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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#13525  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/16/2004 6:02:09 PM

I want my empire whole again. My empire includes Attila

Ough welll.... BRO!!!

Honey I am BAAAAAaaaCK!!

Loth by himself is a 12th place empire!

I am sure he is enjoying it! Give a man some leasure time...

#13526  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/16/2004 6:06:57 PM

Honey I am BAAAAAaaaCK!!

That's better. Now Loth can deap six the GoJ and come on home. How close are we going to be 15 mil?

Our next goal for the united Guardian empire

#13527  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/16/2004 6:11:22 PM

How close are we going to be 15 mil?

Actually very close!!!

its going to be 14,860,613!!

#13528  by Citizen Naqmir - 6/16/2004 6:16:13 PM

Should keep Naqmir busy for a couple of hours making that up again.

That'll keep me busy alright.Im lucky to get 5k for a game now so that right there is at least 10 games i got to submit plus about another 14 for the lead you already got.Well congrats on 5th.

#13529  by Citizen Major Dallas - 6/16/2004 6:57:46 PM

Plus i have been able to get my game time down to 20-30 minutes for a huge/alliance/maso.

Care to post some hints and tips over in the Senate Halls? (The best I've been able to manage--sans beer and other forms of alcohol--is 1 hour. But my average is still more like 1 hr. 15 mins.)

#13530  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 6/16/2004 7:00:34 PM

But my average is still more like 1 hr. 15 mins

Mine is about 3 hours.

#13531  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 6/16/2004 7:00:59 PM

And I'll take 13531 since it looks cool.

#13532  by Citizen Major Dallas - 6/16/2004 7:08:00 PM

ED, I don't think you've ever been higher than you are now in the Alt Meta! Way to go, dude!

#13533  by Citizen Naqmir - 6/16/2004 7:20:09 PM

Care to post some hints and tips over in the Senate Halls?

Sure ill right something up.Its mostly just following a research pattern that gets most wonders and trade goods.

#13534  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/16/2004 7:25:07 PM

ED, I don't think you've ever been higher than you are now in the Alt Meta! Way to go, dude

Thanks MD the contest and Guardians Row were great motivators. My wife did not share my enthusiasm about the importance of these events however or I would have got more in.

I need the short game secrets. Magnum, I think, did leave a hint in the halls but I have not tried it yet or understand how it could help. I am going to use it tonight and then post any questions I may have in the hall. We will crack the secrets together.

#13535  by Citizen Major Dallas - 6/16/2004 7:26:54 PM

Its mostly just following a research pattern that gets most wonders and trade goods.

I'll be very interested. I'm following Magnum's Huge/Maso/Alliance strategy, which also yields most TG's and wonders, but I sure can't get it down to 1/2 hour!

#13536  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/16/2004 7:33:42 PM

I miscredited it was Loth who gave the hint to loopcub.

#13537  by Citizen Major Dallas - 6/16/2004 8:15:47 PM

I miscredited it was Loth who gave the hint to loopcub.

OK. That one I saw. I'll have to give it a try myself. Thanks for the pointer.

#13538  by Citizen Naqmir - 6/16/2004 9:04:12 PM

For all those interested my strategy is now in the Senate halls.Heres a few booms to go with it BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOM!!

[Message Edited]

#13539  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 6/16/2004 9:49:31 PM

Hey guys, I've started packing for my Navy stuff this summer, my games will be nonexistent for about a month starting Monday, hopefully my score won't suffer too badly. I'll be back and pounding them out though on July 18th, see you then.

#13540  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/16/2004 9:51:24 PM

BOOM! Now we have 2300 battles, even.

I would like to get my Guardian Knight status back though.

#13541  by Citizen Lothmorg the Black - 6/16/2004 9:52:16 PM

Good luck, Quik! The Navy was the best thing that ever happened to me.

#13542  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 6/16/2004 9:56:12 PM

Good to be back under one shield. I was about to say that someone needs to restore our evil Guardian Knights to the senate, but I see Loth beat me to it.

#13543  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/16/2004 10:53:03 PM

I was about to say that someone needs to restore our evil Guardian

Didn't you here. Those positions were filled in your absense.

#13544  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 6/16/2004 11:56:46 PM

Well I got a 40 minute game in for 60 k fastest ever for me. Although I have to say I was not happy with it at all, I was losing the entire time, I had to bribe everyone and give my planets only the bare minimum on social stuff. I think I prefer to play a 1.5 hour game during which I am winning and I feel like I could easily do a military victory at the end.

#13545  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 6/16/2004 11:59:08 PM

Well that was a nice boost, went up about 8 places, to 35, if I wasn't going on vacation I'd be in a pretty good spot to sneak up onto page 1, oh well I'll see if I can sneak in a couple more games before I leave until then good luck guys, and have fun without me if I don't get a chance to post again before I leave.

#13546  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/17/2004 1:19:15 AM

Well I got a 40 minute game in for 60 k fastest ever for me


going on vacation

Have a good one quik

I just followed naqmir's strategy. 40 minutes for 60K. Wow that was a different way to play the game.

#13547  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/17/2004 2:23:18 AM

BOOM, that would have took about 30 minutes but I allied with everyone and then found out I had not made contact with someone on a far off corner whom I assumed was space dust.

Problem, the short game would get boring really quick. Virtually no interaction with the AI's your, just booming through on your own. Just have to look to see there still happy once in a while.

#13548  by Citizen Naqmir - 6/17/2004 2:29:07 AM

BOOM!! BOOM!! One pirate down two more to go.

Congrats on the 40 minute game ED!

the short game would get boring really quick

Yes that is a problem which is why 1)you see large military conquests in my profile 2)why i dont play large military conquests all the time.When I get bored I switch to a longer more interactive game.Its also why I use some mods and even mess with making my own parties.

#13549  by Citizen damoose - 6/17/2004 5:55:57 AM

damoose, if you wish we could arrange for it to become a permanent residence. Just say the word

Oh..... You guys are sooooooooo nice.

No wonder he has to scrounge for snacks.

but anyone that goes begging snacks like he does, well, you know what I mean!)

Harrrumph! I resemble that remark. Kinda nice though; I can travel light. I don't have to worry leaving stuff behind when I change hun... er... visiting areas.

That moose has all the angles covered

Hehehe! Now if I could just some how aquire a taste for metal.

OK, so maybe he has a better head on his shoulders than I was giving him credit for!

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