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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#12700  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 6/2/2004 9:30:22 PM

To steal 12700

#12701  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 6/2/2004 9:40:01 PM

I didn't know so many people in Guardians were in the military. I'm in Navy ROTC now, thinking about switching to Marine Option. I think it would be cool to hear who was in the military and how and where you served. Maybe move that over to our private forum. I'd like to hear what you guys did though.

#12702  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 6/2/2004 9:41:29 PM

Oh sweet, I got promoted to Vice Admiral too. Haha, now I don't have to salute the CNET admiral anymore.

#12703  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 6/2/2004 9:47:21 PM

I got promoted to Vice Admiral too


Ok, I'm off to bed.

#12704  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 6/2/2004 9:52:56 PM

Dagnabbit, I didn't even manage to keep ahead of him for an hour...should I try and squeeze in another tonight?

Sure, can't let evil triumph that easily, I'm not sure my one win will be able to jump me 2 places to catch up, but we'll see.

#12705  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/2/2004 9:55:35 PM

Sorry Attila booted you again,

Dont worry, mate!
I am alright, i can survive it, can you?! Boom!!
Ough maybe 51 is not active but, 52-56 are active dudes, so i guess we both yet have to secure our places!
score one for the good guys

everythinkg have to be in equilibrium score one more the evil!

#12706  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/2/2004 9:58:11 PM

I'm not sure my one win will be able to jump me 2 places to catch up, but we'll see.

Give me a break!! Will ya!
C'mon lets call it a day! ha?
Its enough of evil Vs good, actually more likely Attila Vs Quik... please, lets do it tomorrow! Ough... forgotten its girlfriend time tomorrow, i wanna playyyy...
[Message Edited]

#12707  by Citizen Naqmir - 6/2/2004 10:09:08 PM

its girlfriend time tomorrow

You could teach her how to play. :evil grin:

Mag-at this rate im going to be the one trying to keep up with you.Heres another for the cause.BOOM!!

#12708  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/2/2004 10:35:01 PM

You could teach her how to play

She's already annoyed that i spend more time on the net/playing GC and revising. I wouldnt think that would be the quility time spent, and can you imagine if shes gonna like it! We will never see each other again live, only in here

#12709  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/2/2004 10:37:07 PM

Ok, Naqmir and everyone esle!
I am off to bed...

And quik! Have some mercy, dont wake up another barbarian!

#12710  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 6/2/2004 10:54:42 PM

Oh, hello! I'm awake now. Got in a 47.9K Small Crip - personal best at that setting. Am I the only player here that takes less than 60K at a sitting?

Congrats Quick on the promotion, and to zaK for the second gold bar!

And to both our recent additions to the top 50

I count 14 there now.

#12711  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/2/2004 11:01:45 PM

Only one BOOM!! for the day and I am off to never never land.

Contrats to Quik and GH for making top 50 (again)

#12712  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 6/2/2004 11:04:45 PM

Contrats to Quik and GH for making top 50 (again)

That should be Quick and Attila. I've been hanging around 38-39-40 for about a week (and in the top 50 without moving up for far too long... )

#12713  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 6/3/2004 12:26:13 AM

Dull Thud

Dull Thud

Good grief!! Mag and Naqmir are really cookin'! Well, if Good goes down, we'll go down swinging!

I'm going to work on medals tomorrow. It's sleepy time for me now.

For Honor and Justice and lots of sleep!

#12714  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 6/3/2004 12:29:42 AM


Netted 5k that game, and pulled into the lead over the evil Attila again.

I sure earned it that game, the drengin declared war on me, and me being the man that I am I HAD to fight it out with them. Took a long time, but I won out in the end, and then the whole galaxy bowed before me

For Honor and Justice

#12715  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 6/3/2004 12:30:10 AM

Am I the only player here that takes less than 60K at a sitting?

Nope! Check my stats. I've never posted a 60K game yet!

I'm too hooked on playing medium maps.

