good to give for the the final alliance agreement. If you are successful, take the 60,000 and submit. If not reload and give it another 6 months or so and try again.

#10997  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/17/2004 2:56:03 PM

In the meantime one of the other people I have allied with declares war on them and f's it all up, so then I go back to my save and just kill them.

Ally with all or none is the key. Reload if you don't get them all on one turn.

#10998  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/17/2004 2:57:17 PM

The site sure is slow today.

#10999  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/17/2004 2:57:55 PM


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