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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#13000  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 6/5/2004 12:14:26 AM

Thirteen Thousand claimed by a Champion of Doom for the Guardians of all types!

Sleep well Guardians, the weekend is apon us!

#13001  by Citizen Major Dallas - 6/5/2004 1:25:30 AM

Congrats MD on your shiney new 100 winner medal

Thanks Weyr, and others! Kinda cool that we both got ours within minutes of each other!

#13002  by Citizen Major Dallas - 6/5/2004 1:27:02 AM

This took entirely too long for me to get...

Sorry GH. Hope you had a good beer or two to blame it on!

#13003  by Citizen loopcub - 6/5/2004 1:32:35 AM

Dull Thud and Boom what do they mean? Congrats on the new 100-win medals Major D & Weyrleader.

#13004  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 6/5/2004 2:02:00 AM

Dull Thud and Boom what do they mean?

Boom is the sound of a Guardian posting a 60K game, or more loosely, a game in general of which they are proud. Some, including our Good Emperor, use Dull Thud or other terms (I have used Bang in the past) to announce a game submission that is still good, but not at 60K.

Sorry GH. Hope you had a good beer or two to blame it on!

Worse. A long slow day at work, then a service call that made me work hours late. I hate Friday afternoon problems that won't wait! Managed to get myself too tired to sleep, but I think that is about to change

Night all!

#13005  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 6/5/2004 2:05:50 AM

Oh, one more thing. For God's sake, read your backup log once in a while...

#13006  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 6/5/2004 2:07:52 AM

Ahh, loopcub, that took me awhile to figure out as well.

Boom! is for a submission of a game,
Theoden prefers dull thud, and others have their own variations,
I've been known to throw in a Kracka-Boom! on especially good milestones.

How 'bout a Kracka-Boom! now for going all the way to a military win in the names of the Guardians of Justice! This one took me all day, had to beat three really strong evil civilizations, and I do all mine via invasions, no cheap terror-starring from me. I played so long my morale kept going up so I kept increasing my taxes to my highest rate ever without them dipping: 93%. Man, I feel like a Democrat.

Also researched all the way to omnipotence although I didn't get any excaliburs. Game was pretty much over at that point...I was gonna stay on just so I could have one, but I couldn't keep the torians from culture flipping, then when I tried to give a planet back they said 'ahh, more presents'. I guess there's nothing I can do at that point huh? I've never actually gotten to use an excalibur when it matters anymore, I've built one ever, but that was after the game was pretty much over. Oh well, I'm sure some day I'll have a shot with them.

Anyways signing off for now, me and a buddy are going up to Salem, NY tomorrow for some hick-style shooting at his uncle's hick-style house. I'll try and bring the laptop with me to play a game in the car, and we'll see if my battery lasts long enough. If not, good luck prevailing without me GoJ.

#13007  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 6/5/2004 2:30:04 AM

Hmm, been looking to get my maso shield for awhile now. Finally went around to calculating what my score is as far as difficulty. I have an average difficulty of 9.11111111. Do I need to get all the way up to 9.5, or 9.9 or what? Just 9.5 is gonna be tough, that means almost doubling my games, doesn't it?

#13008  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 6/5/2004 2:31:47 AM

I've been trying to get my red shield for a while now, and I think I have to wait until it gets to 8.5. I check my average difficulty over at the statbot. Link
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#13009  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/5/2004 8:34:57 AM

Good Morning Guardians. Either you are all still sleeping or off to do interesting things besides killing Yor
Almost 6 hours with no post, so I will start this off with a BOOM! for the GoJ and I move up to slot 28 - 3 more to go to reach the front page.

#13010  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 6/5/2004 12:32:30 PM

Dull Thud for the GoJ!

Played the game while my daughter took a nap, but she's waking up so it's time to go feed the little rug-rat!

Hope everybody's having a great weekend! Enjoy yourselves folks!

For Honor and Justice!

#13011  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 6/5/2004 12:36:12 PM


Just took a look at the Alt Meta!!!

The GoD have score 3 1/2 million points and the GoJ have scored a little over 3 million. Third place has scored just a tad over 500,000 points!!!

Holy cow, we're kicking butt!!! Link

#13012  by Citizen Major Dallas - 6/5/2004 12:47:37 PM

Holy cow, we're kicking butt!!!

This GvE competition is really lighting a fire!

However I will admit still being 'uncomfortable' sometimes with the brother v. brother competition--it has changed the sense of community for me. Anyone else feeling that way?

#13013  by Citizen Kazzryl - 6/5/2004 1:11:35 PM

However I will admit still being 'uncomfortable' sometimes with the brother v. brother competition--it has changed the sense of community for me. Anyone else feeling that way?

Na, I'm just fine with it.

Congratulations, GGs on 13 million! And MD and Weyleader on your 100th game gold bar. Way to go!

#13014  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/5/2004 1:25:01 PM

Boom! Started out in a corner and had to go for military victory with 24 TS. All space dust now

MD, we aren't competeing against each other, but play a scrimage game, just like in football or baseball. The splits in two to practice. At the end of June, we are one team in the Meta and leading the pack, perhaps for years to come

#13015  by Citizen loopcub - 6/5/2004 1:50:32 PM

I have a game going and I was doing very good. It mite have been my best game yet. but as I was playing the Dread lord came and there ships had way more Attack Value, Defense Value, and Hit Points. like all my other posts why?
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#13016  by Citizen Major Dallas - 6/5/2004 1:58:07 PM all my other posts why?

Could it be because you're Evil?!

Seriously though, are you asking why they attacked you, or why/how they were far enough ahead in Tech to attack with Dreads?

#13017  by Citizen loopcub - 6/5/2004 2:09:45 PM

both I can give the $10,000 but they still want war and there ships are way more powerful agin why?

#13018  by Citizen loopcub - 6/5/2004 2:10:01 PM

both I can give them $10,000 but they still want war and there ships are way more powerful, again why?

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#13019  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/5/2004 2:16:27 PM

both I can give them $10,000 but they still want war and there ships are way more powerful, agin why?

Loopcup, they aren't called the DreadLords for nothing. Whene they appear they take over anything evil. Even the good can suffer, but usually not as much. They are a source of unlimited funds if you have the right relationship with them. My experience has been the the game is difficult from this point forward. Try to get them attack your enemies.

#13020  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/5/2004 2:16:56 PM

grumble, grumble
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#13021  by Veteran Gerakken - 6/5/2004 2:18:24 PM

(Gerakken wakes up in the Grog after apparently passing out hidden in some dark corner last night during a mission.)

Oh, huh? Hey, coffee, please!

Purple stars? Did one of ye youngin's mention that? Arr! Let this scurvy space dog tell you about purple stars. Influence, matey. It's all about influence. Planets there range from fair to dandy, but the influence is always handy.

(Or, PQ from 15 to a rare 26 like a yellow system, but weighted toward the PQ 18 plus end from my experience, and always a high base influence rating. Great for any culture bomber.)

#13022  by Citizen loopcub - 6/5/2004 2:23:49 PM

Try to get them attack your enemies.

The dreadlords are at war with eveyone and that means me as well

#13023  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/5/2004 2:24:42 PM

Good Evening Guardians
Gee these Barbiques Can kill me, over-eating and too much off beer... i feel like my belly is going to explode now!

Alright lads let me play a game! Need to catch up with some people

#13024  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/5/2004 2:26:11 PM


is that the Draginol Event, coz i dont think i had dreadlords in any of my games??

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