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Do you still think GalCiv 1 is fun even with GalCiv II out?
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Raven's Claw (The Galactic Guardians Empire Thread)
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#14575  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/18/2004 9:34:34 PM

enough of me for today...
Good night lads, see you all tomorrow!

#14576  by Citizen littlewotts_ - 7/18/2004 9:41:07 PM

Nite mate.

#14577  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/19/2004 12:54:25 AM

BTW, from our Guardian Halls, I quote Theoden:

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 1:33 pm Post subject:

If we were to move, we'd need to make sure everyone was informed of it.

I'm for moving it myself, but don't want anyone to come here and not find any of us, thinking we were no longer using it.

So, I think we could start planning our move. We would need to post a announcement at the top of the Guardian Halls page stating that we moved and a link to the new Halls, preferably in large font. Also, lock down the page so we don't have new posts. Maybe Alex could grant us the ability to do this, or take care of this for us. Then we need the Diplomats to grant someone (or multiple someones - like all the Guardian Knights) the ability to set up the site on their boards and authorize members to access and post there. Finally, the link on our own website will need updated - Alex again, I imagine. While we are at it, perhaps Alex could grant us the ability to update that site as well. Oh, and we should get a post ready to announce the move over in the general forum. Not a recruitment, as per the rules banning such things, just informative.

As for the Prime Minister position, I'm still not sure I want to see it. I think the way things are right now, I would prefer mulitple people having access and ability to move things along. We could appoint a PM and wind up right back where we are now in a few months if the new PM lost interest. If, however, the PM were simply a position elected for a time (maybe even a term) that carried out the will of the Conclave and the Guardians at large, that would be better in my book. I think that this might sit better with Theoden and some of the old timers as well if they ever returned. That could also give us each a chance to take a swing at the job if we wanted. Just my .02bcs.

I am in very much in favor of new Guardian Knights. How many and how soon?

#14578  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/19/2004 5:06:29 AM

I am in very much in favor of new Guardian Knights. How many and how soon?

Perhaps one of the duties of the Guardian Knights is to serve as a council that make decisions by vote, including electing a PM who would make tie-breaking decisions. That way the PM could serve a term and either be reelected or let someone else serve a term - but all with in the council. This would help guarentee that the PM was active. The council could also remove the PM is he were to become inactive during his term.

#14579  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/19/2004 5:26:24 AM

How many and how soon?

3+ New Guardian Knights, as i incount about 3 of them not active or appering realy rarely...and ASAP probably by the end of next week we shpuld get them elected

This would help guarentee that the PM was active. The council could also remove the PM is he were to become inactive during his term.

And How about that a first PM and hopefully the last would be an appointee of Theodens?

#14580  by Veteran Terl - 7/19/2004 6:10:37 AM

3+ New Guardian Knights, as i incount about 3 of them not active or appering realy rarely...and ASAP probably by the end of next week we shpuld get them elected

As one of the "missing" Guardian Knights, I agree with this. Theoden has been very busy with his new job. Greldon has RL issues he is working through. As for me, sorry to say, I have gotten wrapped up in other games and have not been playing GalCiv much. I also did much of my posting from work, on and off, and work has been quite busy after layoffs a few months back and the acquisition of new clients. I apologize for my absence from these forums. I do visit often though I may not always post....

#14581  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/19/2004 8:03:08 AM

We were at 6 when the active membership was in the high 20's. We are now at 44, and lost Lothmorg from the list. Also, 3 of the remaining 5 are either inactive or at a low level of activity. I don't think 10 total would be unreasonable, but I could be convinced of as many as 12, considering the activity level of those already on the list. That means at least 5 new Knights. How does this sound to everyone?

Perhaps one of the duties of the Guardian Knights is to serve as a council that make decisions by vote, including electing a PM who would make tie-breaking decisions. That way the PM could serve a term and either be reelected or let someone else serve a term - but all with in the council. This would help guarentee that the PM was active. The council could also remove the PM is he were to become inactive during his term

Yes, this is what I had in mind as well. I think by doing it this way, we get what we need in terms of active leadership, but still maintain the original chain of authority established by the Emperor.

#14582  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/19/2004 8:58:18 AM

That means at least 5 new Knights. How does this sound to everyone?

I dont mind as i said, 3+ before... i think thats very reasonable.

#14583  by Citizen Genghis Hank - 7/19/2004 9:11:56 AM

Mag just retired!

Mag, talk to us. What's up?

#14584  by Citizen _Attila_ - 7/19/2004 9:18:06 AM

I know i have just noticed that myself, i was wondering did i missed something?!!

Mag, what? you dont like our new policies or something?!

#14585  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/19/2004 9:23:06 AM

I noticed that Mag has not submitted for a week or so, but that is not a particularly long time. Be interesting to hear what "retired" means.

