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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#13100  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/6/2004 9:46:35 PM

Ough cool, Thanx!

Got it in front of two Guardians of Justice! Ah...

~#13100 been taken by GoD Attila!
[Message Edited]

#13101  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/6/2004 9:47:32 PM

President Reagan was a wise and strong leader who made a difference. His loss is a great tragedy.

I echo that. He was a great president.

#13102  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/6/2004 9:47:50 PM

Boom for DoJ

#13103  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 6/6/2004 9:48:23 PM


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is.

#13104  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/6/2004 9:52:58 PM

ok lads...

Good Night... Just now finished watching this film called "Gothika" scary a bit. Nothing is better a spooky film at night, all by yourself in the dark...

See ya all morrow!
night night

#13105  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 6/6/2004 9:54:19 PM


#13106  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/6/2004 10:03:52 PM

See ya all morrow!night night

me too - good night all

#13107  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/6/2004 10:26:14 PM

Ah, more presents please.

Okay, fish breath his a terror star up your butt.

BOOM For justice and the Emporer

#13108  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 6/6/2004 10:54:06 PM

Okay, fish breath his a terror star up your butt

Tech used to say something about painting the Terror Stars red....

#13109  by Citizen loopcub - 6/6/2004 10:54:11 PM

It is Not the greatest score but it is my best so Boom

#13110  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 6/7/2004 12:06:00 AM

It is Not the greatest score but it is my best so Boom

loopcub - it's the effort that counts! Congrats on your first maso

zaK - congrats on joining the pawn brokers! I'm right behind you on that one!

Guardians - As I just posted on Star Fleet forum, I may be a little inactive for the next week or two. Work is getting me a little busy. I'll still be checking in with the forums (but will be away at training tomorrow and Tuesday durning the day), and will get games in when I can.

Go GoD! Go Guardians!

#13111  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/7/2004 12:08:03 AM

I may be a little inactive for the next week or two

Not a problem. Take care of what's important first.
We'll see you when you get back.

#13112  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/7/2004 2:39:00 AM

BOOM Best map I have gotten in a long time. Centered near 2 minors for tech trade. Got 7 good planets. Easy win with a huge economy.

#13113  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 6/7/2004 4:54:31 AM

It is Not the greatest score but it is my best so Boom

Congrats Loopcub. Nice work.

President Reagan was a wise and strong leader who made a difference. His loss is a great tragedy.

From this side of the pond, I'd have to agree wholeheartedly with that. I think it is fair to say that the last two administrations have lowered international opinion of the office of President of the USA considerably.

#13114  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 6/7/2004 5:04:12 AM

Naqmir... you said you would struggle to keep up with me

Lothmorg the Black 2160000 36 Guardians of Doom
Magnumaniac 1380000 23 Guardians of Doom
Naqmir 1379538 23 Guardians of Doom

Looks like we're both being treated to a lesson by the Dark Lord himself.

#13115  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/7/2004 5:34:12 AM

It is Not the greatest score but it is my best so Boom

Loopcup, any win is a good win, regardless of the score

#13116  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/7/2004 5:35:44 AM

Easy win with a huge economy.

These type of games are a real joy. My last one I had to play out to 2220 to win. I was about ready to TS them all

#13117  by Citizen Kazzryl - 6/7/2004 9:53:05 AM

Morning/afternoon all.

Good job, loopcub! A win is a win for the Doomsters.

As I have already let the Diplomats know, I may not be quite so active for awhile. Home life is a little strained, especially on the weekends. In any case, I will do my best to keep up with the threads and post games as much as I can.

"I'm just waiting for windows to shut down", "let me just get this one download completed" and "I'm talking to my mother online" is just not working any more.

#13118  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 6/7/2004 11:14:07 AM

Hey loopie, a win is a win, we all start somewhere. If you look at everyone's profile they all started low and worked their way up.

Boom! for the GoJ

we're gonna make a comeback

And three cheers for Ronald Reagan, for liberating millions of people and letting them know the joys of democracy.

#13119  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/7/2004 11:23:47 AM

we're gonna make a comeback

Is that something like Eddie Munster's comeback?

#13120  by Citizen Naqmir - 6/7/2004 11:41:29 AM

Looks like we're both being treated to a lesson by the Dark Lord himself.

It would appear so. Its not much but heres one for Reagan. BOOM!!

#13121  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/7/2004 11:53:20 AM

Its not much but heres one for Reagan. BOOM!!

#13122  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/7/2004 12:42:52 PM

I got Thief 3 this weekend. Woohoo.

Now, I just need to wait 3 more weeks until I can play it.

Or, at least until I'm sure that Good will be smashed.
Of course, there's always the Greldon factor.

#13123  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/7/2004 12:43:37 PM

Its impossible to keep up the pace with the Doom Lords, Loth, Magnum and Naqmir. I believe that Evil has so invested there beings they no longer require sleep or nurishment except perhaps for Pringles and Dr Pepper.

#13124  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/7/2004 12:44:47 PM

except perhaps for Pringles and Dr Pepper.

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