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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#11500  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/26/2004 6:34:45 PM

Ough Cool , finaly i got it! It's been A long time... since i got ###00 posts!

Loth you missed by few seconds, ahg, unfortunetly
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#11501  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/26/2004 6:34:47 PM


#11502  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/26/2004 6:35:20 PM

Bah! The "The action can not be completed" bug!

[Message Edited]

#11503  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/26/2004 6:35:29 PM

what? is everybody killing YOR forthe dinner?

I was just eating. No Yor killing today.

#11504  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/26/2004 6:36:57 PM

I don't think the server likes it when we all try to pounce on a number

#11505  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/26/2004 6:37:01 PM

No Yor killing today.

I see. Letting them multiply to increase your Yor cranial unit count. Very impressive.

#11506  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/26/2004 6:37:51 PM

Loth you missed by few seconds, ahg, unfortunetly

I wasn't trying for it. I was congratulating you on getting it.

#11507  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/26/2004 6:38:10 PM

I was just eating

speaking of food, let me see what i've got in my fridge...

#11508  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/26/2004 6:38:45 PM

Letting them multiply to increase your Yor cranial unit count. Very impressive.

I'd like to say that was the case, but I'm a wee bit tired to be playing. Something about getting less than 4 hours sleep 7 days in a row will do that.

#11509  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/26/2004 6:39:27 PM

Something about getting less than 4 hours sleep 7 days in a row will do that.


#11510  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/26/2004 6:39:30 PM

Well, the Torian just told me to "Speak", so I shouldn't keep him waiting...


#11511  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/26/2004 6:39:56 PM

6:34:45 PM

6:34:47 PM Congrats!

Damn you fast thats a reaction of 2 seconds! Gee, no wonder you are #1!!

Sorry Loth, just not your day! 11511 MINE!! ALL MINE! My Preciuos!
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#11512  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/26/2004 6:40:00 PM

[Message Edited]

#11513  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/26/2004 6:41:09 PM

Damn you fast thats a reaction of 2 seconds! Gee, no wonder you are #1!!

I'm just glad a Guardian got it!

#11514  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/26/2004 6:45:18 PM

Something about getting less than 4 hours sleep 7 days

Gee! Tonight i slept 3.30 hours, i was dead all day... but can't even imagine what is it like to have a week of the same!

#11515  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/26/2004 6:48:48 PM

Hey Loth, how you doing? Gonna crack that 400 game mark today? Another 1st for the Guardians if you do.

Also congrats to Greldon on 300 games.

#11516  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/26/2004 6:49:17 PM

but can't even imagine what is it like to have a week of the same

i get to catch up tomorrow night. Woo-hoo!! and then it's a 4 day weekend.

#11517  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/26/2004 6:52:35 PM

Hey Loth, how you doing? Gonna crack that 400 game mark today?

Doing fine. I'm going to change banks. Compass bank are a bunch of wankers. They held my transactions in queue for 5 days. After all the recent trouble they've gotten me into, it's time to move on.
Did I mention that Compass Bank are wankers?
They are. Big time.

I have a couple games I can submit to get 400. I'll get those in today.

Also congrats to Greldon on 300 games


#11518  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/26/2004 6:53:28 PM

and then it's a 4 day weekend.

Thats more likely

Do you remember those lottery tickets?! Have you actually won anything?

#11519  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/26/2004 6:54:33 PM

Doing fine. I'm going to change banks. Compass bank are a bunch of wankers. They held my transactions in queue for 5 days. After all the recent trouble they've gotten me into, it's time to move on.Did I mention that Compass Bank are wankers?They are. Big time.

Also congrats to Greldon on 300 games

(3 congrats for each hundred. I'm too lazy to do 300 of 'em)

#11520  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/26/2004 7:09:02 PM

Gonna crack that 400 game mark today?


#11521  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/26/2004 7:14:11 PM

Nice work, Lothmorg.

#11522  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/26/2004 7:18:03 PM

Nice work, Lothmorg.

Thank you, littlewotts.

#11523  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/26/2004 7:22:13 PM

Great Job, mate!

#11524  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/26/2004 7:22:42 PM

One more game and I'll almost have 1/8th of the games you've submitted.

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