In any case, it makes the need for active leadership even more important. If this cannot be done, perhaps we should think about alternatives.

#14586  by Citizen Magnumaniac - 7/19/2004 10:23:57 AM

Hi folks, "retired" means just that - no more games!

I thought on Friday that I should get a game or 2 in over the weekend to keep things chugging along, but couldn't raise enough interest to even start one. When that happens, it is obviously time to call it a day.

I'll still be around the forums, and posting here - I've got, so I need to keep abreast with what's going on.

Theoden's lack of communication is a bit worrying. The Guardian Knight election is well overdue - it was first suggested 3 weeks ago in the Knight's forum and Theoden agreed and said he'd set a poll up when he got time.

Greldon, Terl, and Littlewotts... can you guys drop your thoughts on a way forward in Honor Halls, and maybe we can do something pending Theoden's return.

#14587  by Veteran Terl - 7/19/2004 10:41:43 AM

I thought on Friday that I should get a game or 2 in over the weekend to keep things chugging along, but couldn't raise enough interest to even start one. When that happens, it is obviously time to call it a day.

I've been having the same difficulties. I figure I'll be back after a break from playing....

Greldon, Terl, and Littlewotts... can you guys drop your thoughts on a way forward in Honor Halls, and maybe we can do something pending Theoden's return.

I do agree that we need to move forward. Our website is one thing...we would need Theoden for changes to that, either to allow someone else to update it or whatever. As for the Guardian Knight elections, can Alex help getting someone the authority to set up a poll? We could also use that to decide to move with the Diplomats. In Theoden's absence, perhaps an election of a PM, as was suggested, is in order to hold things together whilst the King is away on his crusade.... uh-oh.... anyone want to be Prince John I do not think Theoden would mind. Whoever is chosen would of course be sending him an email so he knew what was going on....

#14588  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/19/2004 10:51:58 AM

Wait, nobody can start a poll over in the Senate Halls? Oh, right I remember now. Do you want me to see if one of you can get a status that would let you make a poll, or would you rather wait for Theoden?

I kinda forgot that nobody can make a poll over there, since the Embassy is different.

And I assume you don't want to simply start a new forum over at the Embassy because you want new elections to see if you want a new forum and new temporary leader, correct?

#14589  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/19/2004 10:52:03 AM

Mumble, [waves hand]BAH![/waves hand]
[Message Edited]

#14590  by Veteran Terl - 7/19/2004 10:54:26 AM

Wait, nobody can start a poll over in the Senate Halls? Oh, right I remember now. Do you want me to see if one of you can get a status that would let you make a poll, or would you rather wait for Theoden?

That would be great. Can you set that up?

#14591  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/19/2004 10:58:26 AM

Whoever is chosen would of course be sending him an email so he knew what was going on....

Not sure he is even reading his emails. I have sent him two email, the last on to both of the email address in the tread at the Hall. No reponse.

#14592  by Citizen Weyrleader - 7/19/2004 11:01:00 AM

And I assume you don't want to simply start a new forum over at the Embassy because you want new elections to see if you want a new forum and new temporary leader, correct?


#14593  by Veteran Terl - 7/19/2004 11:02:27 AM

Not sure he is even reading his emails. I have sent him two email, the last on to both of the email address in the tread at the Hall. No reponse.

Same here, actually. For other Knights: I have posted in the Senate Halls some ideas.

#14594  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/19/2004 2:20:48 PM

Ok, as littlewotts has already had polling ability in the Knights chamber, as I sort of understand from Slothrop, he gave littlewotts has the ability to create polls elsewhere now too. This also stems from that littlewotts had already asked me to give him that ability, as I couldn't, I sent him over to Slothrop. Of course, if this sequence of events was actually causing something to click over in my head, this could have been solved days ago.

I'm assuming that something about that statement makes sense. Because it doesn't to me. Long of the short, littlewotts can create polls. If needed, I guess we can give that ability to someone else. This has actually been done for about a day, so again, nothing is clicking in my head.

I am now going to try to get something to work in there.

#14595  by Veteran Grand_Admiral_Thrawn - 7/19/2004 2:21:00 PM

That is the second straight time it did that! I hit it once! Crappy internet.
[Message Edited]

#14596  by Veteran Icho Tolot - 7/19/2004 2:33:12 PM

A short massage for Attila:
Its your turn to play the SG evil team

#14597  by Citizen Slothrop Master of V-2s - 7/19/2004 4:47:32 PM

I think...

#14598  by Citizen Slothrop Master of V-2s - 7/19/2004 4:47:49 PM

it just...

#14599  by Citizen Slothrop Master of V-2s - 7/19/2004 4:48:11 PM

might be...

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