How about a nice big sack of fat chance.
My sickly blue smiley cringes at the though of any more neutral games, let alone evil. Besides, the Guardians of Doom have all they help they need.
Has anyone though about advertising the GvE on the GF? There are a lot of lurkers there.
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Thanks, MD. I think I will. 
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Pizza, Beer, Hockey. Is that not a Gordy Howe hat trick. |
Something like that. Texas hatrick would pile some whiskey on there.
Ooohhh..Flames scored!
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Gerakken wanders into the Guardian's Grog to get a bee |
This round is on me, Spymaster. 
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Oh well. Can't hurt to try. |
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Well, that's me done for the evening. The cause of evil has been mightily furthered this night.
~Warning to ED... take cover!~
Yeah, count 'em. Increased my meta total by a measily 31K, but scored 420K for the doomsters.
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Magnum how about watching all 3 movies of LOTR tomorrow. |
Actually, I've got a gig to go to tomorrow night - so probably won't get any games in.
Then I've got to make the most of the weekend as I go away for a week on Tuesday with no access to computers at all. There could be hope for you yet.
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Oh what a story to tell our grande children. |
I hope. 
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Not making much of a dent in the GvE circles, but moved up 3 places in the metaverse.
I'm beginning to think evil has a much easier game in the shorter ones when there is no good people around. They get all the planet bonuses early on. All the 'good' stuff comes in in the late game doesn't it, mostly trade bonuses and such near the end. Is there somewhere that says what all the good and evil bonuses are?
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I cant keep up.But then i got all day tomarrow. maybe ill do some catching up. |
Go for it Naqmir... join the millionaire's club tomorrow.
Not making much of a dent in the GvE circles |
Don't put yourself down Quik. It's a team effort and all contributions count (even if yours are for the wrong side).
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I put an advertisement for our tourney in the galactic forum. Tell me if you think it was appropriate or if I was a little to condescending towards those evil-doers. Hopefully this will net us some long term members to our empire as well.
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