#12716  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 6/3/2004 12:33:04 AM

Sorry Attila, you're begging for mercy will not get you anywhere with me. Good will always conquer evil, and I'll be putting the nail in the proverbial coffin tomorrow. (maybe not, but I'll push you back some more)

I think we are both fairly secure on page two now, we just gotta start working our way up it. Good luck with the gf, luckily I have no such hindrances to my playing right now and will continue to pound those yor and all their evil cohorts into the ground.

Off to bed now, goodnight

#12717  by Veteran the 3rd child - 6/3/2004 1:06:44 AM

luckily I have no such hindrances to my playing right now and will continue to pound those yor and all their evil cohorts into the ground.

i don't see how a G/F and a box of magnums is a hinderance
hmmm galciv or G/F, galciv or G/F, tough one eh?

#12718  by Citizen loopcub - 6/3/2004 1:22:50 AM

I do not think I can fit a game in today. Sorry Lothmorg the Black .

#12719  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 6/3/2004 1:33:29 AM


MD got me by `200 points!

Congrats MD on a well fought battle!

#12720  by Citizen Major Dallas - 6/3/2004 1:38:39 AM

I do not think I can fit a game in today.

Thank you, Loopcub! (It was a bad enough day without you dropping more on our heads! )

Here's a BOOM! for the Guardians of Justice! Got one position closer to Theoden, and then looked again, and realized he'd also moved one position up! Congrats, my Emperor!

#12721  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 6/3/2004 1:41:07 AM

Here's a BOOM! for the Guardians of Justice! Got one position closer to Theoden, and then looked again, and realized he'd also moved one position up! Congrats, my Emperor!

Yup, its a race to Wulfer now!

#12722  by Citizen Major Dallas - 6/3/2004 1:51:22 AM

Yup, its a race to Wulfer now!

Hey, good evening, Bromoser! I was just noticing that we couldn't be much more evenly matched. We've got nearly identical points, nearly identical position in the metaverse, and identical number of games submitted! Very cool!

#12723  by Citizen Moser_Alchemist - 6/3/2004 2:13:09 AM

Hi MD!

I was just noticing that we couldn't be much more evenly matched. We've got nearly identical points, nearly identical position in the metaverse, and identical number of games submitted!

Your rate of point submission is much higher though! I knew you would eventually catch me! Now I've got to watch out for those 3 light saber weilding maniacs, and that guy with gold shirt and funky TV remote that shoots out light and makes funny whining noises.

#12724  by Veteran Gerakken - 6/3/2004 3:41:01 AM

I'm in Navy ROTC now, thinking about switching to Marine Option.

Well, since folks are talking about military service, I was four year NJROTC myself way back in my high school days. Not because I was some skinny geek who was trying to get out of PE. I was six foot and two hundred and five pounds of muscle when I entered high school. (I say that because back in my school district they always accused the NJROTC types of being geeks and wimps who wanted to get out of PE. Sure, some slackers and troublemakers got into the unit, but we got them weeded out or whipped in shape eventually.)

Right after high school, the first thing I did was try to enlist in the Army. I say try because they liked my brains back then quite well, but I had one too many physical problems. Funny, I was a very strong guy back when. To think that some glasses, flat feet, and some hole in my lung I never knew I had before made me 4F. (I was the school genius before getting my brains scrambled a bit later in life in an accident.)

My motives were simple: it was in my blood and I thought I could make a difference in the service of my country. Most of the males in my family were in the service. One uncle because he had to join (the juvenile delinquent thing), but all the rest I knew of because they believed in America. Even in the Vietnam era, they answered the call. Not because they believed in that war, but because they were going to be soldiers and that was the mission. (It was above their pay grade to ask why, just their duty to do or die. Or at least get home alive after getting wounded. Ballots help determine government policy, not the soldiers by themselves.)

Even though I never achieved a military career, I admire those who can and do answer the call. As private citizens, we can help direct government policy (at least in countries that have governments that allow such), but it is the soldiers who will pay the price in executing those policies. And sometimes they do not have the liberty to be questioning why when there is a job to do. They defend the wall and watch our backs. It is up to the whole of us to make sure they get what they need to do that.

Oh, as for the D&D thing, my most memorable character was a NG gnome illusionist. The little guy tended toward chaotic a lot with his practical jokes, though. You can do a lot of damage to friend or foe alike with the right illusions...

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