Citations that your lawyers may want to consider as they prepare your case:
We are given the Biblical mandate to "turn the other cheek," which said Damoose has now made impossible. (Furthermore, it can be argued that if you had, in this instance, done so, it is probable that it too would have lost a significant chunk to the insatiable Mr. Damoose. Defense will argue that this is speculative, but prosecution rebuts with prior history.)
In the now-infamous case of Lawson v. Watson Widgets it was established that the employer has a pursuant right to "chew out the employee's ass" for gross dereliction of duties. Thus, by depriving you of a significant portion of your "assets", complainant Damoose has made you unfit to fulfill your legally established responsbilities as an employee and thus placed your job and career at great risk. [Note: Your attorneys should be able to leverage this argument into financial penalties equivalent to your estimated earnings for the remainder of your life. Plus inflation, of course.]
More as it becomes available. Suffice to say that you and your legal team now own Mr. Damoose's butt--along with the rest of him, all of his assets, et cetera.
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You know, we have these cross thingies on our shields. Shouldn't that give us some protection from undead? |
Not from 'behind', which was obviously the angle of said attack.
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Not certain If he is worth pursuing. |
True, true. But if he has moose insurance you could still retire in the style to which you would like to become accustomed. (Not to mention an Altarian slave girl or two for your wife. Mrs. D has become quite accustomed to hers.)
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Congrats, ED! And welcome to Guardian Row!
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WTG ED! Let it be noted that there are now 8 official Guardians on page 1, surpassing the former record of 7 held by Special Forces
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ED, my wife/attorney just tripped over an interesting bit of information for you in your upcoming case against Damoose. Looks like he's been attempting to hide his true net worth (not uncommon in these cases). It turns out that he had a support role in the old Captain Kangaroo show, at that time appearing under the name, "Mr. Moose." And he's been raking in the royalties ever since--albeit, under his 'stage name.'
Go get 'im, ED!
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Dull Thud
Hmmm...I don't think I announced my last BOOM! either.
Well, I have to admit the GvE competition was a real barn-burner in the first week. We really had a blast. But I do believe it's time we got back to our one true focus of destroying Yor. The GoD really laid the smackdown on us, though! Congrats to all you evil dudes!
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I finaly managed to get to page 1 or is it now referred Guardians row |
Congrats to ED!
Guardians row?
MD, Theoden and the legendary Jaws have become the latest victims of the Aldarian Party Palace Juggernaut!
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MD, Theoden and the legendary Jaws have become the latest victims of the Aldarian Party Palace Juggernaut! |
Look again, 'Moser! (Better put some more fuel in that there Winnebago Juggernaut thinga-ma-jiggy! )
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Well, I have to admit the GvE competition was a real barn-burner in the first week. We really had a blast. But I do believe it's time we got back to our one true focus of destroying Yor. |
And there we have it.
@Magnu & Loopcup: Time to go home.
Well done, everyone!
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You really were under presure to get some work done. |
ED, the pressure and work won't ease up until the first week of July. Come on up and take my place!
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