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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#11050  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/18/2004 12:45:45 PM

Ooh, another top of the page for me...2 in 2 days

#11051  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 5/18/2004 12:49:09 PM

another top of the page for me

You know, people who read this stuff in the Stardock Central browser get 100 posts per page. To them, you've got a middle of the page.

#11052  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/18/2004 1:01:49 PM

Way to go quik saving the middle of the page for the Guardians Have we decided when we are going to do the good vs evil competition. I vote June. We will probably be at 15,000,000 by June 1st.

#11053  by Citizen Weyrleader - 5/18/2004 1:20:26 PM

Well, perhaps there is something for all of us to learn from this experience. The Metaverse is really about on-line relationships, not scores. Scores are only a rallying point that add to the commraderie. If an empire is to grow, then somehow they must provide an attraction. One suggestion is to tie the main thread for an empire to a fixed position in the list rather than have them move up and down depending on time since last post. That way any newbie could easily find the empire thread of interest without haveing to scan 2 or more pages of links. Perhaps the position in the list could be tied to date of origin, so that the oldest empire appeared first. Then, as empires die, younger ones would move up the list. It would also provide some incentive for the older empires to review the innovations of the younger empires and copy what is good in order to still be able to attract active players.


BTW, you could join the Guardians and really get to know what is necessary to revitalize the FotR
[Message Edited]

#11054  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/18/2004 1:20:55 PM

We will probably be at 15,000,000 by June 1st

I think only if Matthew gives up a few more.

A lofty goal, indeed.

#11055  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 1:51:36 PM

Good morning Loth, Weyrleader, ED, quik, and whoever else might be around. Regarding the 15M 'goal', we gotta be careful about these challenges/jokes--too many people are taking them seriously!

Related to that, Greldon casually 'encouraged' me almost a month ago that at my pace he thought I'd be in the top 25 in a month! Joking or not, I took him seriously and while I've made significant progress towards that end I'm still looking at a pretty steep climb with 'renewed activity' ahead of me. (Which is to say, things in the top 25 seem to really be heating up! Very cool!)

Now back to climbing!

#11056  by Citizen loopcub - 5/18/2004 1:55:49 PM

I noticed loopcub has been very busy lately! Keep those games coming!

Thanks I just want to become A Rank that only has 2 digets in it.

Yeah usually I get that message then I wait a couple turns and try again, but then get the same message. In the meantime one of the other people I have allied with declares war on them and f's it all up, so then I go back to my save and just kill them.

DO not become allies with anyone until they become all close to you so that they can not drag you into wars.

#11057  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 5/18/2004 1:56:38 PM

BTW, you could join the Guardians and really get to know what is necessary to revitalize the FotR

I've been studying the Guardians for ages - they are my pals, after all - seeking a way to destroy them utterly. My conclusion is that what is needed to revitalise an empire is the people who are currently in the Guardians.
You could always rejoin the Fellowship. The advantages are:
- Small group of active people, among whom you will not be lost and forgotten.
- A place in the senate for pretty much anyone who asks for one, especially an experienced player like you.
- The hope that you might rise up in the empire rankings - the Guardians have nowhere to go but down.
- The right to appear on the Guardian thread at any point and make smart-alec comments.
- And all the beer, elf-bread and satire you can stomach!

#11058  by Citizen loopcub - 5/18/2004 2:09:42 PM

My last message was way way behind on time.
I was reading the posts and then posted one myself.
But I did not see that there was 3 pages of posts after.
I did my quoting Wrong to.
[Message Edited]

#11059  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/18/2004 2:12:48 PM

I did my quoting Wrong to.

No problem loopcup, I actually knew what you were talking about even without the quotes.

#11060  by Citizen loopcub - 5/18/2004 2:51:24 PM

Om biger maps is Their a way to find yellow star befor the AI can colonies them

#11061  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 3:01:34 PM

- Small group of active people, among whom you will not be lost and forgotten.- A place in the senate for pretty much anyone who asks for one, especially an experienced player like you.- The hope that you might rise up in the empire rankings - the Guardians have nowhere to go but down.- The right to appear on the Guardian thread at any point and make smart-alec comments.- And all the beer, elf-bread and satire you can stomach!

Matthew, with the possible exception of the elf-bread those are pretty much the reasons I joined the Guardians and remain a very satisfied member! (And regarding your comment about the Guardians having "nowhere to go but down," it seems to me that we just keep doing things that no other empire has done--first player to 2M; first empire to 5M, 6M, 7M...; first empire thread to 10K; and so on.)

#11062  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/18/2004 3:03:32 PM

I always went out and tried to find 'em and it really held me back on masos.

What you need to do is get a map that looks alright save it "good start" is what I use.
Then turn on cheats and ctrl+u and ctrl+shift+s
u-lets you see the whole map
shift-s gives you all techs including stellar cartography so you can see yellow stars.

Draw a quick little map with dots for all the decent systems, and stars for any that are 17+,
then hope you can get 4-5 on rare/huge so that you will have a chance against the computer and you are all set.

