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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#13825  by Citizen Evil Druid - 6/25/2004 2:13:08 AM

See the middle of page 1. We could of had 4 Guardians in a row but there is always some Qwerk to ruin it

#13826  by Veteran Terl - 6/25/2004 6:18:02 AM

My person opinion is: salute! to Renegade for discovering a true weakness of the game process. Maybe Stardock should pay him for his patented process and fix it

Using an outside editor to change the game is not an inherent flaw in GalCiv. It is merely a method to artificially inflate scores and allow the submission to the metaverse....long way of saying cheat.....

#13827  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/25/2004 6:29:00 AM

long way of saying cheat

Terl, if he changed the game, yes, I agree with you. I don't think he changed the game data. Just the way it is played. Due to a weakness of the game design, allowing moded polical parties to have the same name as a default part, the process change allowed the game to get confused. There are several fixes to this problem. Don't allow mods to have the same name as defaults, or, as PP said, embed the originally selected party and its characteristics in the same game and don't reload it from the mod folder at restart time.
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#13828  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/25/2004 6:29:32 AM

Good morning...

#13829  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/25/2004 6:30:56 AM

Good morning

Good morning Attila. I am off to work. Have to go make a presentation at DARPA this morning on some neat stuff on unmanned autonomous vehicles.

#13830  by Veteran Terl - 6/25/2004 6:33:30 AM

I don't think he changed the game data.

He started with one political party with absurd bonuses. He played up to the end. He used an outside editor at that point to change the data of that political party to win the game and to ensure the score would not be flagged. This is CHEATING plain and simple.

I enjoyed the For Honor and Justice slogan of this empire. Honor has no gray area. Perhaps, I am in the wrong place if there is such overwhelming support of Renegade's tactics.

#13831  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/25/2004 6:34:29 AM

Good Luck Weyr!...
I am off to work a bit later in the evening...I dont particularly like late shifts anymore...

#13832  by Citizen NewfyScotian - 6/25/2004 6:57:37 AM

He started with one political party with absurd bonuses. He played up to the end. He used an outside editor at that point to change the data of that political party to win the game and to ensure the score would not be flagged. This is CHEATING plain and simple.

I agree. People try to colour it differently but what he did is cheating.

The funny thing is, this is not how he was caught cheating. This is the cheat that he admitted to. He was caught modifying the GAME ID to submit one game as many games.
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#13833  by Veteran Terl - 6/25/2004 7:07:39 AM

He was caught modifying the GAME ID to submit one game as many games.

Per Stardock (Frogboy's post): We don't know precisely how they did this (hex editor, decompiler, etc.) but the only things that would appear different in the game were the gameID and sometimes the first researched tech. Otherwise, it was still the same map, the same enemies, the same everything.

This alludes to many possibilities, not merely the one you cite. Bottom line: He cheated. He may have used the method he described and not a hex editor, but cheat is cheat.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to keep all hacks out of a game as there is always someone looking for the easy route. And there is always someone, somewhere who wants to run with the big boys of the pack badly enough to resort to less than honorable tactics to become one of the group. I am happy Stardock is enforcing the standards. I hope they learn from this and shut down even more of the possibilities. I have long thought that only unmodded games should be allowed to be posted anyway, otherwise the level playing field is nonexistent.

#13834  by Citizen Weyrleader - 6/25/2004 7:15:56 AM

He used an outside editor at that point to change the data of that political party to win the game and to ensure the score would not be flagged.

Actually, he had created a mod with the same name as the politcal party in the game. He did not, according to his words, edit the party in the game itself. Once the mod is created, all you have to do is rename it so that it is not selected as the political party you started out with. Mods are not hacks to a game. The diplomats have a pol party that gives very good bonuses and negative war related bonus so that the AI won't choose it. Quite a few people use that mod. Some claim it reduces the time to play a masso game.

#13835  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/25/2004 7:19:41 AM

I have long thought that only unmodded games should be allowed to be posted anyway, otherwise the level playing field is nonexistent.

Well here i disagree Terl! Most of the mods just brighten the game up a little bit... mods like new TG or Events, i personally grab lots of event mods.. coz i fed up of those that game provides.
Most of the mods are not so bad!

#13836  by Veteran Terl - 6/25/2004 7:21:54 AM

He did not, according to his words, edit the party in the game itself

Interesting. Here are his words: "I started with a political party and like I said before before I allied with the last AI and before the last turn to the election I saved the game and when I restart the game I will use the same political party without the mod, editing the poltical party using galciv writer removing the mod. "

With GalCiv writer involved he seems to be editing his game files to me....for a game in progress. He changed the gameplay rules during the game. Is this so hard for you to see?
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#13837  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/25/2004 7:23:05 AM

Some claim it reduces the time to play a masso game.

Weyr! It does reduces time... but if only u are playing the alliance victories... well you can see by the mods its so not militaristic!
This mod reduced my playing time by half an hour! Now i am down to an hour per game... And as i told yesterday that was the fastest and biggest Meta points i got... i just hope now it wasnt something illigal!

