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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
758 votes
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2- No

Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#14125  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/3/2004 1:03:17 PM

This is just an early reward for reaching page one. When I get up in the morning, I expect to see you there with me.

I'll make sure I get there tomorrow.

#14126  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/3/2004 1:33:53 PM

Ok, anyone who wants to receive Jester's Corner, please post here or Email me. I haven't been sending it since Lothmorg left as he was on the mailing list and I assume he probably doesn't want to think about galciv or anything connected to it.

#14127  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/3/2004 2:18:08 PM

Go ahead and start sending it here again. Email
[Message Edited]

#14128  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/3/2004 2:45:18 PM

Hey, Littlewotts, congrats on reaching the top of page 2

#14129  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 7/3/2004 3:32:58 PM

I just looked at statbot. About 12 of my games that were chaotic evil must now count as pure evil. They must have changed the numeric value for when a game crosses the threshold.

Looks like it, but it's not all "good" for me. Some of my early games, where I was under the delusion that blue was a nice colour, have also changed. I used to have 3PG and 11CG - have now got 10PG and 4CG. Means I have to work even harder to pay my debt to true evilness.

Nice black smilie though GH.

#14130  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/3/2004 4:15:40 PM

My game doesn't submit... played for a 3-4 hours, thats probably the longest game since long time!...
My firewall didn't made any notices...

#14131  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/3/2004 4:18:39 PM

My game doesn't submit...

Attila, did you get any feedback on the submission, or did it just return and when you looked at the score it wasn't there>

#14132  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/3/2004 4:35:45 PM

did you get any feedback on the submission

what kind of feedback you are talking about?

#14133  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/3/2004 4:40:37 PM

Hey, Littlewotts, congrats on reaching the top of page 2


#14134  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/3/2004 5:01:14 PM

what kind of feedback you are talking about?

Attila, I assume that since you asked what kind of feedback, you did not get any. You just submitted the game and everything returned as it usually does? Did it return quicker? Did it say "game cannot be submitted because it is using a custom map or scenaror," or something like that? How do you know your game did no submit - it just did not appear in the list of games?

#14135  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/3/2004 5:36:50 PM

Weyr! No, it as any other game... the only thing i saw it didn't appearedon the list... Dunno why?!

#14136  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/3/2004 5:55:33 PM

the only thing i saw it didn't appearedon the list... Dunno why

Let me ask another question. Did you load a custome map prior to playing this game? If you did, was the custom map one made by Stardock or by someone else, such as yourself?

#14137  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/3/2004 6:43:41 PM

no i play norlmal maps... no maps edited??

#14138  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/3/2004 7:08:06 PM

no i play norlmal maps...

Just interested in if one was loaded. Doesn't matter if it was played or not. A custom map will set a flag that won't let the any games after that load be submitted without resetting the custom map to "none" and then selecting the size of map you want to use. But, this usually results in a message as alluded to above in a previous post the tells you it is a non-authorized map.

There is still one possibility. Did you change the "nickname" selection when you submitted the game? This really should be labled "player" and it is the player name (see you account info for your player name. Mine for example is dgperry and my nickname is weyrleader. When I submit it has to be under the player name dgperry and my email address Email. If you changed either of these it will appear to have submitted but will not show up.

Suggest you send the saveendgame.sav to Email and ask her to see if the game was submitted properly under you player name and email address. She usually responds fairly quickly. By the way, if you chose the wrong name, you have to edit the windos registry to get rid of that particualr name (or always remember to select the correct one before you submit). You also cannot resubmit the game under the correct name as the Meta knows that that game ID has already been submitted.

#14139  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/3/2004 8:32:34 PM

Well, there must be something else wrong now with the Meta as it won't accept my just played games. That is, it accepted it but it doesn't show up or affect the score. Must be the samei problem that Attila above saw.

#14140  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/3/2004 8:57:01 PM

I just put in a game...but then I'm still using 1.49. Also, that knocked me into the Top 25!!

#14141  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/3/2004 9:11:11 PM

Also, that knocked me into the Top 25!

#14142  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/3/2004 9:19:42 PM

And I think that sets a new Meta record with 8 members of one empire on the first page.

#14143  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/3/2004 9:24:59 PM

And I think that sets a new Meta record with 8 members of one empire on the first page.

WTG littlewotts!

Actually, it ties it. For a brief span of days in June we had it - right at the end of GvE ED made it in, and then came Black Friday when we lost Loth.

#14144  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/3/2004 9:28:57 PM

Looks like it, but it's not all "good" for me. Some of my early games, where I was under the delusion that blue was a nice colour, have also changed. I used to have 3PG and 11CG - have now got 10PG and 4CG. Means I have to work even harder to pay my debt to true evilness. Nice black smilie though GH.

Sorry to hear it didn't do as much for you. I think I did end up with a couple of games that moved "up" as well, but more moved the right way for me.

I also had not committed to the dark path in the first month, but I was only trying to stay neutral.

#14145  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/3/2004 9:32:52 PM

Actually, it ties it. For a brief span of days in June we had it - right at the end of GvE ED made it in, and then came Black Friday when we lost Loth.

Ahh, yes you are right. Well, I guess we need to get to nine. Come on up everyone!

#14146  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/3/2004 9:35:41 PM

Ahh, yes you are right. Well, I guess we need to get to nine. Come on up everyone!

Still, it's good to reconfirm eight. Kind of removes part of the stain of Black Friday.

#14147  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/3/2004 9:49:07 PM

Kind of removes part of the stain of Black Friday.


#14148  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/3/2004 9:52:32 PM

Kind of removes part of the stain of Black Friday.

I hope we can put that day far behind us. I exchanged email with MD on Thursday and he said he would try to get back, but he was having real difficulty. I suggested that sometimes the best thing to do after falling off a horse is to get up and get back on. I hope we will see him after the holiday.

#14149  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/3/2004 9:57:51 PM

I hope we will see him after the holiday.

That would be great.

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