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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#11300  by Citizen Greldon - 5/21/2004 12:30:14 AM

#11300 for the Guardians! WooHoo!
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#11301  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/21/2004 12:48:28 AM

Greldon, great to see you bro'!

Looks like just about the entire Guardians Empire is on the move, right now! What an awesome sight! Go Guardians!

#11302  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/21/2004 1:10:17 AM

BOOM Going away for 3 days on the weekend so that is it for me. The only good thing is when I submit my next game after missing a few days it is always a big boom. quick, you can come to page 2 while I'm away just don't take my spot. You can have GH's.

#11303  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/21/2004 3:03:56 AM

BOOM Okay, just had to get one more in, but that it.

#11304  by Citizen damoose - 5/21/2004 8:48:43 AM

I started on page 447... Just could bring myself to read through to 453. So... grats to all who deserve.

And what the heck??? 5.75 hrs with out a post? D&amn Yor must be putting up a fight today.

#11305  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/21/2004 9:05:18 AM

Good Afternoon Guardians! My Emperor!! (kneeling)

First of all i am so thrilled by me getting The Yor Slayer medal... i went first to Award Chamber and saw i got someones medal, i thought it can't be mine, something wrong... and only then i saw the thread saying that me and THE GRATEST of all been awarded... Now Question How the heck i did got it, and many others A LOT MORE Active players didn't?... Really! i didn't deserve it... No Disrespect, Emperor, unless there is some kind of reason.
Ough yeah... i was so happy to get it... only if you could see my that moment (embarrasing to say)

Second, i must apologise for my non-activity. Reason why, i've got 11 exams coming in, in few weeks. All are damn very important. All month of June i'll be stuck with the books...

I'll do my best to prove my loyalty to You Guys! I'll do give a promise to post at least 10 games a month...

And i don't want to go to TOP50, if i will, i i'll be stuck here defending it, and doing less and less revision.

I'll be fully operating just in the begining of July. And then GOD help the Yor! To hide from me, The ATTILA THE GURDIAN, and you guys have to find some space there at TOP 25 for me, too!
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#11306  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/21/2004 9:19:41 AM

Also one suggestion...
on space management of medals...

I purpose 7 million Award should be abolished for those who have 4 million Award and 10 million, one!
What i am triing to say here, that if Guardian helped Empire To cross 4 million mark and 10 million mark, he defenetly helped to cross 7 million, one. DAH!!

And to be left only for a newer Guardians who joined us after 4 million mark

What Guardians think ?...
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#11307  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/21/2004 9:39:06 AM

GAK!! I can't get SDC to dl AP or updated galciv.

#11308  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/21/2004 9:43:53 AM

GAK!! I can't get SDC to dl AP or updated galciv.

why? what happened?

#11309  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/21/2004 9:48:15 AM

I had to reinstall windows last night, and in the process lose all my games/programs. I am getting some strange error message when ever I try to download.

#11310  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/21/2004 12:56:58 PM

Well, until I can get this figured out, I can't play galciv. Grrr...stupid computers.

#11311  by Veteran Primipilus Alexus - 5/21/2004 1:22:21 PM

all the new metal recieptiants

Your secretly breeding Yor?????


[and 11311 isn't a bad number either!]

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#11312  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/21/2004 1:59:17 PM

Your secretly breeding Yor?????

Not 'breeding,' 'bleeding.' We drain off their 'essence' to make our metal medals. And as everyone knows, there is an infintesimally small amount of essence in a Yor--therefore it requires the essence of billions and billions of them to manufacture even a single medal.

Towards that end, BOOM!

Now off I go to collect some more essence.

#11313  by Citizen damoose - 5/21/2004 3:02:49 PM

Well, until I can get this figured out, I can't play galciv

Now that truly sucks!

Sorry didn't really mean to laugh at you misfortune... but

#11314  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/21/2004 3:05:05 PM

No worries damoose. I am back to 1.20 now. I guess I could always play a gigantic maso...that should only take 3 or 4 days.

#11315  by Citizen damoose - 5/21/2004 3:35:10 PM

Ooooo... Yes please... Gig maso... yes, yes, yes.

#11316  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/21/2004 5:33:54 PM

Darned quiet around here today...

#11317  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 5/21/2004 5:37:10 PM


Man Yor were actually strong that time. Had meant to go to alliance, but Yor were too strong for me to kill before alliance so I had to pick on some weaker people first. Then my ally (who was supposed to help me with the yor) declared war on the other guy I was going to get to ally so I had to kill him.

Then once I had everything in place, I quickly demolished the Yors fleet and took them over one planet at a time, and let their last planet culture flip so I would have some live yors I could subjugate for slavery before harvesting their parts for our medals.

Finally there was only one guy left, so I just had to kill him to get the military victory.

Took me wow, 4 hours, but fun and well worth it to take out the Yor.

#11318  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/21/2004 6:58:07 PM

Jester's Corner has been mailed.

#11319  by Citizen Weyrleader - 5/21/2004 9:01:43 PM

Well, the last two games the Yor gave up before I could eliminate them. I have been thinking that from now on, in retribution for them doing that, I will eliminate the AI to whom they surrendered
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#11320  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/22/2004 1:52:50 AM


What he said. Oh, and way to go Weyrleader! Get on up here and we can start belaying each other on our way to the top!

#11321  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/22/2004 2:26:34 AM

Hey Weyrleader and Major D!

Toss me a tow chain! I'm stuck in the mud back here!

#11322  by Citizen Weyrleader - 5/22/2004 5:44:01 AM

Toss me a tow chain! I'm stuck in the mud back here

From what I have been reading from Peace Phoenix, we all may have to wait to get a big jump for a new 30 day period to start. I have 10,000+ points to go to just get behind MD and I don't think that will happen in one game, so will probalby have to kill 300B Yor in several game to get there.

#11323  by Citizen Weyrleader - 5/22/2004 5:45:04 AM

Get on up here and we can start belaying each other on our way to the top

Hey MD, I'm trying. I would like to see us both in the top 25 by next month.

#11324  by Citizen Weyrleader - 5/22/2004 5:46:27 AM

Took me wow, 4 hours, but fun and well worth it to take out the Yor

QuicksilverHg, Congrat on making it thru a tortuous game
(aside - must have been a chemist at one time in his life )
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