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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#11225  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/20/2004 12:13:00 AM

BOOM Please, in future refer to me by my new rank. Admiral Druid.

Also congrats to all the others today. LW getting post 11,200. Greldon over 2 mil. The Emporer himself for the 100 games. If Theoden doesn't take one of those job offers soon will have the top 3 spots.

#11226  by Citizen Greldon - 5/20/2004 12:33:35 AM

Congrats, Admiral Druid!

#11227  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/20/2004 1:10:30 AM

"Admiral Druid." (MD rolls it around a bit.) Oh yeah, that has a real good sound to it! Congrats Admiral Druid! Woohoo!

#11228  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/20/2004 2:01:28 AM

Also congrats to all the others today. LW getting post 11,200.

And remember, Admiral, he got post 12,000 as well--by virtue of his Guinness-enhanced supervision! (I recognize that at the rate this thread moves it's not seeing very far into the future, but it is still the future! )

#11229  by Citizen Weyrleader - 5/20/2004 8:36:08 AM

Also do you make 'em right where you want 'em with no objections or do they kinda know something is up?

I make them where I need them, all in one turn. The next turn - BOOM! they're gone

#11230  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/20/2004 9:48:30 AM

Good Morning, Guardians!

I've got a couple of announcements to make.

First, I have done some extensive remodeling to the Roster page of the website. You can check it out here: Link . Don't be shocked when you don't see any of your medals there...that's the big news!

I'd like to announce the creation of the Galactic Guardians Awards Chamber, a slightly more organized area for all of our medals and awards to be displayed! It can be viewed here: Link . There is also a link to the Awards Chamber on the Roster page.

#11231  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/20/2004 9:57:40 AM

Galactic Guardians Awards Ceremony

To celebrate our new Awards Chamber, I'm awarding some very deserving Guardians with their medals.

First, Greldon has been upgraded to a 2 Million Point Award! Fantastic job, First Knight Greldon!

Also, I am extremely proud to award Attila the Guardian, Lothmorg the Black, and Greldon with the Yor Slayer medal. This coveted medal is given to those who have demonstrated a true hatred of the Yor and have gone above and beyond to eliminate the mechanical beasts from existence. Congratulations!

I have awarded myself the Yor Slayer as well, because doggone it...I've done my part to rid the galaxy of Yor too!

Congratulations also goes out to our newest Yor Enslavor medal winners: Naqmir, littlewotts, MoseyingAlong, loopcub, Weyrleader, and quiksilverhg. You all have demonstrated a great hatred of the Yor and a passion for the game. You have improved in your gameplay steadily and have proven yourselves worthy of this great honor!

Congratulations to all our medal winners and a hearty "For Honor and Justice" to all Galactic Guardians!

#11232  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/20/2004 10:23:03 AM

Okay, time to go start a load of laundry and then kill some Yor!

#11233  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/20/2004 10:26:36 AM

Very cool Theoden!

Congrats to all the new metal recieptiants!

#11234  by Citizen bonscott - 5/20/2004 10:36:47 AM

Just thought I'd stop in a say hey guys. No booms though.

Been real busy at work and in real life and I'm taking a small break away from the game. My plan was a game once a week so I guess I got to get one in this weekend!

Congrats to the new memebers and congrats on 11mil. I was shocked to see that today!

See ya!

#11235  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/20/2004 10:36:50 AM

Congrats to all the new metal recieptiants!

Yeah, what GH said! Well done, Guardians!

(And kudos to Theoden for solving the problem of how much space all those medals were taking up! )

#11236  by Citizen Weyrleader - 5/20/2004 10:58:33 AM

With appropriate humility, I humbly accept the Yor Enslavor medal, although I must confess, they don't last long in the enslaved position. For some reason they keep dying on me

#11237  by Citizen Weyrleader - 5/20/2004 10:59:57 AM

For some reason they keep dying on me

Maybe I should feed them, do you think? I bet they would love to eat Prancing Ponies

#11238  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/20/2004 11:19:48 AM

~Magnumaniac stumbles through the door of the Guardian's Grog, issuing a stram of profanities completely unbefitting a Guardian Knight~

"Beer," He shouts at the startled barman, "and lots of it!"
Amidst a sudden silence in the previously bustling bar, the barman pours 3 beers, which disappear very quickly so he pours 3 more.
"Now, where's that troublemaker Downie?" asks Magnumaniac as the customers return to their business.
"He should be around later." Replies the barman while refilling the glasses once again. "Why do you ask?"
"I've just returned from being locked in a room full of *$%^&£# pirates somewhere, and I'm told Downie is to blame. If it wasn't for the Primipilus finding some obscure passage in the Wardell Convention, I'd still be there now. Here's a toast to Alex!"
Major Dallas enters the Grog as the 3rd refill hits the empty glasses, heads over and deposits a large sack at the feet of Magnumaniac.
"The last of my punishment requirement." Says MajorD. "I thought I'd deliver them to you personally."
"Thlank you Mayshor." Magnumaniac offers a glass. "Would syou like to join me for a little drinky?"
"Err... no thanks, I've got some important err business to attend to. Thanks anyway." Major D hurried back the way he had came, eager to attend to his 'business'.

