As for the night shift, if my memory was correct it was mainly littlewotts, who now has a job and cant spend hours at night on the forume |
I work a shift that kicks my butt so I don't spenfd a lot oftime here like i should.
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btw, i just got back froma local watering hole
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Jaws The Wayfarer's score has been sinking like a stone since he stopped submitting (down to 860K from 1,200K), but the scores of Free Tibet, JaxomCA, & Amulek have remained the same. |
Looks like Jaws was the only one who was hit by a recalc. I don't know why.
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Morning, Weyrleader
Are we worn out, busy with real life, no longer interested. nothing to say? Pick one, add one. |
I'm still hanging in there. My RL job requires periods of me going on site, which curtails how much I can be on the forum during the day. So, my activity grows and wains in response. The last several weeks has been one of those "on-site" times. Also, I think that I have reached a point where I don't want to play GalCiv 5 times a week like I once did. So, that explains me - partially at least. I have more to discuss on this, but once again, it's time to get to work. I'll be checking in throughout the weekend. That's another part of it. The weekends have been dead around here (not even undead, just dead!).
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Well, I did have a dream about galciv last night. I played like 4 games. Perhaps it's a sign of things to come this weekend.
With summer coming on, I've been outside a lot more and it kills my forum time. While I was laid-off, I spent a lot of time around here. Terl used to post alot from work, but he's become rather busy there. I am curious to know what happend to GtR, MD, MC, and some of the the other who posted here. They did leave their email addresses at the SH, perhaps we should drop them a line and ask them come back?
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by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/2/2004 1:12:38 PM
I know that real life is , well, real life. I sent and email to those that I haven't seen in a while, including our leader . Hope he takes that in good humor.
True, but one must take comfort that there are still a few old ones to haunt the place. Not like they all went away. A lot have, though. |
Gerakken is correct, there are still a few around, and we value you highly
I know that something I check in from work for a few moments between proposal writing and other inane things I am asked to do, but don't always post. So, there are probably some lurkers out there as well that we never see, but we can "feel" them
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Unfortunately, Wehrleader I think that the Guardians are seeing the first signs of the malais that has hit every other 1st place empire. But as long as your emperor stays active, others will join and liven up the joint. The empires that really stagnated are the ones that lost their emperors.
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And here's a BOOM!! Gave a nice score boost too.
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Evening, GH. Hope your day went well. |
Thanks, it did Brought a new network install to conclusion. They are already talking about adding features, too. My kind of client. I would much rather be putting in new stuff than patching together old equiptment!
Hope you also had a fine day to end the week with.
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Well, with the long weekend here, and three of my brother Guardians in close support, it's time to begin my assult on the position being held by the Iron Paw.
I'll check in later.
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Great, Littlewotts. Hope to see you up on page 1 soon. |
Thanks! I'll see what I can do.
Hello GH!
I do this alot too so there is probably always a Guardian here at some point they just dont post. |
I do that sometimes too.
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