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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#13425  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/14/2004 3:34:57 PM

Well that one moved me into 9th place.

Very Cool!

#13426  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/14/2004 3:36:23 PM

Hey Theo, where are you when we need you leadership

His priorities are all screwed up lately. He has put his new job and earning a living ahead of Gal Civ. Go figure

#13427  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/14/2004 3:37:27 PM

Well that one moved me into 9th place.


#13428  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/14/2004 3:38:42 PM

Well that one moved me into 9th place.


#13429  by Citizen Naqmir - 6/14/2004 3:40:44 PM

I miss the days when one game moved me like 200 places.Now i need a couple thousand points just to move one.

#13430  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/14/2004 3:41:21 PM

Quik I like it. That what they call traffic enforcement in the US post 911 I assume.

#13431  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/14/2004 3:41:33 PM

That's 4 real Guardians in the Top 10 with more movin' on up!

#13432  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/14/2004 3:43:50 PM

I miss the days when one game moved me like 200 places.Now i need a couple thousand points just to move one

Hard to get excited about getting one more game in when you need 30 to make a move.

#13433  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/14/2004 3:55:23 PM

That's 4 real Guardians in the Top 10 with more movin' on up

They will have to rename page one Guardians row.

In fact lets start referring to page 1 as Guardians row right now. I intend on joining you on Guardians row tommorow by the latest

#13434  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/14/2004 4:47:06 PM

Now i need a couple thousand points just to move one.

I wish I could move with so few
The gaps I have to cross are in the 20K-40K range and that is anywhere from 3-10 games.

#13435  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/14/2004 4:48:09 PM

That's 4 real Guardians in the Top 10 with more movin' on up!

How do we all get into the top 10?

#13436  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/14/2004 5:10:37 PM

How do we all get into the top 10?

I'll give everyone my name and serial number and we'll all contribute games for me until I am in the top 10. Then we'll do the next person. And so on Once we fill up the top 10 will go from there.

#13437  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/14/2004 5:21:18 PM

I'll give everyone my name and serial number and we'll all contribute games for me until I am in the top 10. Then we'll do the next person. And so on Once we fill up the top 10 will go from there.

thats a bloody good idea... can i be the next person?!!

#13438  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/14/2004 5:58:55 PM

I'll give everyone my name and serial number and we'll all contribute games for me until I am in the top 10. Then we'll do the next person. And so on Once we fill up the top 10 will go from there.

I wasn't so much concerned about how we got there, but how do 33 guardians fit into 10 slots?

#13439  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/14/2004 6:00:10 PM

I wasn't so much concerned about how we got there, but how do 33 guardians fit into 10 slots?

A thought just occured to me on how this could work. Damoose could snack on two thirds of each, leaving only a third of a guardian, then three guardians could fit into one slot

#13440  by Citizen loopcub - 6/14/2004 6:03:56 PM

I am sorry I have not been submitting games lately. There is construction going on at my house and the noice from the hammers and saws next to my computer as they redo my roof makes it very hard to pay and is putting me off my game. I will try to get one in tonight but I may not have time and lately I have been losing a lot of them. The construction should be finished next week but will try to get a few games in anyway.
Has the competition ended? It sounds like Lothmorg the Black is disloving the Guardians of Doom. The last game I submitted last week was a huge/crippling/alliance but I did not get as many points as I did on my small/maso/military. I know you get more points for maso and military games but I have seem people with huge maso/alliance victories. Why did my huge/crippling/alliance not get even half the points of a huge/maso. why

#13441  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/14/2004 6:11:06 PM

Why did my huge/crippling/alliance not get even half the points of a huge/maso. why

if you have finished before 2190ies you are loosing half of your points, thats what everybody says..

Has the competition ended?

its kind of still on,we are waiting to Theo to finish it!..but i am out of competition...

#13442  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 6/14/2004 6:14:05 PM

I do miss our one-ness of the Galactic Guardians, so if it be the will of the masses I am ready to call the tourney.

On a side note, I did not get to sending out Jester's Corner last friday. I'll be back to it this friday. Something popped up that I needed to take care of so I kinda forgot.

#13443  by Citizen loopcub - 6/14/2004 6:15:18 PM

f you have finished before 2190ies you are loosing half of your points, thats what everybody says

2205 was the year

#13444  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 6/14/2004 6:19:45 PM

Why did my huge/crippling/alliance not get even half the points of a huge/maso. why

I think it's from using vers 1.20 vs 1.49 (AP). AP has such large score inflation it's possible to get 60k on crip.

#13445  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/14/2004 6:19:56 PM

On a side note, I did not get to sending out Jester's Corner last friday

i can take care of it if you want me?!

2205 was the year

Don't know then...

#13446  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 6/14/2004 6:20:46 PM

i can take care of it if you want me?!

I run an email list as well as the spot at the SH. Feel free to drop jokes in there, I don't mind.

#13447  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/14/2004 6:27:30 PM

There's Loopcub, doing his best to do his duty to his Empire.

I salute you sir!

I'm pretty sure that it is over, but I need to hear something from our one true Emperor first.

As always, you shouldn't be concerned with submitting as many games as you can, but as many as makes you comfortable.

#13448  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/14/2004 6:57:10 PM

A thought just occured to me on how this could work. Damoose could snack on two thirds of each, leaving only a third of a guardian, then three guardians could fit into one slot

The only person who would agree to that is Da moose. He'll be hanging aroung here like cat on catnip once he reads that idea.

#13449  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 6/14/2004 7:37:54 PM

For those of you who remember Leisure Suit Larry, there is a new edition coming out. There is some info on it at Link

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