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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#11375  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/23/2004 9:31:46 PM

Theoden, if the above prescription doesn't convince your wife, you might remind her of these recent TV ads by 'reputable' companies:

Greldonize the Yor--it's good for what ails you!

GalCiv, it's not just for breakfast anymore!

You deserve a break today, go play some more GalCiv!

GalCiv. Are you in good han--, I mean, the Top 25?
[Message Edited]

#11376  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/23/2004 9:37:59 PM

Like a good neighbor, GalCiv is there.

#11377  by Citizen Greldon - 5/23/2004 11:28:34 PM

Like a good neighbor, GalCiv is there.

#11378  by Citizen Weyrleader - 5/24/2004 9:03:09 AM

Good Morning Guardians -
submitted a 60K Maso huge alliance and got 7K points out of it.

#11379  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/24/2004 9:59:04 AM

submitted a 60K Maso huge alliance and got 7K points out of it.

That sucks. I think I only got about 2 or 3k points for my last submission, though.

Good morning Guardians! I'm feeling somewhat better today. My throat's still pretty sore, but I can live with that.

I've got a pretty busy day planned, so it doesn't look good for a game today. Just wanted to drop in and see how everybody's doing. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Well, I'd better go get ready to hit the road.

For Honor and Justice!

#11380  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/24/2004 11:21:02 AM

Like a good neighbor, GalCiv is there.

LW, I like that one better than all of mine put together! Way to go!

#11381  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/24/2004 11:40:45 AM

submitted a 60K Maso huge alliance and got 7K points out of it.

That's about twice what I usually get for them, if there's no block movement involved

It all averages out in the end though, just remember that any block containing only 60K games will score as follows:

1 game = 60K
4 games = 120K (60K*4/sqrt4)
9 games = 180k (60K*9/sqrt9)
16 games = 240k
25 games = 300k
36 games = 360K
etc,etc, ad infinitum

Law of diminishing returns applies, the more you submit, the less you get per game.

#11382  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/24/2004 12:44:21 PM

Good afternoon Guardians!

Alright by my calculation this month i got about ~189K, not bad as for GalCiv player, But very bad as for Guardian

Theoden, happy that you feeling better.

Ok so i said Hi, now it's time for revision...
See ya all later..

#11383  by Citizen Kazzryl - 5/24/2004 1:00:17 PM

Hiya Guardians! Afternoon, Attila!

Hey, Genghis Hank, look directly behind you...only 2702 points seperates us.

#11384  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/24/2004 4:09:10 PM

I think my last game netted about 20-25K points.

#11385  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/24/2004 6:58:49 PM

Hi, everybody! Again!

I just came to say BOOM!!! phew!... Got a game before i go to sleep... Took me two hours. Thought it was going to be a long one... then somehow i saw that Yor was in my got 5billion (5 transports) troops and landed on the only planet they had woth 30 billion...and !tah tah! Dead... exterminated..

So, this game netted me 30k+ Nice!!
Ough...guys don't be jealous...

ok ok Good night everybody!
[Message Edited]

#11386  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/24/2004 6:58:54 PM

Amazingly slow around here, me thinks.

We need a little noise to pick up the masses.


There. That should do it!

#11387  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/24/2004 6:59:43 PM

I see Lothmorg's taking it easy since he hit the top spot... only 7 submissions so far today

Oh well... BOOM!! and that's mine for the day.

#11388  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/24/2004 7:33:58 PM

only 7 submissions so far today

No, only 7 over the past 5 days.

#11389  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/24/2004 7:37:20 PM

No, only 7 over the past 5 days.

But were they played today only?

Loth, you losing your touch...

#11390  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/24/2004 8:28:15 PM

Hi Guardians!

OK, here's one we couldn't do again if we tried. Look at page two. Guardians occupy 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, and 50th position - every spot divisible by 5, with no Guardians in between. Talk about precision flying!

#11391  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/24/2004 8:30:06 PM

Hey, Genghis Hank, look directly behind you...only 2702 points seperates us.

Mumble... mumble... young whippersnappers... mumble

Really Kaz, take a vacation! I have to earn a paycheck sometime!

#11392  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/24/2004 8:43:25 PM

Hey guys made it back from my weekend away. See I'm just hanging onto page 2. Weekend was fun. My daughters dance competition was at sun peaks resort. Ski resort out of season. Like, thousands of young girls and dancer moms. Pools and hot tubs. I did not mind this little vacation 1 bit. Hopefully I can get a game in tonight and secure my place on page 2 a little better. Should get a decent bang after missing 4 days. Oh, and thanks for keeping the post count down so I could catch up easily.

#11393  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/24/2004 8:46:02 PM

Hopefully I can get a game in tonight...

So much for the formation...

#11394  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/24/2004 8:50:02 PM

So much for the formation...

I'm not going to be moving much, aside from being bumped down, until I play sunday.

#11395  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/24/2004 8:57:10 PM

So much for the formation

I'm not worried about what’s ahead it's what's behind. Page 3 is dark and lonely place full of Yor sympathisers and non-actives. Don't let me go back there GH It was horrible.

#11396  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/24/2004 9:03:23 PM

Don't let me go back there GH It was horrible.

#11397  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/24/2004 9:06:04 PM

More from Madison Ave...

GalCiv! It keeps going and going and going...

Galactic Guardians - The choice of a new generation!

Terror Stars - Have it Yor way!

Greldonizer - Don't leave home without it!

If you want to be a Galactic Guardian, then bring your Terror Star, load your Greldonizer, and bring your account. The Yor are maurading the Metaverse, but they won't take American Express! - it's everywhere the Yor used to be!

#11398  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/24/2004 9:08:32 PM

Those are great, GH!

#11399  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/24/2004 9:10:05 PM

I'm not worried about what’s ahead it's what's behind. Page 3 is dark and lonely place full of Yor sympathisers and non-actives. Don't let me go back there GH It was horrible.

I sympathize! Really I do! I'm at 45th right now, but I figure that there are at least 6 of the next 10 behind me that are active...

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