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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#11450  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/25/2004 3:20:39 PM

He-hey there is another cat-lover!

One here too. Got one of my own (although it was inherited) and I feed the strays that hang around my house.

#11451  by Veteran Terl - 5/25/2004 3:20:39 PM

However, in startling news received just moments ago, Theoden learned he had been chosen to work at the Roanoke Times

WTG Theoden!!!

This new position will start close to the same salary he had at his prior employer, which was a relief to Mrs. Theoden.

And joyous news to all of us too!

I am thrilled at this great news!!

#11452  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/25/2004 3:27:42 PM

WOO-HOOO!!! Congrats Theodeon!!!

And welcome back, Terl! Great to see you around again.

#11453  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/25/2004 3:36:27 PM

I'm allergic to cats. That's why they all like me...

Congrats Theoden! Welcome back Terl!

OK, Guardian challange: Write a paragraph or two on the 70's sit-com called Welcome Back Terl! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

#11454  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 5/25/2004 3:39:49 PM

Welcome Back Terl

~Cue theme music~

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome baaaaack!

Thanks guys...hopefully things with the rest of the Guardians will start to straighten out as well. I was beginning to think I'd have to change the name of the empire to "Bad News Guardians".

#11455  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/25/2004 3:45:35 PM

Still More from Madason Ave...

Drath - It's what's for dinner.

Torian - the other white meat.

Galactic Guardians - Like a Rock

Got Terror Stars?

Galactic Guardians - Where do you want to Greldonize today?

and finally...

Bumper Sticker on back of a Guardian Terror Star:

Hows my Greldonizing?
1-800 KILL YOR

#11456  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/25/2004 3:49:29 PM

Hey Theoden! GREAT NEWS!

I hope you didn't forgot the old good tradition to drink your first salary with old good friends?!

#11457  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/25/2004 4:13:19 PM

hope you didn't forgot the old good tradition to drink your first salary with old good friends

Truly a fine tradition it is, you have over there Attila. A bottle of the Emporers finest, for my friends and me if you please bar keep.

#11458  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 5/25/2004 4:53:42 PM

Congrats to you Theoden!

Glad to hear such great news. And now perhaps the streak of bad luck you guys seem to be in will end.

#11459  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/25/2004 4:56:04 PM

Congrats Theoden.

We all knew you'd come good. I hope this turns out to be a good one for you, and from what you've said it sure looks that way.

I think yourself and Mrs. T. deserve a bit of a celebration tonight, then you've got about 12 days of solid Yor-killing before taking up your new post.

#11460  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/25/2004 5:00:18 PM

Oh, Yeah.... Hi Terl, nice to hear from you. I see your little break has recharged the old inspiration generators.

Hadn't forgotten you, honest - just got caught up with the Emp's joyous news.

Oh, and BOOM!! for the empire - a little over 20K to 12 mill now.

#11461  by Citizen Naqmir - 5/25/2004 5:09:57 PM

Congrats Theoden!!
Welcome back Terl!
Great article Mag! i hope to join the millionaires club soon but final exams will be taking up most of my time for the next few weeks.
Well.. time to Greldonize some Yor.
Man i need to learn how to spell.

[Message Edited]

#11462  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/25/2004 5:16:23 PM

Good luck with the finals Naqmir - always a tense experience, so take some time out occasionally for a bit of fun. It'll help in the long run.

#11463  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/25/2004 5:27:34 PM

Hows my Greldonizing?1-800 KILL YOR

That's hilarious GH! (Although I called the number and they tried to sell me a time-share! Another Yor sub-plot, no doubt!)

#11464  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/25/2004 5:28:47 PM

Theoden, call me a nut, but I think you would have found a job a lot sooner if you hadn't been holding out for the job title of 'Emperor'!

Congrats to you and Mrs. Theoden! (Is that a wine bottle I hear in the background?)

#11465  by Citizen Major Dallas - 5/25/2004 5:31:34 PM

Oh, and here's part one of a 21-BOOM! all-Guardians salute to Theoden's new adventure! (My first game tomorrow should put me in the top 25! Woohoo!)

#11466  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/25/2004 5:31:34 PM

final exams will be taking up most of my time for the next few weeks

Good Luck, mate... i do feel the same you do! I am in the same sh*t!!I mean i need these exams to go well, otherwise ... you know what i mean

God, been revising all day... my head ackes from over-dosed with information today! Need to add some more bites to my brains

#11467  by Citizen Greldon - 5/25/2004 5:45:56 PM

Congratulations, Theoden....and best of luck in the new position!

#11468  by Citizen Weyrleader - 5/25/2004 7:20:54 PM

Wire just arrived at the Roanoke News: Emperor Theoden received word today from one of his top admirals, Fleet ADM Weyrleader, that all human enemies had been eliminated from the Galaxy, as far as can be dermined in such a huge galaxy. The Emperor reported that FADM Weyrleader's only comment was BOOM!

Congratulation on the new job. We all understand that the Emperor's coffers will soon be overflowing yet again
[Message Edited]

#11469  by Citizen Kazzryl - 5/25/2004 7:47:59 PM

Theoden, that is wonderful news, man! Congratulations buddy!

#11470  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/25/2004 8:07:44 PM

Fellow Guardians with all the respect i would like to announce that Galactic Guardians have reached 12,000,000 at 1am GTM... with this BOOM!!!


That netted me bloody 11,237 (2 b precise), Damn what happened with my 20k+ ?!!

#11471  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/25/2004 8:14:53 PM

That netted me bloody 11,237 (2 b precise), Damn what happened with my 20k+ ?

I feel for you Attila. We all can't have 43K booms and move up 12 spots at once like me. Just one of the meta's chosen I suppose.

(PS. no block explanations required, let me live in my delusional state for a while)

#11472  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/25/2004 8:31:36 PM

We all can't have 43K booms and move up 12 spots at once like me. Just one of the meta's chosen I suppose

You don't have to rub it in, mate!!!

#11473  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/25/2004 8:35:40 PM

You don't have to rub it in, mate

Okay, but I just couldn't resist this time.

When anyone explains Meta scoring my brain shuts down sorta like algerbra all over again.

#11474  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/25/2004 8:42:20 PM

sorta like algerbra all over again

I had that too much for this day... NOT AGAIN!! pls!

I am triing to understand it but it just useless, trust me algebra is a lot easier than this... i officialy name it mistery (if nobody haven't named it yet).
Magnu your formula was useful untill now...

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