#13838  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 6/25/2004 7:24:57 AM

I enjoyed the For Honor and Justice slogan of this empire. Honor has no gray area. Perhaps, I am in the wrong place if there is such overwhelming support of Renegade's tactics.

Terl, Please don't even kid around about leaving. The Guardians are fragile right now, especially with the loss of Greldon and Loth. We need you. We need to pull together as Guardians if the empire is to survive. I agree with you that Renegades tactics have crossed over the line from cheese to cheat. Weryleader is passionate in his defense of Loth, which I quite understand. He is also entitled to his opinion barring an offical ruling by Stardock, which I think is part of his point. I don't want to see this degenerate into a "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin" arguement.

Terl, sorry if this is addressing you more than the point, but I am in a hurry because I am late for work and don't have time to edit this post better. Will try to be more even handed if I have time at the office... just scared me with your remark about leaving. I find that I am in danger of whining "Why can't we all just get along?"

More soon...

#13839  by Veteran Terl - 6/25/2004 7:25:56 AM

Mods are not hacks to a game. The diplomats have a pol party that gives very good bonuses and negative war related bonus so that the AI won't choose it. Quite a few people use that mod. Some claim it reduces the time to play a masso game.

True...but changing the parameters of the mod while in the middle game is a hack and nothing more.

#13840  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/25/2004 7:29:49 AM

True...but changing the parameters of the mod while in the middle game is a hack and nothing more.


But the only fact that missing here is that Stardock erased Renegades scores claiming he modified ID numbers or something... he didn't do it! so he is not guilty as been charged!

#13841  by Diplomat Peace Phoenix - 6/25/2004 7:31:07 AM

With GalCiv writer involved he seems to be editing his game files to me....for a game in progress. He changed the gameplay rules during the game. Is this so hard for you to see?

I guess meaning of words are important here: Renegade use GalCiv Writer to edit pol party, one of the files used by the game. But he hasn't edited the savegame file.

So what are game files? Savegames or all the files used by Galciv?

And I agree that what have done Renegade, playing a game that should raise the anomalous flag and few turns before submission, changing files in order not to raise it when submitting, is cheating.
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#13842  by Veteran Terl - 6/25/2004 7:32:00 AM

Weryleader is passionate in his defense of Loth

Lothmorg is a different story. I do not know anything behind his tactics as he is not talking. I do question though the vehement defense of Renegade.

To me honor is honor. There are no gray areas. I truly have no problem with mods, as said they do enhance gameplay and change it to keep things interesting. I do not agree with introducing a mod and then changing the parameters mid/end/during the game to gain the upper hand. I have great difficulties playing maso. I do not enjoy it. I love playing at normal so that is what I am doing.

Terl, Please don't even kid around about leaving.

The statement was put out there to see if I were alone in my thinking with regard to Renegade's tactics. I have no problem with cheese (the long term bribes and such, those are built in) but I do take issue with Renegade's tactics. If I were alone in my ideals, I would have had no choice but to leave as the standards would have proven to be unacceptable to me.

#13843  by Veteran Terl - 6/25/2004 7:35:24 AM

But the only fact that missing here is that Stardock erased Renegades scores claiming he modified ID numbers or something... he didn't do it! so he is not guilty as been charged!

Please see my other post. Stardock mentioned a variety of possibilities. I feel if they are too specific unveiling their capabilities it would just announce to all what could be done in the future to fly under the radar. IMHO he was charged with cheating and as evidenced by his admission and disclosure of his tactics he is guilty as charged.

#13844  by Citizen _Attila_ - 6/25/2004 7:46:31 AM

Alrighty! Terl, calm down! In any words i am on your side.... i am just triing to smooth down this all thing... i see i am worthless...

Its been agreed by most of us he was cheeting, not cheesing (some may think cheesing,but in a very BAD way!!)

#13845  by Veteran Terl - 6/25/2004 8:10:11 AM

Alrighty! Terl, calm down!

I am calm.... quite so, actually...

i see i am worthless

Not true at all....

#13846  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 6/25/2004 11:39:56 AM

Well, I don't think by any means what Renegade did was right, but he DID find a hole in the game data. Something that needed to be done. So by some extremely twisted version of reality, what Renegade did was very good and very wrong at the same time.

#13847  by Veteran Terl - 6/25/2004 12:19:22 PM

Well, I don't think by any means what Renegade did was right, but he DID find a hole in the game data. Something that needed to be done. So by some extremely twisted version of reality, what Renegade did was very good and very wrong at the same time.

Oh good Lord.... He did not find a hole, he hacked one. And the version of reality would be quite twisted...same theory new scenario to the extreme..."Gee, of course I shot 57 people downtown, but, on the good side, you know that it can be done...."

#13848  by Citizen damoose - 6/25/2004 12:21:30 PM


And ED... She is also the lead programmer for the game.

#13849  by Citizen damoose - 6/25/2004 12:34:18 PM

My one and only comment on the issue.


A cheat is a cheat. Period. Doesn't matter how, what, why or where. Don't dress it up. Don't claim that because some error/mistake/hole was found that would otherwise not have been found, that it somehow makes the cheat less of a cheat.

Any 'good/gain' that was aquired by using a cheat, is forever tainted by the fact a cheat was used.
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