Hey guys just checking in for a sec. I'm in FL still with HSL-44 (a helicopter squadron) mostly just watching the pilots and asking questions, hopefully I'll get to fly with them next week. Hope all is going well with the guardians, I should be back around the 20th, 'til then
For Honor and Justice!
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Weyr, you are registering at Link right?
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Morning Guardians!
I see it was a quiet night. Anyone lurking around?
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Morning Attila and Weyrleader!
Could it be? Could I have a nice quiet day at the office? Well, the morning is still young...
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Ok, where you were trying to register Weyr was the chat room, which is being odd at the moment so that's why you couldn't register. I thought you were registering at the Embassy proper. I am not sure what you mean by this:
But I tried there and I get the message saying the control item was not what was typed in. I cannot type anything in that slot anyway, it is filled in by the website. |
Try hitting the "register" text at the top of the screen in the middle/right. That should register you as a new user when you fill out the information. If not, its a bug and I'll get it fixed.
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Ok Weyr. Two things. Could you get screenshots of this for us? That way we can fix this.
Also, I can still get you an account. Login as "Test" and password "test" (capitalization needed) and feel free to modify that to you by clicking on profile and changing things from there. Its already set up, you can change the name and info all you want. So you can still get in. Also, could you send the screenshots to my e-mail? Email This way we can get you in and fix the apparent bug.
Thanks Weyr and sorry about the problems.
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Ok Weyr. Your registration is active. And I will see about changing the wording to make it more clear.
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I believe that is ultimately up to Theoden. He will decide what happens I believe.
Speaking of whom, where is Theoden? Its been a few days since I've seen him.
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