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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#12925  by Veteran Gerakken - 6/4/2004 1:29:19 PM

Hah! Booze stealer in the area. ARRR!

(Gerakken says hi and steals a few trinkets.)

#12926  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 6/4/2004 1:30:23 PM

Dull Thud

GRRRRRR....the whole freakin' galaxy flipped! Why, oh why won't they let me blow them to pieces with my Terror Stars???

Actually, after I flipped the Drengin I thought it would be neat to see if I could flip everybody. It's been so long since I've Culture Flipped the galaxy I said "What they Hey!"

I mean, there's always more aliens to kill in the next game!

I'm hungry...think I'll go grab lunch before thinking about another game!

#12927  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/4/2004 1:30:54 PM

Thief! Thief! Come back here, you Taffer!

#12928  by Veteran Gerakken - 6/4/2004 1:38:51 PM

Muwahahaha! Loth falls for Gerakken's evil plan in the Diplomat's thread and leaves his home thread unguarded for a critical moment. See, I *do* know you well enough. It's all in your file.

Gerakken admires his files on everyone in the major empires and starts singing "Every move you make, every breath you take..."

(Don't mind me. Just getting too much into character right now before he trashes some aliens royally.)

#12929  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 6/4/2004 1:43:47 PM

Oh no! Gerakken has taken Diplomat lessons!

#12930  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/4/2004 1:45:13 PM

"Every move you make, every breath you take..."

Didn't Lord Paul Atreides already take care of you...

[Damn. That was only a movie.. ]

#12931  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/4/2004 1:50:50 PM

taffer: A common thief.
Example: That taffer stole my wallet.

#12932  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/4/2004 1:52:02 PM

Hello Lads!
How is it going??

Lord Paul Atreides

Is that "Dune: the Battle for Arakis" film?

#12933  by Citizen Major Dallas - 6/4/2004 1:55:16 PM

I never believe the media anyway.

Neither do I, Loth. For example, they keep reporting that the Guardians of Doom are currently "putting the hurt" on the Guardians of Justice in "a major way." Yellow journalism, I call it!

#12934  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/4/2004 1:59:08 PM

" Yellow journalism, I call it!

Actually, the editor of the paper is the nephew of Loth, so what you expect, an unbiased report?

#12935  by Citizen bonscott - 6/4/2004 2:55:15 PM

Man, you guys have gone insane with booms! Gone all week and holy cow. Well, I plan to get in a couple games this weekend. I can't let my evil buddies down.

#12936  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/4/2004 2:56:01 PM

Come on Weyr! We need you on the front page!

Even though we have broken the record for having 7 members in the Top 25, it doesn't really count, since Tech is on loan.

We need you!

ED, LW, GH, Quik, and Attila: We need you too! Hurry up!

#12937  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 6/4/2004 2:56:35 PM

Speaking of booms, I'll go ahead and add one to the pile.


#12938  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/4/2004 2:56:59 PM

GoJ have sent in investigators to find evidence that the GoD is using WMD. So far all they have uncovered is space dust. The WMD charge was the major excuse; I mean justification for our war with GoD. So far Emperor Theoden and his Major Dallas have refused to admit that evidence WMD may never be found. Now with the war going badly, and the major premise for the war in doubt, the domestic situation is looking bleak for the current administration.

#12939  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/4/2004 2:57:14 PM

I can't let my evil buddies down.

Hey Bon! Good to see you. Another Boom for the Guardians of Doom.
Keep it up!

#12940  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/4/2004 2:58:34 PM

Seems Monte Carlo went missing. Anyone hear from him lately?

#12941  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 6/4/2004 2:59:46 PM

Anyone hear from him lately?

Nope. Perhaps we should drop him an email.

#12942  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/4/2004 3:06:18 PM

Come on Weyr! We need you on the front page!

I'm commin' I'm commin' It just take me a little time. I hope this weekend to maybe break the front page barrier, but that is a big jump. We'll see.

Maybe I can get in two games this evening. The one from last night I had to make alliance with everyone. They wouldn't fight each other - only fought the minors and hence I no one to get good trades with. Trade with majors suck

But I did try not building any military for the first time. I only had to pay 2 bribes.
[Message Edited]

#12943  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/4/2004 3:07:39 PM

Perhaps we should drop him an email.

We should leave that to our Emperor.

Attention Theoden! We have volunteered you for a mission!

#12944  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/4/2004 3:08:56 PM

I hope this weekend to maybe break the front page barrier

I'll cross my fingers.

#12945  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/4/2004 3:09:12 PM

ED, LW, GH, Quik, and Attila: We need you too! Hurry up!

The big booms from me will be somewhere after first week of July! and i'll try to get in TOP25 I know its a bit too late for the competion, but its better later then never!

#12946  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/4/2004 3:10:19 PM

but its better later then never!


#12947  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/4/2004 3:13:49 PM

but its better later then never!

Indeed (c)! July is better than June anyway

#12948  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 6/4/2004 3:14:15 PM

Well, I have to stuff to do this afternoon yet, so I'll be back.

Loth, I'm still trying to locate PM. I may be able to get something similar called Disk Commmander. I don't know much about it though.

#12949  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/4/2004 3:15:23 PM

crawl, sneak

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