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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#11100  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 5:43:30 PM

For the Empire!

#11101  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 5/18/2004 5:49:15 PM

do your best Tom Cruise imitation when you get Jack Nich- I mean Matthew on the stand

Matthew "You want answers?"
Druid "I want the truth!"
Matthew "You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has Yors and those Yors need to be Greldonized by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You?"

#11102  by Citizen Kazzryl - 5/18/2004 5:53:21 PM

Genghis Hank, looks like we are playing first place tag in the amatuer league again. Congratulations.....on your short stay at the top!

Hey Attila! Time to catch up! I say we both are bound for the Top 50 any day now!

#11103  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/18/2004 5:54:08 PM

Matthew "You want answers?"Druid "I want the truth!"Matthew "You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has Yors and those Yors need to be Greldonized by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You?"

That brought a tear to my eye, Matthew!

#11104  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/18/2004 6:04:10 PM

Magnum, yes sir. I am off to begin collecting 10M Yor cranial units. Again

Now that sentence has been pronounced the only thing left is my fee MD. What does your wife charge clients for an hour of her time?

#11105  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 5/18/2004 6:07:53 PM

You know, when I finally have Major Dallas drummed out of the Guardians and recruit him into the Fellowship, the nickname MD is going to have to go.

#11106  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/18/2004 6:12:00 PM

Evening Guardians and guests! It's been a busy day in the Raven's Claw I see.

#11107  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/18/2004 6:14:20 PM

Genghis Hank, looks like we are playing first place tag in the amatuer league again. Congratulations.....on your short stay at the top!

Thanks Kaz. RL has been slowing me down a bit as of late. I still plan to make you work for it, though.

#11108  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/18/2004 6:15:55 PM

As a MD's lawyer I am applying for a restraining order against you Matthew. All you got to do is get MD to talk and he gets himself in trouble. He really does not need any help.

#11109  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/18/2004 6:18:36 PM

MD, don't let those armchair lawyers from those other empires get you scared. What do you think the Yor Enslaver medal is all about anyway!

#11110  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 5/18/2004 6:18:51 PM

He really does not need any help.

Really? The first thing I thought when I looked at him was, "He needs help." But maybe I was wrong.

#11111  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 5/18/2004 6:19:10 PM

First ever post with a single digit repeated five times. I think you'll agree that this achievement is greater than all the other achievements of mankind put together.
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#11112  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/18/2004 6:19:13 PM

Missed by one. Damn.
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#11113  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/18/2004 6:20:14 PM



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#11114  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/18/2004 6:31:39 PM

Matthew your trickier then a pirate. I had know idea what you were up to. Stir the pot a little then go for the kill.

#11115  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/18/2004 6:37:05 PM

Well, there's still 12345

#11116  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 5/18/2004 6:42:38 PM

Ah! I claimed that one about 1000 posts back! I guess I shouldn't have been eating dinner.

[waves hand]BAH![/waves hand]

On to the next really funny number!

Good catch Matthew. Not sure about the achievement bit, I'd say that computers and the internet rank higher, since they were kinda necessary for you to do it...

#11117  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/18/2004 6:52:37 PM

First ever post with a single digit repeated five times. I think you'll agree that this achievement is greater than all the other achievements of mankind put together.

Yes, Matthew you are correct. A single post in the home of the Guardians is worth more then all the posts in the Fellowships thread. Perhaps it is time you joined the Guardians.

#11118  by Citizen Naqmir - 5/18/2004 7:18:34 PM

Naqmir, I'm not sure that's it. I don't get anywhere near TS tech--in large part because I'm not researching any military techs at all (nor trading for them unless I see an opportunity to turn them around for something else that I want/need). It seems to me that the biggest part of Magnum's strategy is to get virtually all of the wonders--that become available prior to a Jan 2190 ending--and most of the TG's. Period. Tech doesn't seem to be a big issue (at least in this strategy.)

When i said this I was refering to my strategy which is similar to Mags but not identical. It prolly wont make too much sense if/until i wrote a more updated guide for my strategy than is in the SH. Researching tech is how i make sure that i get 60k's. I may be wrong but the difference between my strat and Mag's strat would be how we make up the extra points to get a 60k game. I use techs where (if im right) he uses a military score.

I'm sure I've mentioned this in the past, and yes, the more evil AIs the better the score.

Opps I missed where you mentioned that. Maybe its time for glasses.

#11119  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/18/2004 7:36:38 PM

Evening Guardians! I just upgraded my computer speakers. Picked up a set of MidiLand MLi - 760 5.1 surround speakers. So far that are rocking, but I made a small mistake in forgetting my computer doesn't have direct 5.1 analog out. D'oh. Soooo, I bought an M-Audio Revolution 7.1 audio card that should be here Thursday. It has customizable outputs for up to 8 speakers. Oooo...shiny!! Either way, I have these rigged up and they sound great.
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#11120  by Citizen Weyrleader - 5/18/2004 7:42:41 PM

I am consistently scoring 60K on huge masos

Huge is the next larger map above "large". I played a few "Huge" and got 60K also, but only 52.xK on "large" maps.

#11121  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/18/2004 7:45:20 PM

I get 60K for Military on large maps, but I go quite for in the tech tree. I bet I don't have to, but I spend A LOT of time getting to Pure Good.

#11122  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/18/2004 7:49:28 PM

but I spend A LOT of time getting to Pure Good.

Can you afford to take evil choices at the beginning if you get offered a nice planet quality bonus. I always get back to chaotic good but never pure. What does it take, any tricks, and how do you tell when you have moved to pure.

#11123  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/18/2004 8:02:31 PM

What does it take, any tricks, and how do you tell when you have moved to pure.

No tricks, at least that I know of. Pure good is above 90. For some reason there is a HUGE lack of events in 1.49. When I was testing Icho's mod on 1.20 I have having tons of them. Plus, the majority of events that you get, they good choice only moves you 1 point. The 'egg' event can move you 10 points, or the meteor event will do that as well. I think it have to do with you spending the bc's. The colonization events generally don't move you much either. I can't afford to take the PQ raising events to go evil, but then again I won't take the PQ hit either, so I go neutral on those. My games are running past 2200 now, since I get so few events. Kinda pisses me off.

#11124  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/18/2004 8:14:25 PM

Thanks LW I think I found the number. Under Morality stats in domestic policy that figure needs to be 90. Holly crap I am along way from that. I feel the dark side calling me.

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