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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#13725  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/22/2004 8:15:39 AM

Afternoon Guardians!..
Just poping to say hi,
Tomorrow my last two exams.... and i am getting waisted .... tooooooooooo much of a stress' . Actually i had never remembered me being that stressed, i am even having some kid of pills just to go to sleep...
God, please let it finish sooner.

#13726  by Veteran Terl - 6/22/2004 8:29:08 AM

Tomorrow my last two exams

Study hard and do well... I am glad those days are gone for me.

#13727  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/22/2004 8:37:18 AM

Hi Terl...
How are you??!

#13728  by Veteran Terl - 6/22/2004 9:00:38 AM

Hi Terl... How are you??!

Not doing too badly. I have been quite busy with work and, then with summer here, I have been working hard finishing the fence around my house. As a result not too much GalCiv. I did download the latest update for AP last night and hope to get one going soon.

#13729  by Citizen Major Dallas - 6/22/2004 10:52:48 AM

Terl, welcome back, Brother. I've missed you.

To all: I've been laying low the last couple of days, trying to soak in what has transpired with Loth and Renegade--not believing that either would commit what has been accused, and at the same time not wanting to discredit Stardock for making every effort to protect the integrity of the Metaverse.

I have always believed that an online community is a very fragile, difficult, and special thing. You can't simply decide to create one and magically have it appear. (There's a famous incident where one of the nylon manufacturers attempted to create a community, but what they got was a gathering of men who liked to wear pantyhose! Not exactly what they were expecting!)

The GalCiv community is one of the most successful I have ever seen, heard of, or blessed to be a part of. And yet, the loss of Loth and Renegade under these circumstances is a devastating blow. (Personally, I'm still missing Greldon, even though his departure was under different circumstances, and hopefully he will return soon.)

Lots of rambling here, sorry. I guess I'm grieving out loud.

I'm going to cut back my GalCiv activity for a bit. I'm also going to write to Stardock with recommendations on how this could have been handled better--with possibly less negative impact.

In my heart I still believe that a great mistake has been made, and hope that it will be corrected and things will "go back to normal." But experience tells me that going "back to normal" never happens. There are scars and wounds that make that difficult to impossible. I love you guys. I'll drop in occasionally.

#13730  by Veteran Terl - 6/22/2004 11:15:02 AM

To all: I've been laying low the last couple of days, trying to soak in what has transpired with Loth and Renegade--not believing that either would commit what has been accused, and at the same time not wanting to discredit Stardock for making every effort to protect the integrity of the Metaverse.

I have been trying to come to grips with this myself. I am concerned that the possibility exists that the formulaic process used to consistently win in a short time produces similar game files. Without specific info on what comprises the data flow to Stardock when one submits, everything we do is mere speculation which is further colored by our own feelings as those involved are our friends. It just makes my head hurt

Terl, welcome back, Brother. I've missed you.

Me too... I hope to be on more regularly now.

[Message Edited]

#13731  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/22/2004 11:41:00 AM

Me too... I hope to be on more regularly now.

Great you have been greatly missed.

I'm going to cut back my GalCiv activity for a bit

Great I can finally catch up

#13732  by Veteran the 3rd child - 6/22/2004 12:29:58 PM


#13733  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/22/2004 5:37:51 PM

I asked this the other day so maybe there is no hot key for "done". I know "enter" key = "turn". But is there a key to get rid of all the multipul windows for "done" or "next". Such a key could knock 3 or 4 minutes off my game time

#13734  by Citizen loopcub - 6/22/2004 6:16:10 PM

I asked this the other day so maybe there is no hot key for "done". I know "enter" key = "turn". But is there a key to get rid of all the multipul windows for "done" or "next". Such a key could knock 3 or 4 minutes off my game time

Do not know.

#13735  by Citizen loopcub - 6/22/2004 6:18:25 PM

I am now a Rear Admiral

#13736  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/22/2004 6:22:15 PM

am now a Rear Admiral

Congrats Rear admiral loopcub.

#13737  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/22/2004 6:33:52 PM

Congrats Rear admiral loopcub.

Indeed, congrats are in order

#13738  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/22/2004 6:34:50 PM

Naqmir, you have already played 63 games this month about 3 times what you played last month. Keep this up and there is going to be an investigation

#13739  by Veteran Theoden of Rohan - 6/22/2004 7:56:25 PM

Hello Guardians!

Real life is pretty busy for me right now. I've had several meetings in the evening so I haven't had much time for GalCiv. I hope that changes soon. I really need to take my frustrations out on the Yor. As a matter of fact, I think in my next game I'll Terror Star every single system in salute to Loth and Renegade. Uninhabited, inhabited, any system that flips to me, everybody except my own. The sound of the explosions makes me feel better.

I want to congratulate everyone who is still active for sticking it out. As Greldon was always fond of saying, "Endeavour to Persevere". Welcome to our new member as well. I'm sorry I have been lax on updating the website to reflect everyone's achievements, but the events of the past week have really knocked the wind out of my sails. Hopefully I'll get to that sometime soon.

For Honor and Justice

#13740  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/22/2004 8:08:11 PM

Theoden did you not specify your need for 24 hour internet access while working. Are you sure the whole operation is not just a front for the Yor.

#13741  by Citizen Naqmir - 6/22/2004 9:07:07 PM

Naqmir, you have already played 63 games this month about 3 times what you played last month. Keep this up and there is going to be an investigation

Its more than 63.The alt meta isnt showing my AP1.50 games. And if they ask its all because ive been in school and starting the 4th I was out.More time = more games.

#13742  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/22/2004 9:26:35 PM

And if they ask its all because ive been in school and starting the 4th I was out

Duly noted.

Any diference from 1.49 besides the scoring bug and score profile. Any change in your game scores noticed. I thought maybe they would notch back the alliance scores.

#13743  by Citizen Naqmir - 6/22/2004 9:48:05 PM

I havent really noticed any major changes.

#13744  by Citizen loopcub - 6/22/2004 11:04:08 PM

I haven't had much time for GalCiv. I hope that changes soon.

Me too. the workers are back. but in a week they will be go and AP will be here.

Congrats Rear admiral loopcub.

Thank you

#13745  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 6/22/2004 11:56:05 PM

Hello Guardians. Nice to see that there are still people here, even after what has transpired. I am sorry to see what has happened, and I just wish this could have been less public.

#13746  by Citizen Naqmir - 6/23/2004 10:21:02 AM

Thanx VoT

10 hours without a post.Thats got to be a record or something.

Congrats Loopcub on your promotion.

#13747  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/23/2004 12:01:59 PM

Well I boomed a couple late last night and moved into 20th and am 1 game away from passing two more players.

#13748  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/23/2004 12:24:42 PM


i am finished.....
WOoooo -hooooooooooooooo!!!
No exams, just one un important very easy one, no worries about that one...
Now what i have to do is to wait until 19th of August to get my results...
And from tomorrow i am starting full-time job again..
I'll try my best to play some games and not to try to get under the suspicion of Stardock for cheating.. Fu**ers!!!

#13749  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/23/2004 1:00:19 PM

i am finished..... WOoooo -hooooooooooooooo!!!

Way to go Attila.

Enjoy your freedom.

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