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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#12325  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 5/31/2004 11:11:34 PM

Well, I'm off to bed. Gotta get up for work in about 4 hours...

#12326  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/31/2004 11:26:14 PM

think I dislike Bertuzzi more then any player in the leauge

thats the best compliment you can give a player. We'll trade him to your team and you'd love him in a week.

#12327  by Citizen bonscott - 5/31/2004 11:28:07 PM

You know it ED! Never liked Chelios until he was traded to the Wings either. Cheli was the devil!

#12328  by Citizen Evil Druid - 5/31/2004 11:34:03 PM

Chelios is so dirty with his stick and he gets away with it. Veteran thing I guess. Hatcher is the other guy who gets away with murder with his stick.

#12329  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 6/1/2004 12:19:55 AM

Any of you ever play Stratomatic Hockey? Years ago, some friends of mine had a league going. Chelios and Hatcher were both mine, as well as Coffey, Borque, and Scott Stevens. They were great, but Borque was the only one that could stay out of the box...

#12330  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 6/1/2004 12:21:08 AM

...and back to GalCiv

Altmeta updated. No results for June yet. My game counted for May.

#12331  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 6/1/2004 12:22:29 AM

It might not start until all of us are in June. I'm not.

#12332  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 6/1/2004 12:31:05 AM

It might not start until all of us are in June. I'm not.

I am, but just barely. It's 12:30 here

#12333  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/1/2004 12:42:26 AM

All hail Champion of Doom, Loopcub! Newest member of the Guardians of Doom Senate!

We will crush all that stand before us.

#12334  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/1/2004 12:54:31 AM

Like the red back ground much easier to see your evilness. BOOM for side of good

#12335  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/1/2004 12:58:09 AM

Thanks. I actually updated it again.

Congrats on the BOOM for good!

#12336  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/1/2004 2:19:22 AM

BOOM again for the good

#12337  by Citizen Major Dallas - 6/1/2004 2:45:06 AM

ED! Major! It's not too late yet! Join us before you post a good game! You know you'll have more fun on the winning side! Evil Rocks!

I only regret that I have but one BOOM! (at the moment) to give for my Empire!

#12338  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/1/2004 5:52:50 AM

Good morning all, good and evil. I realize that it is early in the month, but the good has taken lead over evil and hopefully will continue in this way until evil is finally and complety erradicated from the Metaverse

Unfortunately my previous submit was counted for May

Technicality: when does AltMeta time start - Grennich mean time, or something else?

#12339  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 6/1/2004 7:16:17 AM

Only the Stanley Cup Finals. The oldest trophy in professional sport.

Sorry ED, I've got to pick you up on this somewhat intro-spective view.

I think the actual phrase used each year is "The oldest trophy that professional athletes can compete for in North America", which also includes Canada of course (as it was a Canadian trophy originally).

It certainly is not the oldest trophy in professional sport if one considers the rest of the World (and yes, there are places in the World where hockey means a grass field and a ball).

#12340  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 6/1/2004 7:35:29 AM

Dull Thud

My first for the month!

Glad to see we have such interest in the GvE competition! Sorry I have been so quiet the last couple of days. The wife wanted to spend some quality time together over the holiday weekend! Anyway, she's back to work and I'm back to GalCiv!

Speaking of which, time to go kill some more Yor!

#12341  by Citizen bonscott - 6/1/2004 8:07:23 AM

Ok, that totally sucks. My game counted for May.
Since statbot runs on GMT I thought it would count for June. Guess I shoulda waited until after midnight local time.

Oh well. Not sure when I'll get another game in, but I'll be as evil as I can this month.

#12342  by Citizen Kazzryl - 6/1/2004 8:35:57 AM

I believe, if I'm not mistaken, statbot runs on CST.

#12343  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 6/1/2004 8:54:24 AM

Not sure when I'll get another game in, but I'll be as evil as I can this month.

All contributions will be greatly received by the "Master of Darkness", I'm sure.

I must say it's a little worrying to see Littlewotts punting in 3 games in a day. Combined with Theoden's increased output lately and Tech's temporary empire hop, those sickly blues might just be able to put up a bit of a fight.

#12344  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/1/2004 8:56:24 AM

Good morning everybody!
Loth i like our new Logo! Nice one!!

#12345  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/1/2004 8:56:45 AM


Yes, yes, yes ,yes!!! I Got it!!! Wooo0-hoooooooooo!!

Thats # 12345 if nobody noticed!!

GH! Thank you! for your co-operation!

Gee! i was worried i wasn't going to take it!
[Message Edited]

#12346  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 6/1/2004 9:52:21 AM

Congrats Attila!!!

Dull Thud

Another game for the Good pile!

I must say it's a little worrying to see Littlewotts punting in 3 games in a day. Combined with Theoden's increased output lately and Tech's temporary empire hop, those sickly blues might just be able to put up a bit of a fight.

Be very afraid!

#12347  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/1/2004 9:53:12 AM

Yes, yes, yes ,yes!!! I Got it!!! Wooo0-hoooooooooo!!

Congratulations. I assume since there is no shield that you are evil. For sosme reason you must be sooooo evil that even the shields are blocked for us good guys

#12348  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/1/2004 9:54:39 AM

Ah, now the shields are back

#12349  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 6/1/2004 9:58:57 AM

Sorry...I have changed the name to the Guardians of Justice for the month of June. I probably should have called us the Guardians of Whoopass, but that just sounded too cruel!

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