Go back to your save never knows you cheated and you are good to go

#11063  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/18/2004 3:04:20 PM

The right to appear on the Guardian thread at any point and make smart-alec comments

As Guardians, we have that right anyway!

Seriously, the Fellowship still has an ideal theme to build on. As long as you (Downie) and the rest of the gang keep chatting and making interesting conversation, you'll bring in new blood.

The Guardians are in an interesting position. We may be at the top, but we have plenty of room to grow. We set goals of getting the empire score to 15 million, getting individuals into the Top 25, holding onto the position we have, and simple things like that. Since we're in first, we don't have to be too worried about playing Masos and scoring 60k, we just play what we like. Look at my scores...I haven't played a 60k game in ages. I play what's fun for me, with no pressure to play games I don't feel like.

Finally, the Guardians are more like a family. We share our thoughts, personal experiences and just RL worries with each other in our private forum. It's nice to know there are people who can relate to you and understand what you're going through. I guess that's why our thread here and our forums in the Senate Halls are the most active. We've got lots to say and we know there's someone there to listen.

The Yor may have been a catalyst for the Guardians to band together, but we've got so much now to stand by each other for. Jobs, relationships, family life and social activities are what has kept the Guardians together. And our strong will to succeed and improve!

I know this sounds like we're taking things too seriously over here (I recall being accused of that somewhere along the line), but the game is just the cement that binds us all together here. It's our community that is driving the Guardians to excellence.

#11064  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 3:05:07 PM

Om biger maps is Their a way to find yellow star befor the AI can colonies them

Yes, but it's considered 'cheese.' Save your game, turn cheat keys on (in the main menu), then Ctrl+U to reveal the entire map. After you've peeked, remember to reload your save game, otherwise your score will be zero.

I do this at the start of a game to determine whether what appears to be a good starting location is in fact a good one. And I 'justify' it in my mind based on the fact that the AIs already know where everything is, and that I can't afford the time to run through a whole bunch of 'false starts.'

#11065  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 3:08:02 PM

Theoden, looks like we were typing our responses to Matthew at the same time--but you said it much better! (Maybe that's why you're the Emperor, huh? )

#11066  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/18/2004 3:08:26 PM


Still mystified as to why I can't get a consistent 60k. I'm doing everything like you guys say, I stay in 'til 2190, I usually conquer one or two majors (always the yor no matter what) and one or two minors then I ally up and I should be set, but no way hose`, end up with a 58k game grr!

Early game I rush as fast as I can to GSE, I find if I get that it makes the entire game 80% easier. I also try and get tri-strontium steel, and trade for diplos. This game I ended at dreadnaught technology, with almost all of the peripheries up to there researched.

any more suggestions? I wanna continue moving up the ladder, and since my games are becoming worth less and less that 2k is going to become more and more important.

#11067  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/18/2004 3:10:17 PM

looks like we were typing our responses to Matthew at the same time

Great minds think alike!

Hey, I know that post was a little deep, but I honestly believe if we were just here for the game, we'd probably lose interest very quickly. The game just brings all of us together, we do the rest here!

#11068  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/18/2004 3:12:26 PM

any more suggestions? I wanna continue moving up the ladder

quick, sorry I don't think I can help. I still have to play Huge/Maso/Military to get a 60k score, I never figured out how to get there with an Alliance.

#11069  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/18/2004 3:20:16 PM

Well, I've got to go. I hear my daughter waking up from her nap.

Everybody have a great day!

For Honor and Justice!

#11070  by Citizen loopcub - 5/18/2004 3:27:36 PM

Thank you quick and MD.

I still have to play Huge/Maso/Military to get a 60k score,

I can still not even get cose to wining on Huge/Maso
Though Military or Alliance

#11071  by Citizen Weyrleader - 5/18/2004 3:41:38 PM

I never figured out how to get there with an Alliance

I think that to get a 60K score on Alliance win you have to play MASO on the largest map, otherwise, you get less. I play MASO on large maps and only consistenly get around 52K.
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#11072  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 3:52:58 PM

(Oops. It double-posted when I did my edit.)
[Message Edited]

#11073  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 3:53:12 PM

loopcub, Quik, and Weyrleader, I am consistently scoring 60K on huge masos using Magnumaniac's strategy. (Note that this is not the largest size map.)

Quik, the only difference that I can detect between what you're doing and what Magnum taught me/us to do (by the way, strategy is in the Maso strategy thread over at our private forums in the Senate Halls--sorry I don't know how to link yet!), is that you are conquering one or more civs. I don't. Beyond a handful of colony ships and scouts at the very beginning of the game I don't build (or buy) a single military vessel of any sort. And as you pointed out, GSE makes a huge difference in the game! That's really my first telltale sign that I'm on my way to a 60K maso.

And let's keep interacting to figure out what other differences might exist--so that your 60K masos can become as consistent as you want them to be.

Afterthot: Forget to mention that these are 60K large masos with an alliance victory.
[Message Edited]

#11074  by Citizen Naqmir - 5/18/2004 3:59:14 PM

Quik and anyone else who has trouble with it just try going farther in the tech tree. I usually go to about the terror star tech, unless you get a UN issue that gets you alot of techs.

Oh and BOOM!!

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