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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#11075  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 5/18/2004 4:00:01 PM

I never build the GSE... I think of it a bit of economy bonus that will be capped to insignificance anyway, and I like to make my money from trade not taxes. I may be completely wrong.
My alliance wins have been slowly growing in score, but only because I've been setting more of the AIs to Pure Evil.

#11076  by Citizen Naqmir - 5/18/2004 4:01:54 PM

but only because I've been setting more of the AIs to Pure Evil.

You get more points for having AI's set to evil???

#11077  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 5/18/2004 4:07:20 PM

Of course - surely your empire information archive contains this elementary fact?

#11078  by Citizen Naqmir - 5/18/2004 4:14:44 PM

No I dont think it does. If it does i must have skipped over it. Hmmmm. Well thanx for the info.

#11079  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 5/18/2004 4:16:34 PM

the only difference that I can detect between what you're doing and what Magnum taught me/us to do , is that you are conquering one or more civs. I don't.

You know how the Diplomats have lots of weird rules, like no member can have two tech victories in a month? You should adopt a 'no alliances with the Yor' rule for the Guardians. Let's face it, a friendly alliance where all races, including the Yor, join together in a spirit of galactic fellowship is a violation of everything you hold dear.

#11080  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/18/2004 4:17:38 PM

Hey MD is see a problem with Yor strategy.

I set 2 pure evil 2 chaotic evil and some neutral. Just never have any pure good so that they don't declare war on me for being me.

Of course - surely your empire information archive contains this elementary fact

Never heard that before. Keeping them different makes them more likely to war against each other and less likely to ally together does it not.

#11081  by Citizen Naqmir - 5/18/2004 4:19:40 PM

Keeping them different makes them more likely to war against each other and less likely to ally together does it not

It does. The best way to get them to war with each other is to have them at all evil.

#11082  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 4:45:55 PM

Naqmir, I'm not sure that's it. I don't get anywhere near TS tech--in large part because I'm not researching any military techs at all (nor trading for them unless I see an opportunity to turn them around for something else that I want/need). It seems to me that the biggest part of Magnum's strategy is to get virtually all of the wonders--that become available prior to a Jan 2190 ending--and most of the TG's. Period. Tech doesn't seem to be a big issue (at least in this strategy.)

I could be missing something in what you are saying, but what I am describing is based on a whole lot of 60K masos using this strategy.

Edit: Oops, response to an earlier post.
[Message Edited]

#11083  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 4:50:10 PM

Hey MD is see a problem with Yor strategy

Aha! So this is what will finally get me thrown out of the Galactic Guardians! (We all knew it would happen sooner or later, right? )

Actually, since I've been following Magnum's strategy (who has much more Empire experience than I), and since I have been following the #1 rule of the Guardians (have fun!), I figured I was OK. But perhaps not, eh?

#11084  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/18/2004 4:51:30 PM

You should adopt a 'no alliances with the Yor' rule for the Guardians

I thought that was understood.

In the strategy you just don't build your own military. You purchase the Yor's or others entire fleet and then use it against them thus eliminating any future payments. The idea is to take them out in one turn so you don't even make a payment.

#11085  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 5:03:10 PM

I thought that was understood.

Uh oh! Maybe I really am in trouble!

#11086  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/18/2004 5:05:40 PM

I have been following the #1 rule of the Guardians (have fun!), I figured I was OK. But perhaps not, eh?

Just don't admit it MD. I have actually added an hour to one of my game to get rid of the Yor because they were the major power. Getting TS tech and building constructors. Then alpha-ing them just so I wouldn't have to ally, but when you hit 2090 and you have a massive tech lead and the game is in no way in doubt it is a tough call. Do you spend that extra time on principal or take your 60,000.

#11087  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 5/18/2004 5:09:42 PM

Uh oh! Maybe I really am in trouble!

The only honourable thing for you to do now is to resign at once and join the Fellowhsip, a place where writers and easy-going alliance players can really feel at home.

#11088  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/18/2004 5:13:03 PM

The game is over at the time of the alliance so does it really happen?

#11089  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 5:19:55 PM

The only honourable thing for you to do now is to resign at once and join the Fellowhsip, a place where writers and easy-going alliance players can really feel at home.

So Matthew, let me make sure that I understand this correctly. Now that I have disgraced myself and dishonoured my Empire I am welcome as part of the Fellowship? Hmmm, interesting membership requirements.

#11090  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 5:21:10 PM

The game is over at the time of the alliance so does it really happen?

ED, I missed your context there. Does what really happen?

#11091  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/18/2004 5:27:23 PM

The only honourable thing for you to do now is to resign at once and join the Fellowhsip, a place where writers and easy-going alliance players can really feel at home.

Hey Matthew, it was you that brought up the whole issue in the 1st place. We got no rules but hating Yor and having fun and the fun rule is number 1. Who knows what diabolical things MD does to the Yor once he is in charge. The horor of even thinking about it makes me ill.

#11092  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 5/18/2004 5:28:06 PM

Now that I have disgraced myself and dishonoured my Empire I am welcome as part of the Fellowship? Hmmm, interesting membership requirements.

You don't have to be disgraced, but it helps.

#11093  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/18/2004 5:30:21 PM

You get more points for having AI's set to evil???

I'm sure I've mentioned this in the past, and yes, the more evil AIs the better the score.

Major D.... ....taken directly from my strategy post in the SH...."Time to thin out the field a little bit. Pick on the weakest AI’s (1 or 2 systems) and the Yor (of course)."
I think you know the punishment by now

Welcome Weyrleader, funny how Matthew's last story featured a prophetic role for you. Glad you're aboard.

OK, gotta run, work is killing me this week - just been called out again and have to dial in.

#11094  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/18/2004 5:31:42 PM

The game is over at the time of the alliance so does it really happen?

What I mean is no time passes after the alliance. You get the alliance hit turn and it’s game over. Therefore the alliance did not exist for any time.

What do you think, can I be your lawyer at the impeachment.

#11095  by Citizen loopcub - 5/18/2004 5:34:02 PM

I'm not researching any military techs at all (nor trading for them unless I see an opportunity to turn them around for something else that I want/need).

The more military techs you have the less Chance that the races that do not like you will make war

#11096  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 5:35:24 PM

You don't have to be disgraced, but it helps.

Too funny, Matthew! (Sadly, I've got the disgraced part down to an exact science. Along with humbled, put in my place, denounced, distracted, and a slew of others. )

If I get run out of the Guardian for this I will be certain to keep your offer in mind!

#11097  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 5:38:42 PM

can I be your lawyer at the impeachment

That's a resounding yes. Just be certain to do your best Tom Cruise imitation when you get Jack Nich- I mean Matthew on the stand and be sure to throw in this inspired and impassioned line repeatedly--

Who knows what diabolical things MD does to the Yor once he is in charge. The horor of even thinking about it makes me ill.

Wow! You even had me believing that I was innocent. (Well, for a moment or two. )

#11098  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 5:40:21 PM

The more military techs you have the less Chance that the races that do not like you will make war

Loopcub, that may be true, but I have never had an AI civ declare war on me while following Magnum's strategy.

#11099  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 5:42:27 PM

I think you know the punishment by now

Magnum, yes sir. I am off to begin collecting 10M Yor cranial units. Again. (You'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now! But still... I love this punishment! It's great to be a Guardian!)

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