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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#12950  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/4/2004 3:15:36 PM

mine - O what a beautiful number, O what a beautiful day
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#12951  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/4/2004 3:24:16 PM

O what a beautiful day

Don't know what the weather you having there, its better than in here! Such a dull day!

#12952  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/4/2004 3:24:53 PM

I'm still trying to locate PM

I know I had a copy on one of my Novell servers, but ... I decommissioned them earlier in the week and shipped them off.

Of course, I have backups of the servers but ... what am I going to restore them to?

I was just hit at the wrong time. I might have it at home - although that might be version 7, it will still work I think.

If all else fails, I found Restorer2000 that seems to work. I just need to pony up for it.

#12953  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 6/4/2004 4:14:26 PM

Dull Thud

Ahhh, the sweet sound of billions of Arceans and Korx being silenced in a thunderous explosion.

I don't think this game would be nearly as much fun without the Terror Stars!

I've wondered where MC has been, as well. I included him in the empire-wide email I sent out just before the competition, but I'm going to email him again. We don't have nearly enough Aussies around here!

For Honor and Justice!

Oh, and congrats to everybody! What a great time to be a Guardian, Good or Evil!

#12954  by Veteran Gerakken - 6/4/2004 5:02:57 PM

What a great time to be a Guardian, Good or Evil!

No, what a great time to be a "troubleshooter" (or is that troublemaker?) and rake in the creds off both sides!

Gerakken takes a small breather in his alien subjugating session to get a drink at the Grog.

#12955  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/4/2004 5:14:51 PM


Good news (for me)! I fixed my hard drive.

Being the extreme cheapskate that I am, I was unwilling to open my dusty wallet to do something that I should be able to do for free.

Thanks to Google, I found the tips I needed to restore the backup copy of the MFT on my NTFS partition.
Yeah! All 50GB of data is safe!

These are the tools I used:
FindPart: Nice utility to verify that my data was actually still in one piece (so to speak). Link

TestDisk: The utility that actually found and restored the backup MFT. Link

These were lifesavers! And - they were FREE.

#12956  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/4/2004 5:18:53 PM

Great now you can enjoy a weekend of Gal civ

#12957  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/4/2004 5:20:22 PM

Great news Loth!

These were lifesavers! And - they were FREE.

sweeeeeet...nice to be an evil!
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#12958  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/4/2004 5:48:49 PM

We have over 100 games played so far, and it's only day 4!

#12959  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/4/2004 6:19:56 PM

Here is a small Boom for the metaverse and giant Boom for the Guardians of Justice.

#12960  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/4/2004 6:30:30 PM

Getting hungry. I'd better go.

Go Guardians of Doom!


#12961  by Citizen Major Dallas - 6/4/2004 6:45:00 PM

Can anybody here tell me if there is something special about a system colored purple? I know that the color indicates probability of habitability of one or more planets contained therein, but I've rarely encountered a purple and never thought to ask. (Got a good game start with a purple system with a 20PQ Earth.)

Thanks in advance for any help.

#12962  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/4/2004 7:11:06 PM

Can any tell me why the alpha list of techs goes in reverse some times. z to a instead of a to z and how to change it back.

#12963  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/4/2004 7:12:52 PM

a system colored purple

A purple system is supposed to be the best system, better than a gold. They are rare.

Boob! got me my 100 wins medal

#12964  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/4/2004 7:19:23 PM

Can any tell me why the alpha list of techs goes in reverse some times

Click on the title bar of the Techs. That will reverse the order it's displayed.

Boob! got me my 100 wins medal

NOW I can congratulate you!
Congrats, Weyr!

#12965  by Citizen Major Dallas - 6/4/2004 7:24:24 PM

Congrats Weyr! Let the celebration continue!

#12966  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/4/2004 7:24:55 PM

Congrats, Weyr

Thank you. Now to pass MC and on towards Page 1 before ED passes me and beats me to it
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#12967  by Citizen Kazzryl - 6/4/2004 7:38:44 PM

Congratulations, Weyrleader!

I know I am a few pages off, but how does one get awarded the wounded in action medal?

Oh, by the way, another BOOM for DOOM!

#12968  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/4/2004 7:39:53 PM

how does one get awarded the wounded in action medal?

Lose 5 games and submit them.

#12969  by Citizen Kazzryl - 6/4/2004 7:51:18 PM

I think I may avoid that medal.

#12970  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/4/2004 8:05:37 PM

Congrats Werleader! Well deserved!

And a BooM!! for that occasion...

I cant believe i was kicked out of Top50, hopefullt back and now i am #47!

I think I may avoid that medal.

I dont think its one of the desired medals! Nobody wants it, and those who got it! What was your motivations?

#12971  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 6/4/2004 8:20:56 PM

I know I had a copy on one of my Novell servers, but ... I decommissioned them earlier in the week and shipped them off.

Why? Novell good! Certain other NOS which shall remain nameless BAD!

Genghis Hank
(RL) Master CNE

#12972  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 6/4/2004 8:22:02 PM

Well, cool that you found the tools and got the fix!

#12973  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 6/4/2004 8:24:10 PM

Boob! got me my 100 wins medal

Boob? Well, one must take their wins where they find them...

In any case, WTG!

#12974  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/4/2004 8:34:36 PM

Click on the title bar of the Techs. That will reverse the order it's displayed

That simple. You don't know how that has driven me nuts.

Congrats Weyr. I just plan on being your wingman

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