I hope you have a speedy return, Greldon. We'll keep your spot warm for you until then.
For Honor and Justice!!
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Good luck Greldon. I'm sure you'll be returning with a bang (or more likely a few dozen BOOM!!'s that you'll have saved on the hard drive).
We'll be here when you come back looking for us.
A cold wind blew across Raven's Claw as Greldon receded into the distance. It was as if the whole planet felt there would be an integral part of itself missing for the duration of the First Knight's exile.
Sensing the disquiet of the planet, and the darkening mood of it's populace, the remaining Guardian knights arranged a feast in honour of First Knight Greldon. Tales of his great deeds were told late into the night, and much ale was hoisted to his name.
By the end of the night, as first light crept over the horizon, the mood had lightened also as all now realised that Greldon would return as soon as he was able, to once again inflict terror and destruction upon the Yor in the name of The Galactic Guardians.
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Good Morning Guardians!
Dull Thud (A nice way to start the morning!)
Wow! Great to see the forum so active! I had to get through 7 pages!
Congrats to MD for making it to the Top 25!! I'll get the website changed pronto!
Regarding the GvE competition, I think having the Evils break off into another empire is a great idea! I'll keep the Guardians as the Good empire. That way I still hold the spot for us to return and I get to participate too!!
Loth: took a look at the logos and I think they look great!! Go ahead and use the Red one for the Evil empire and I'm going to use the Blue one for the Good empire. Use whatever name you Evil ones want to use!
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A cold wind blew across Raven's Claw as Greldon receded into the distance. It was as if the whole planet felt there would be an integral part of itself missing for the duration of the First Knight's exile.
Sensing the disquiet of the planet, and the darkening mood of it's populace, the remaining Guardian knights arranged a feast in honour of First Knight Greldon. Tales of his great deeds were told late into the night, and much ale was hoisted to his name.
By the end of the night, as first light crept over the horizon, the mood had lightened also as all now realised that Greldon would return as soon as he was able, to once again inflict terror and destruction upon the Yor in the name of The Galactic Guardians. |
Let it be so noted in the Journal of the Guardians where all the great and fell deeds of the Galactic Guardians are written!
Might even be written before he comes back... but I hope not. Hurry back Greldon!
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A cold wind blew across Raven's Claw as Greldon receded into the distance. It was as if the whole planet felt there would be an integral part of itself missing for the duration of the First Knight's exile.Sensing the disquiet of the planet, and the darkening mood of it's populace, the remaining Guardian knights arranged a feast in honour of First Knight Greldon. Tales of his great deeds were told late into the night, and much ale was hoisted to his name. By the end of the night, as first light crept over the horizon, the mood had lightened also as all now realised that Greldon would return as soon as he was able, to once again inflict terror and destruction upon the Yor in the name of The Galactic Guardians. |
An excellent sendoff, Mag! Greldon will surely be missed during his time away. But he will be welcomed back with open arms upon his return!
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Hello Theoden!
Are we allowing others to participate in the GvE games? If so, would you like to post an announcement to that effect?
Also, I would suggest that we should close the empires during the last week of the games so we don't have any last minute players popping in, throwing their points in to the mix, then popping out. Thoughts?
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Hey GH!
Are we allowing others to participate in the GvE games? If so, would you like to post an announcement to that effect? |
The competition will be open to anyone who wishes to join one of our empires for a month. Of course, most everyone is so loyal, I don't know we'll get many takers. But I still think it would be nice to invite everyone who wants to. I'll post something to that effect.
Also, I would suggest that we should close the empires during the last week of the games so we don't have any last minute players popping in, throwing their points in to the mix, then popping out. Thoughts? |
I think this is a good idea, unless one of the teams is really lopsided. Then it might not hurt the other team to get some help at the end! We'll see how things go.
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@Loth: I suggest you go ahead and set up the Evil empire now so we can get an idea of how things are going to be balanced. Also, since the competition will begin promptly on June 1st, people should be on board early to be ready.
I suggest instead of getting someone to set up a new website for the stats that we just use the AltMeta. It will keep tabs on the activity for the month and gives us stats on individual activity and everything. It fits our needs perfectly, without having to do any extra work. Since we'll be in different empires, it should work flawlessly.
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Hey Weyr!
Let's just see how things shape up. I'm not sure things are going to be totally balanced, so closing the empires might cause some hardship for one or the other.
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closing the empires might cause some hardship for one or the other. |
And we don't want to deter any new recruits.
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who get to keep all the scores of those who don't defect, even if they don't play |
Since we'll be using Alt Meta, the inactives won't show up. Only those who submit games during a month will show up during the competition. That's why it is such a good tool to use. It will accurately show our status.
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Personally, I think that Evil has it's work cut out for it.
As for the closings, I think if we leave them open for at least the first half, we can use it as recruiting. As people see the games progress, they will be tempted to throw their support to one side or the other. I just don't want to see June 30 turn into the day of pointless empire hopping! Because if it did, one of the sides will feel really ripped off.
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Hello Theoden!
Are we allowing others to participate in the GvE games? If so, would you like to post an announcement to that effect?
Also, I would suggest that we should close the empires during the last week of the games so we don't have any last minute players popping in, throwing their points in to the mix, then popping out. Thoughts? |
All of this over me? Relax, I'm not a threat.
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One problem I see. What if some of our players that play but never check in with the forum keep posting games for the "Good" empire without being good? That was why I originally suggested 2 new empires (...although I know that is impractical the way things are currently).
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In stead of playing games, I will spend all my time recruiting points for the good side |
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It could result in some really wild recruiting attempts. In stead of playing games, I will spend all my time recruiting points for the good side |
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If it is a close race at the end, we could always check on the few that aren't active in the forums to see how thier June games posted.
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but as a possible team mate against the Evil of the Galaxy. |
I'm not sure I would do it, especially if I would need to stay on for the whole month. I do have my own empire to see to.
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Still, I think it should be closed for at least the last day or two. Even ANZAC had folks over for the weekend. You will just have to persuade them to join before the close date, Weyrleader.
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