hows that? i feel the opposite 1st was too restricting or at least what i know about it, 3rd edition just has too much variation in the way each group of gamers play |
In 1st ed, if there wasn't a rule covering it, we just winged it. In third, you are much more likely to be stuck being a rulebook lawyer.
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oh i see, so your more against that they seem to have everything your looking for offically covered, well i guess it depends on the group of gamers as well, my group we don't have any rule lawyers except the dm, and i barely enforce those!
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Heh Heh - I still got all the 1st edition books up in the attic. 17 years or there abouts since I last played (and yes, I was in the military).
GH - you hit it right there as to why 1st ed was the best (my DM's guide has more pencil notes written in it than original print).
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hey that's not fair...i've created 100's if not 1000's of my own variants, classes, spells, and rule systems for 3rd...
maybe i overdid it?
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T3C - not variants, or new spells etc, just notes on how something was played out and expansion of the rules (or guidelines as they were in 1ed) that were printed.
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i think what you talking about is what i did with my custom rule systems
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What to to we thought and created our own system, own rules, own world and stuff |
Sounds like the game I used to run. Heavily modified, barely recognizable as D&D.
I think I still have my Chainmail booklets around here somewhere too.
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never got into chainmail, i think minatures are a wee bit expensive, although if i had to get into a minature game it would be warhammer 40000 , I have the chaos space marine clan book or whatever although since my second job is officially canceled for the summer i probably shouldn't buy minatures
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plus i suck at painting *grabs a black can of spray paint* 
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oh i see, so your more against that they seem to have everything your looking for offically covered, |
Sure! After all, what fun is it being a GM if all you are doing is enforcing rules?
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well like i said i make my own...that's pretty fact i remember in the dmg it encourages dm's to do what they want whether it's use the official rules or design there own, dm has full power.
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Hey, I just got promoted.
In true Dilbert fashion, I have a new title.
Director Of Research and Knowledge.
Nothing new, I guess.
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just promoted in title or also in benefits?
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Hmmm. My humor is waning, it seems.
Director Of Research and Knowledge.
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no i'm just dense!
still you should tell your boss to promote you cause you've worked hard to represent your company as number 1 player in the metaverse
"yes sir i set up trade routes and protected them from hostile species all in an effort to further this organizations goals"
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Director Of Research and Knowledge |
Just kidding!!
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dm's to do what they want whether it's use the official rules or design there own, dm has full power |
I agree. So far, it has worked.
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one thing about that though is it depends on the players, some real hotshot rpga members won't play with dm's who change the rules...or at least i know some in my area
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one thing about that though is it depends on the players, some real hotshot rpga members won't play with dm's who change the rules...or at least i know some in my area |
I won't play RPGs with hard-core players. They suck the fun out of playing. Besides I can never understand when people get upset when I play chaotic when that's my alignment.
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one thing about that though is it depends on the players, some real hotshot rpga members won't play with dm's who change the rules...or at least i know some in my area |
Rule number one for my game. I choose to DM as long as I have fun. No fun, no game!
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