Some time (at least two refills) later, Downie enters the bar and the low murmur of general conversation is shattered by the sound of Yor cranial units smashing on the walls, and people diving under tables to avoid the flying debris.
Strangely, the target of the hurled objects is completely unscathed. History never determined whether this was due to some strange magical forcefield the Steward of The Fellowship had conjured, or the fact that Magnumaniac was completely incoherent by this point and couldn't have hit a cow's arse with a shovel. Fortunately, the barrage ceased after a few minutes when the Guardian Knight slumped into an unconscious heap under a table.

#11239  by Citizen Matthew Downie - 5/20/2004 11:23:21 AM

Oh, and you owe me my legal costs...

#11240  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/20/2004 12:32:40 PM

Yikes, musta been tough stuck there with the pirates for so long. I hope they at least shared some of their rum with you.

You should recycle the yor heads into a giant pirate ship and go beat those pirates at their own game.

I'm gonna go fetch some yor heads to add to the project, I'll check in when I'm done

#11241  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/20/2004 12:33:41 PM

By the way Theoden, Kudos on the new site, and thanks for awarding me the honor of Yor Enslaver. It's been tough killing them every time even when I coulda finished a half hour earlier with the alliance victory, but I feel like a better person for it.

#11242  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/20/2004 12:39:14 PM

"I've just returned from being locked in a room full of *$%^&£# pirates

#11243  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/20/2004 12:40:19 PM

Thank you, Theoden for the shiny new medal.

And, congratulations to everyone else that received a shiny new medal!

#11244  by Citizen Weyrleader - 5/20/2004 12:43:37 PM

Has anyone done a survey of the Drengin's to see if the Yor burn brighter and longer than any other they feed into their furnaces

#11245  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/20/2004 12:47:43 PM

Major Dallas enters the Grog as the 3rd refill hits the empty glasses, heads over and deposits a large sack at the feet of Magnumaniac.

So that's what becomes of all those Yor cranial units! I'd always wondered. Well, seeing's as you missed with the last bunch, here's a whole new batch so you can "take another whack" at Downie!


(And that's the best creative piece we've had here since you-know-who ran off Terl. Well done, Magnumaniac!)

#11246  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/20/2004 12:50:41 PM

Oh, and you owe me my legal costs...

Matthew, those Yor cranial units were your legal fees! Remember, the lawyer takes a (significant!) percentage of the levied fine! Now, you may not have like how they were delivered, but when was a lawyer ever satisfied?! (And yes, my wife is a lawyer and I have now left the barn door wide open, yet again. You're right ED, I certainly don't need any help when it comes to getting into more trouble! )

#11247  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/20/2004 1:13:39 PM

"We interrupt this thread to bring you breaking news. Archaeologists searching through the remains of yet another Greldonized Yor system have stumbled across a most amazing discovery--an anodized 'panel' containing multiple ancient writings in parallel.

'This is amazingly similar to the Rosetta stone of Earth's antiquity,' stated lead archaeologist N. Better Todo. 'It gives us significant insight into languages that, until now, had been translated primarily through inference and speculation. For example, it has always been believed that the Yorian leader's name, N-1, was a combinative of the production line from which he was molded, together with his rank. But from this newly discovered panel it becomes clear that 'N' is the Yorian equivalent of 'zero' or 'nothing' and that the dash is more likely intrepreted as a minus sign. So a literal translation of his name would be 'less than nothing,' stated Todo.

Informed of the discovery, the Yorian ambassador, N-2, denounced it as 'yet another fabrication of The Galactic Guardians, in their relentless quest to betiny the Yorian race and justify their sensible eradication of the same.' Interpretors suggest that the ambassador probably meant to say 'belittle' and 'senseless.'

We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread."

#11248  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/20/2004 1:16:50 PM

Has anyone done a survey of the Drengin's to see if the Yor burn brighter and longer than any other they feed into their furnaces

The Galactic Council funded such a study last year. Unfortunately, the Guardians have been so vigilant and thorough in their eradication of the Yor that no 'test subjects' have yet been made available for the necessary studies. I don't suppose you have any left around that you would be willing to donate?

#11249  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/20/2004 1:19:13 PM

Lt: We have news from the front.

General: What is it?

Lt: They're gone. I mean, they are all gone.

General: Seriously?

Lt: Yes, Sir. Witnesses report hearing a resounding Dull Thud just after the last Torian system fell.

General: For Honor and Justice!


This episode of "As the Galaxy is Conquered" is brought to you by Theoden of Rohan.

Do you have a problem with Yor vermin? Well, call Theoden of Rohan! In no time, his Avatars and Combat Transports will rush right over and cleanse your galaxy of those mechanized filth! And talk about a bargain...just 100 easy payments of 100 BC each! How can you go wrong? So the next time you say "I wish these stupid robot idiots were dead.", just call Theoden of Rohan, your one-stop Yor killer!

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