Twelventy One hundred and fifty saved for the guardians. Can't belive you did not take it GH. Evil is clouding your mind. |
Is those pesky Jedi and Diplomats again. I think it's some kind of plot...
Although your path does trouble me, it is not to late to turn to the light of goodness. Forget those massive bonus's. You'll sleep better knowing none have suffered needlessly for your greed. |
You don't know how much I regret those early chaotic good games I submitted. I could have my cool black smiley by now...
The End Excuses Any Evil
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GH, Keep trying to to recruit people to good side |
Well we've got to do something to give you guys a chance, you only outnumber us 5 to 1.
OK, so Dream Warrior and JT Qwerk wish to contribute to the rightful cause aswell, but something tells me that DW has other priorities at the moment following the latest arrival in the Diplomatic pouch (so to speak).
Anyway, Tech is a nice addition to the losers and may give you some false hope for a while. Now I've just got to try and orchestrate my company's buy-out of the company that Major D works for, which will require him to go on a very intensive business trip for the month of June with only an old laptop available.
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No offense meant to anybody or their family members, but attorneys have to rate somewhere in the same neighborhood as Yor in my book... |
GH, as another Guardian said of his wife: "We believe she has Terror Star technology and she is not afraid to use it."
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What was that you said? It sounded like, "Then Excuse Anvil EdEys"! (I've just got to get my Universal Translator fixed. Either that or stop trying to make sense of things Evil Guardians say! )
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Now I've just got to try and orchestrate my company's buy-out of the company that Major D works for, which will require him to go on a very intensive business trip for the month of June with only an old laptop available. |
Magnum, I'll make you a deal: you orchestrate the buy-out and I'll switch over to the Evil side and play my heart out for you guys for the entire month! (Been trying to get the owner to sell for years, because he is really a 'limiter' on our growth, as well as our ability to draw and keep good people. But so far no success.) Anyway, my offer's on the table!
(You guys knew that everyone has a price, right? )
[Message Edited]
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I'm evil! "Nice" isn't in my contract.
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I guess I'm excited about this competition. I've played three games this weekend already!
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Don't burn your self out LW |
Don't worry about that. I just have a little more time now that there isn't a girl to distract me...
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is everything ok with your girl?? |
Well, now there is no girl. Oh well, galciv won't go anywhere.
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We don't want to make Magnum to nervous. |
Quaking in my boots ED. Being an Englishman, they're the ones I'm going to use to kick 'good' right in the proverbials according to Attila's little story above.
BOOM!! for the cause. Getting better on these practise runs on large - that one took 39 minutes.
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Sorry to hear that, mate.i am sure there is another girl just awaiting or your call. |
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
I'm down around there as well. I could be better, but I spend a long time getting my morality right.
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Let me know if you need some numbers, thats one thing i am really good at |
I'll keep that in mind when I finally make my way to the Isles.
My games our taking longer. I'm taking the AI's personally and taking extra time to get revenge. Can't help my self. Have a anger management problem. |
Don't feel bad, I do what I can to keep the Yor in the game so that I can Greldonize them. :sinister:
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I'm going past 2220 regularly. I played that 1.20 Gig/Maso faster that I have any of the 1.49 Large/Maso simply because of the number of events.
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