I am remembering why I didn't like playing Gig maps...my computer is soo slooowww....
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One more game and I will be directly behind MD |
Well, close enough--one more game puts you past vincible, but then you've still got to get past Maxtipherous. I don't think either one is going anywhere but down, so they shouldn't be a problem.
I just got another BOOM! in, but despite posting 2-3 games per day I'm still climbing fairly slowly--while it appears that you've been zooming up behind me. At first I put it down to one of those "objects in the mirror" illusions, but you're real enough and you're there and it's no illusion!
I appreciate the feedback on the scoring 'bumps' that I've been seeing. I understand the explanations, but it is still my experience that I am seeing them some days and not others--despite a fairly consistent posting pattern. Ah well, nothing for it but to blame the Yor and go make them pay some more!
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*ding* *ding*
Hear ye! hear ye! The Guardians Journal for the month of Febuary has now been posted! (And less than three months overdue! Well, you know how historians can be... )
Please check it out in the Guardian Halls and post any additions or corrections needed.
Also, would someone from the specified time care to write a commentary and summary for the month to be included in the final edition?
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Ah well, nothing for it but to blame the Yor and go make them pay some more! |
Major D, just keep repeating:
It's all Yor fault... It's all Yor fault... It's all Yor fault...
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I've got a sinus infection and a throat infection. Been in bed since 8 PM last night. |
Summer illness suck. Much better to be sick on a nice cold and rainy day. Hope you feel better soon.
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That was a nice read, GH. I'll see if can get a summary written for you. I'd like to go get all the good quotes and songs.
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"QuicksilverHg, Congrat on making it thru a tortuous game
(aside - must have been a chemist at one time in his life ) "
Wow, exactly right Weyrleader, I'm doing chemical engineering at RPI, and yes it is more frustrating then a million bouts with the yor.
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MD, someone else directed me to a post which explained the scoring very well.
Apparently the game divides all your scores up into 7 blocks based on how old they are [ 1-30 days old, 31-60, 61-90, then 91-160 or something]
then it takes each block and divides it by the square root of the number of games in it. So what you might be seeing is some of your games going back a block so they don't get divided by as much. That will cause your score to jump.
That's basically what I'm waiting for to move up, all my scores are piled up in one block so they're getting divided to almost nothing, but when they start getting 30 days old or evern 60 days old my score should really take off.
Check out if that's what's happening, if your score is jumping when one of your old scores move back a block.
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Oh, and one last thing I forgot
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Man, I am slacking off now, I used to post a score a day, and now it's getting to be one every other day. Gotta get back into things.
Oh btw, just noticed
Watch out Loth
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Well, that's odd.
It shows # 50 in my profile to me, but on the metaverse page it still has me as #52, and hmm, my score is actually not beating # 51 or 50 as displayed in my profile. Something fishy is going on. Must be those darn Yor. I'm tired though so I'll figure out what's what in the morning. If I'm not on page two now I'll be there soon, so watch out guys 
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Lilu: "Bada boom!"
Major Dallas: "Yeah, big bada boom!"
The mysteries of the metaverse scoring system continue to elude me (although I thank everyone for their repeated explanations and links). I just garnered over 27K for a single game--when I've been averaging 4K. I'm nowhere near my 30-day block. And I didn't have a 'big' posting day yesterday. 
Of course, that means that Weyrleader has a bit more climbing to do before we can begin belaying together!

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I just garnered over 27K for a single game |
Your first 2 60K games (well, a 59974 and a 60K) just moved out of your current block, into the >31 day block - that explains the big boost.
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Congrats on finding the thrusters, MD
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I just moved past TheoLeo to take 44th. I may be misremembering, but I think he was the bottom of page 1 when I started playing.
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Your first 2 60K games (well, a 59974 and a 60K) just moved out of your current block, into the >31 day block - that explains the big boost. |
Magnum, thank you--that helps make more sense of this!
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Congrats on finding the thrusters, MD |
Thanks, GH. Now where was that button, again?!
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Dull Thud
Thanks everyone for your get well wishes. I still feel like crud, but there's nothing like vaporizing the Yor, Torians and Korx on the final turn to make you feel better!
Okay, wife will be home soon so I'd better get back in bed...she'd freak if she knew I was playing the game instead of resting.
For Honor and Justice!
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Okay, wife will be home soon so I'd better get back in bed...she'd freak if she knew I was playing the game instead of resting. |
You mean you still haven't convinced her that GalCiv (and vaporizing Yor in particular) is therapeutic.
BOOM!! There, I feel all therapeused and free of stress. Get her to give me a call and I'll explain it all for you Theoden.
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Wow, this place has certaintly slowed down. Haven't been able to check in here for over two days, and there are under 70 posts! Certaintly a difference from a few months back.
Hope you get better Theoden.
And last but not least, you guys are incredible. But we are in the rear view mirror now. It may take years, but we will catch up!
Congrats to those who certaintly deserve it!
And time for me to play another game and get 10K points for it.
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Well, there's my contribution for the week. Gig/Maso is way too much work. I like my large maps. I can't wait until I get AP back.
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Doctor's Prescription
Patient Name: Theoden of Rohan
Illness: Not feeling well
Prescription: Greldonize 30 billion Yor with every meal and call me in the morning.
Signed: Major Dallas, MD
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