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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#14550  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/17/2004 1:03:39 PM

keep it down would you

Next time I will cover the Booms with moose hide to soften the noice for you ED. Hope this will help and maybe keep the moose population down

#14551  by Citizen Evil Druid - 7/17/2004 2:08:42 PM

Next time I will cover the Booms with moose hide to soften the noice for you ED

I do know where there is some nice moose hide.

#14552  by Citizen quiksilverhg - 7/17/2004 2:32:40 PM


Nice little 14k boost to put me in 32nd place...first page here I come

#14553  by Citizen Evil Druid - 7/17/2004 2:42:47 PM

first page here I come

They don't call him quik for nothing

Heading up to my trailer again for a few days. Catch up with you on my return. Please take care of my share of the Yor for me.

#14554  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/17/2004 3:13:58 PM

Nice little 14k boost to put me in 32nd place...first page here I come

Come on up, Quick, we need more Guardians on page 1

#14555  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/17/2004 3:54:43 PM

we need more Guardians on page 1

Almost Done! #28

Ough and almost forgotten BooM!!

#14556  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 7/17/2004 4:13:17 PM

we need more Guardians on page 1

not realy, but more Jedi

#14557  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/17/2004 4:16:08 PM

Two more Guardians on the front page would give us 10 Guardians on the front page. Hopefully Attila and Quick will soon join us to make that 10 a reality.

#14558  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/17/2004 4:16:41 PM

but more Jedi

What's a Jedi?

#14559  by Citizen Lordadmiral Atlan - 7/17/2004 4:22:58 PM

*A man clad in a black robe enters the stage*

What's a Jedi?

They are called to be mighty warriors, whan they are not meditating.

*As surprising as he appeared he disappeared again*

#14560  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/17/2004 4:28:38 PM

They are called to be mighty warriors, whan they are not meditating.

Haven't seen many of them around - they must meditate a lot. Is thst sort of like sleeping in church?

#14561  by Citizen Greldon - 7/17/2004 7:00:22 PM


Only got 9,205 mpts for this one....guess I'll wait a couple days before submitting another game, and see what happens.

For Honor and Justice!

#14562  by Citizen damoose - 7/18/2004 4:04:36 AM

moose hide to soften

Nice... really really nice Weyr.

I do know where there is some nice moose hide.

And ED...

#14563  by Citizen damoose - 7/18/2004 4:07:09 AM

Is thst sort of like sleeping in church

#14564  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/18/2004 7:20:08 AM

Good morning Guardians. Here is a soft early morning BOOM! - softend by wrapping it in moose hide

#14565  by Citizen damoose - 7/18/2004 7:26:20 AM

#14566  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/18/2004 9:45:34 AM

Good Afternoon everyone...

#14567  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/18/2004 1:32:11 PM

Hey all! I'm back.

#14568  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/18/2004 1:37:41 PM

Welcome back, Littlewotts. Good Afternoon, Attila. Snacks are wanted over in the cript

#14569  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/18/2004 4:54:17 PM

for the late one and stepping on #27, finaly i step over Kazz! Woo-hoo!

#14570  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/18/2004 6:31:16 PM

Hello all. Even this place seems subdued.

Nice to see Greldon back once again. Perhaps things will pick back up, but it is good to see you around again. So many not around even from when I started. Quite sad to see.

Just dropping by.

#14571  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/18/2004 6:35:34 PM

Just dropping by

Thanks for stoping by, VoT. We always enjoy it when the Diplomats peak in to see what is happening

Yes, things are defenitly subdued this weekend. Lot of people off for the weekend to the lakes, mountains, etc, enjoying the real life.

Our major concern, as I see it expressed in other empires, is absense of the founding leaders of the empires. Diplomats have a similar problem as do others. Hard to function without a clear line of authority when the boss is gone.

#14572  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/18/2004 7:08:48 PM

Hard to function without a clear line of authority when the boss is gone.

It Bloody is... and thats why we have to start our "revolution" if i can call it that way?!
I guess its about the time to purpose new Guardian Knights and elect them by the next week... As our emperor havent answered to the e-mails sent by us... its dissapointing that he cannot be with us, but i am sure he is having some nice reason for it (maybe holidays or malfunctioning of all PCs which are related to Galciv ) ...
And he comes Prime Minister has to be elected from the Knights, who could 100% substitude him and update our home page... which i think is quite important, atleast it is for me!

Our major concern is absense of the founding leaders of the empires.

And as our secondary concern is atracting all those new members and not just members to Ravens Claw... to liven it up!

#14573  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/18/2004 8:59:43 PM

loopcub PMed me at the Embassy and wanted me to say that he's lurking here, but cannot post.

#14574  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/18/2004 9:02:01 PM

Hey loopcub, when I cannot post I kill the browser and start it up again. Then I can post. Try it.

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