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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#12075  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/29/2004 3:39:33 PM

Are all the Evil Guardians aboard or still some to jump?

Haven't heard from loopcub. He would be a canidate.

And to all you stardock central users, you have reached the 3/4 mark on this page...

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#12076  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/29/2004 3:56:23 PM

The Galactic Guardians Theoden of Rohan 33 1154 7351537
G.R.O.S.S. Captain Jack Sparrow 47 1387 5531140
Guardians of Doom Lothmorg the Black 6 854 5429530


#12077  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/29/2004 4:03:03 PM

Hey! We have the Pirates surounded!

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#12078  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/29/2004 4:05:08 PM

Looks Like it will be fairly even now with kaz's mirror image hearing the call of evil.

Cannot wait for the games to begin.

#12079  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/29/2004 4:12:00 PM

I had a strange game today. Playing rare huge as usual got a 21 earth a 26 the sector above an a single star with 3 habital below. Though it would be a cake walk but the Torian scum bags became a super power who I had to feed the hole game to keep from eating me completely. In the end just me, them and the drath left. I was almost so mad at the Torians I was going to turn military but did not want to spend the time. I will just take them out next game.

#12080  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/29/2004 4:20:00 PM

If it makes you feel better I have the fishy bastards eating out of my palm in my current game. I'll have their world reduced to dust as soon as I get my morality up.

#12081  by Citizen Weyrleader - 5/29/2004 4:25:51 PM

My game this morning pathetic. To kill the Yor I had to move to the opposite end of the galaxy - took forever to get there. They were hostile the whole game, so I showed them no mercy. The other fell in line really quickly after that and the game ended two turns later. 60K, but only 3.something in additional score for me. Oh well, I did move up a notch.

#12082  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/29/2004 4:36:00 PM

In North Korea if one of your family members says something against the goverment they intern 3 generations of your family as punishment. I think all apply this logic to the Torian's. I will treat the Torians the same as Yor for the next 3 games

#12083  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/29/2004 4:38:56 PM

I will treat the Torians the same as Yor for the next 3 games

Excellent! There are some good Torian recipes over at the CSF thread.

#12084  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/29/2004 4:42:52 PM

I'm tellin' you guys - It's the Altarians! They must think they're human or somethin'. My game last night, they managed to get seven systems, and didn't even have the deciency to build transports.

7 starbases - 3520bcs
7 terror stars - 35000bcs
Over 100 billion Altarians having their screams for mercy cut off suddenly in a single flash of light - priceless.

Some things money can't buy. For everything else there's

#12085  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/29/2004 4:46:31 PM

Nice one GH!

#12086  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 5/29/2004 4:50:08 PM

Just keeping the right attitude for the turney!

#12087  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/29/2004 5:55:25 PM


#12088  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/29/2004 6:17:39 PM


#12089  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/29/2004 6:23:51 PM

Welcome to the Guardians of Doom, Kaz!

As always, it's a pleasure doing business with you.

[Don't worry DW. I'll have him back in a month. ]

#12090  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 5/29/2004 8:58:40 PM

Are all the Evil Guardians aboard or still some to jump?

Bonscott expressed a preference for the dark side also, so I would expect him to join up if he's around during the month.

We also have a couple of other Emperors who wish their scores to be counted in the tourney. Obviously they are unable to join another empire, so how do you all feel about letting them score for the side of their choice without actually joining up? We said the tournament was open to all, so that's what it should be I feel.

#12091  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 5/30/2004 12:46:43 AM

Well, if you are doing that, I would like to be counted in the good side. I don't want to leave, the #3 guy just can't go jumping around. But I would like to be included if possible. I'm only worth about 300K so it wouldn't be a big difference (comparatively )

#12092  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/30/2004 12:50:37 AM

I'd love to have you on board VoT. I think we are going to be needing some help. The Evil team has some heavy contributers. I'm generally only worth a game a week (this week is an exception).

#12093  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/30/2004 1:55:48 AM

Well, if you are doing that, I would like to be counted in the good side.

I still have not heard from Theoden regarding this, but I believe only Emperors are eligible for the "virtual member" status.

Join Kaz. It's only for a month.

#12094  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 5/30/2004 1:56:56 AM

Ah, Emperors only. I'd still rather not defect, I'm just like that. Sorry.

#12095  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 5/30/2004 1:58:45 AM

Not a problem. Both sides will be open all month, if you decide to change your mind.

At least, I think they will. We have not made a concrete decision on that yet.

#12096  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/30/2004 7:35:03 AM

Kazz?!! You joined us... Wooo-hooo!!
My buddy on the same side as me!!

Now we can play the games!

#12097  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/30/2004 7:35:49 AM

Good morning Guardians of Doom!

#12098  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/30/2004 7:37:32 AM

Gee! it is really slow in here

I'm generally only worth a game a week (this week is an exception).

LW! Make sure this all month is going to be an exception... just one month ...

BTW!! Hey People, LOOK!! I v've got a new shield colour! Yeah!! When did i Got it???
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#12099  by Citizen _Attila_ - 5/30/2004 7:38:56 AM

And as i am very near... and sorry for spaming... i am evil!!

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